Soliciting Contributions for D67 2005 Fall Convention Journal 秋季大会特刊徵稿启事 Fellow Toastmasters: 亲爱的国际演讲会会友们: Greetings from Marian Hsiao, Division C Governor, and Chair of 2005 District 67 Fall Convention. C部总监兼2005年台湾区秋季大会主席萧敏环向各位问好 The 2005 Fall Convention of District 67 is coming. For this big event, we plan to publish a highly readable and memorable journal that all of you would cherish. And we need your help. Please submit articles that our readers would enjoy reading. The following questions might help you get some ideas for the articles: 1. Do you have any funny stories related to Toastmasters Club that you would like to share with others? 2. Do you have experiences visiting foreign Toastmasters clubs? 3. Who has great influence on you in your Toastmasters career? 4. What have you benefited from the Toastmasters’ training? 5. How did you successfully overcome the tough requirement of Toastmasters training? 6. How do your folks, colleagues, or classmates think about the Toastmasters Club? 2005年秋季大会即将来临,逢此盛会,我们打算出版一本可读性高且值得留念珍惜的特刊 。需要各位多多帮忙。请提供一些读者乐於阅读的文章。 1. 你有没有与国际演讲会相关的趣事想跟大家分享? 2. 你有拜访国外演讲会的经验吗? 3. 在演讲会里谁对你有比较大的影响? 4. 你从演讲会的训练中得到什麽? 5. 你如何成功地克服演沟会的严苛训练要求? 6. 你的家人、同事、和同学对演讲会有何看法? Notes: 注意事项: 1. Language used: English, Chinese, or Japanese 语言:英文、中文、或日文 2. Author’s contact info: personal name, club name, e-mail address, and phone number 作者联络资料:作者姓名、分会名称、电子邮件地址、和联络电话 3. Editing principle: The Fall Convention Publication Team reserves the right to edit the received articles as they see fit. All contributions will be held in privacy and will not be returned if not carried in the publication. 编辑原则:秋季会刊的编辑群保有修改稿件的权利。来稿不对外公开,未经 采用亦不退件。 4. Format: Articles should be typed. 格式:稿件请务必打字 5. Deadline: Friday,September 30, 2005 截稿日期:九月三十日星期五 6. Award: The writers whose articles are accepted will each receive three extra copies of the journal and a secret gift. 奖励:每位稿件被刊登的作者将可多得三份特刊和一份神秘礼物。 7. Mailing: Articles (with or without pictures) should be sent via (1) e-mail or (2) snail mail to the following address: 寄件:投稿(有无照片皆可)请用(1)电子邮件 E-mail Address: [email protected] 电子信箱: [email protected] 或(2)平信寄到以下地址: Ms Michelle Chen DaAn Seniors Center 3F, No. 223, XinHai Road, Sec. 3 Da An District. Taipei 106 台北市大安区辛亥路三段223号3楼 邮递区号:106 大安老人服务中心,陈丽美小姐收 Sincerely, 谨此 Marian Hsiao, Fall Convention Chair 2005年秋季大会主席萧敏环 -- 除了真诚的爱,可以写成诗句 其他,也不想再说。 --

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