Dear all, 哈罗 大家暑假过的如何?虽然Toastmasters在暑假没有meeting,不过我们有任 何outing或是gathering都会通知大家,也会波在版上。大家要去看唷! 另外,这边有一个很棒的活动要介绍给大家,是政大国交中心主办的英语生活体 验营,由外国学生和学生大使共同策划。因为我本身也有参加学生大使,参与了其中的课 程设计,我只能说真的非常好玩。想体验英语学习环境或是美国文化的,赶快来报名。重 点是不用钱。 不过要交保证金五百元,如果懒得上山报名XD,也可以跟我报名喔。(请来电预 约XD) 名额有限,大家要快唷!^_^ --------------------------------------------------------- 暑假一起来 英语生活体验营! 8月1日至8月26日 学生大使和外国学生合作策划一周一主题之生活化互动式『英语生活体验营』 每期为周一至周五 9:30AM~12:30 欢迎政大学生和我们一起免费体验喔! 名额有限,动作要快! 报名地点:国际大楼(原语视中心)五楼 国交中心办公室 报名时间:最晚每期开课前三天 周一至周五8:30-12:00 注意事项:报名需带有效学生证并交保证金新台币500元现金,若未於截止日期前交清费 用则视同放弃。全勤者将於每星期最後一堂课全额领回保证金。 期别 课程期间 报名截止日期 第一期 8/1~8/5 7/29 11AM 第二期 8/8~8/12 8/5 11AM 第三期 8/15~8/19 8/12 11AM 第四期 8/22~8/26 8/19 11AM 本活动为国际教育交流中心(IEE)主办 问题请电29387729陈小姐 2005 English Summer Camp August 1st ~ August 26th From Monday to Friday 9:30AM~12:30 each week, camps will be held for you to experience life in an English-speaking environment, with different themes each week! Open to all NCCU students, FREE! Apply at the IEE Office 5th floor at the International Building Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30AM-12:00AM To apply, please bring your valid student ID and 500NTD deposit, which will be returned to you at the end of each week. Please complete the application process three days before the camp begins. Camp week Date Application deadline Week 1 8/1~8/5 7/29 11AM Week 2 8/8~8/12 8/5 11AM Week 3 8/15~8/19 8/12 11AM Week 4 8/22~8/26 8/19 11AM Brought to you by the Center of International Education and Exchange Questions? Call Lily at 29387729 Sneak Preview! Week 1 Theme: Traveling Did you ever wonder what the world was like, but never got the chance to see it firsthand? Have you ever wanted to travel, but are afraid that you can’t communicate? Well, now you can (at least a little bit) with the English Summer Camp offered by NCCU’s IEE. You will learn about the world around you - interesting cultural facts that you did not know, wonderful destinations to visit, and get a non-Hollywood understanding of how the rest of the world lives. And best of all, you will be able to meet new friends – both foreign and local Taiwanese students – in a completely English-speaking environment! The goal of this camp is to practice your English with interaction and field trips, and also gain a new perspective on traveling. Oh, and most importantly, to have lots of fun while doing it. Remember, every mile brings a new smile时 你想要去旅游,却害怕虽然学过多年的英文,还是无法沟通吗? 别担心!到政大国交中心所举办的『英语生活体验营』,你将会发现各种有趣的旅游知识 ,体验到不同於好莱坞所呈现的西式生活。同时,你将能在完全用英文的环境中认识外国 和本校学生。夏天坐在教室的座位上多沈闷阿,所以我们将以互动式的教学(包括游戏和 郊游)让学生们练习自己的表达能力与得到对旅游全新的视野。最重要的是,将在其中得 到许\多意想不到的乐趣喔! Week 2 Theme: Lifestyles in Taiwan and the West Do you know how we party it up in the West? Ever bargained for the latest Nike sneakers in English? Want to learn some slang and common English expressions? And… what we call stinky tofu? How would you explain that and other Taiwanese curiosities to a Westerner!? Find out more about yourself than what you think you are… use your English and talk with us about modern life in Taiwan’s cities and Western urban areas. “LIFE…speak it UP” 你知道在西方是怎麽PARTY的吗? 哇!是最新一代的NIKE球鞋耶!想用英文讨价还价吗? 想学一些课本上没有的英文俚语吗? 还有,外国人所说的 “Stinky tofu” 是什麽啊? -- 除了真诚的爱,可以写成诗句 其他,也不想再说。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 flabbypig:可惜这次来不及报到 那我就再偷偷加强实力吧^^ 08/04

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