作者muteheart (orz)
标题[EVP ] 4th meeting - Speech Workshop!
时间Tue Oct 26 03:02:12 2010
Dear all,
Our fourth regular meeting is gonna be held on
Oct. 27th (Wed) 19:00.
However, as attractive and colorful as last week, we invite an outstanding
Toastmasters again!!!
Lester Lin, the
champion of District Contest, which
he's the one of the best IE in Taiwan, is going to have an IE workshop.
Moreover, he's even going to have an individual evalustion as a demostration!!
And you might ask, who's the lucky star to be evaluated by Lester Lin!!??
It's the person who will deliver
the first A1 speech in NCCU TM history,
Ping Wang! Every members in NCCU TM shouldn't miss this meeting! Go Go Go!!
Come to
join and witness this memorable event together!!!
Best regards,
Jeremy Chu
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: muteheart 来自: (10/26 03:04)
1F:推 rubya94:这次社课好刺激唷 !!! 10/26 12:45
2F:推 icute:oh~Ping超越我了!我明晚要去北京这边的TM~再跟大家分享喔:) 10/26 17:43
3F:→ icute:Go go Ping!!! 我也好想知道你到底要讲甚麽故事喔~~~ 10/26 17:44
4F:推 serval0502:Hi Gina~~好期待你去北京那边TM的故事 :) 10/26 18:01
5F:→ icute: 我很不刚好地错过了这边的fall conference(烟) 10/26 18:05
6F:→ otterheron:哈阿ping已经超越我两倍了XD 10/26 20:27
7F:推 serval0502:那边的Fall Con这麽早阿~是因为比较快秋天吗??:P 10/26 21:34
8F:→ otterheron:今天新闻说中国北边的省分已经入冬了(都下雪了) 10/26 21:36
9F:→ muteheart:Gina用什麽<烟>啊实在很趣味XD 10/27 00:26
10F:→ otterheron:去一趟中国变老烟枪? 10/27 17:45
11F:推 otterheron:阿...今天second round好快就结束搂... 10/27 22:32
12F:→ otterheron:每次礼拜三都想聊天聊到天昏地暗! 10/27 22:33
13F:推 rubya94:赞赞赞赞赞赞赞赞赞!!!!!!!!!!! 10/27 23:03
14F:推 amosin:今天难得我有留下来参加second round ><~ 10/27 23:10
15F:推 otterheron:我觉得TM的social时间太少了... 10/27 23:22
16F:推 amosin:噢然後今天非常谢谢大家。 还有Kero的小纸条。><~ 10/27 23:51
17F:→ amosin:很抱歉第一次当helper就闹大笑话。Orz|||||||| 10/27 23:51
18F:推 otterheron:其实我觉得你反应也太快 而且好敬业 10/28 00:02
19F:推 mistfish:我上次当HELPER也有大失误! XD 第一次啊~ 10/28 00:03
20F:推 otterheron:sun你今天没来! 10/28 00:13
21F:→ otterheron:我都有在注意! 10/28 00:13
22F:→ muteheart:我也有发现! (少了一个人可以推销XD) 10/28 00:14
23F:推 mistfish:Jeremy我下次绝对不会靠近你(逃跑) 10/28 00:20
24F:→ mistfish:呜呜我只缺席一次耶 默默决定以後不缺席了(!) 10/28 00:20
25F:推 rubya94:今天很精彩唷,缺席真的QQ了 10/28 01:58
26F:推 ping780310:Wow Gina加油! 在别的地区奖speech一定有奇特感觉! 10/28 12:20
27F:→ ping780310:我的主题是 "New Immigrants" :D Gina go go go!!! 10/28 12:20
28F:→ ping780310:Chris 你一定可以很快赶上我的啦 :D 10/28 12:22
29F:→ ping780310:这次社课完没能参加second round真的好可惜 (我得安慰 10/28 12:23
30F:→ ping780310:忘记通知今天社课会晚结束的女友,她好生气 @@ ) 10/28 12:24
31F:→ ping780310:人脉广罗! 10/28 12:27
32F:→ ping780310:前一行我搞错了....... 10/28 12:28
33F:→ ping780310:我也觉得今天社课很刺激! LE,GE,Mike,Lester都好厉害! 10/28 12:29
34F:→ ping780310:这得归功於Kero人脉广罗! 10/28 12:30
35F:→ ping780310:PS 我也觉得每次的second round很享受! 赞赞赞赞赞! 10/28 12:35
36F:推 otterheron:昨天社课拖那麽久真的是意外 10/28 23:36
37F:→ mistfish:好後悔啊(远望) 10/29 00:31
38F:推 serval0502:现在Chilaya人脉也在拓展罗~这次GE LE都是他的功劳~ 10/30 00:20
39F:推 otterheron:GJ!~! 10/30 07:35