NCCU_Exam 板


课程名称:成本管理会计 课程性质:选修 课程范围:第一章、第二章、第十章 开课教师:王文英 开课学院:会计系 开课系级: 考试日期(年月日): 考试时限(Mins):两个小时 附注: 是学长姊传下来的,因为昨天才刚考过小考,发现里面题目雷同很多, 所以放上来给大家参考。 PS:昨天的考卷被收走了,有机会再上传 试题本文: 一、选择题: 1) Management accounting: A) focuses on estimating future revenues, costs, and other measures to forecast activities and their results B) provides information about the company as a whole C) reports information that has occurred in the past that is verifiable and reliable D) provides information that is generally available only on a quarterly or annual basis 2) Which of the following people is LEAST likely to use management accounting information? A) the controller B) a shareholder evaluating a stock investment C) the treasurer D) an assembly department supervisor 3) Amber Manufacturing provided the following information for last month: Sales $20,000 Variable costs 6,000 Fixed costs 9,000 Operating income $5,000 If sales double next month, what is the projected operating income? A) $10,000 B) $25,000 C) $19,000 D) $12,000 4) Place the five steps in the decision-making process in the correct order: A = Obtain information B = Make decisions by choosing among alternatives C = Identify the problem and uncertainties D = Implement the decision E = Make predictions about the future A) C D B E A B) E D A B C C) C A E B D D) A E B D C 5) The cost function y = 10,000 + 3X: A) represents a mixed cost B) will intersect the y-axis at 3 C) has a slope coefficient of 10,000 D) is a curved line 6) Which of the following statements about the direct/indirect cost classification is NOT true? A) Indirect costs are always traced. B) Indirect costs are always allocated. C) The design of operations affects the direct/indirect classification. D) The direct/indirect classification depends on the choice of cost object. 7) Indirect manufacturing costs: A) can be traced to the product that created the costs B) can be easily identified with the cost object C) generally include the cost of material and the cost of labor D) may include both variable and fixed costs Answer the following questions using the information below(8、9) The East Company manufactures several different products. Unit costs associated with Product ORD203 are as follows: Direct materials $50 Direct manufacturing labor 8 Variable manufacturing overhead 10 Fixed manufacturing overhead 23 Sales commissions (2% of sales) 5 Administrative salaries 9 Total $105 8) What are the variable costs per unit associated with Product ORD203? A) $60 B) $82 C) $73 D) $105 9) What are the fixed costs per unit associated with Product ORD203? A) $23 B) $32 C) $35 D) $44 10) For manufacturing firms, inventoriable costs include: A) plant supervisor salaries B) research and development costs C) costs of dealing with customers after the sale D) distribution costs 二、计算题 1) Helmer Sporting Goods Company manufactured 100,000 units in 20X5 and reported the following costs: Sandpaper $ 32,000 Leasing costs-plant $ 384,000 Materials handling 320,000 Depreciation-equipment 224,000 Coolants & lubricants 22,400 Property taxes-equipment 32,000 Indirect manufacturing labor 275,200 Fire insurance-equipment 16,000 Direct manufacturing labor 2,176,000 Direct material purchases 3,136,000 Direct materials, 1/1/X5 384,000 Direct materials, 12/31/X5 275,200 Finished goods, 1/1/X5 672,000 Sales revenue 12,800,000 Finished goods, 12/31/X5 1,280,000 Sales commissions 640,000 Work-in-process, 1/1/X5 96,000 Sales salaries 576,000 Work-in-process, 12/31/X5 64,000 Advertising costs 480,000 Administration costs 800,000 Required: a. What is the amount of direct materials used during 20X5? b. What manufacturing costs were added to WIP during 20X5? c. What is cost of goods manufactured for 20X5? d. What is cost of goods sold for 20X5? 2) Tessmer Manufacturing Company produces inventory in a highly automated assembly plant in Olathe, Kansas. The automated system is in its first year of operation and management is still unsure of the best way to estimate the overhead costs of operations for budgetary purposes. For the first six months of operations, the following data were collected: Machine-hours Kilowatt-hours Total Overhead Costs January 3,800 4,520,000 $338,000 Februar 3,650 4,340,000 336,800 March 3,900 4,500,000 339,200 April 3,300 4,290,000 336,800 May 3,250 4,200,000 326,000 June 3,100 4,120,000 320,000 Required: a. Use the high-low method to determine the estimating cost function with machine-hours as the cost driver. b. Use the high-low method to determine the estimating cost function with kilowatt-hours as the cost driver. c. For July, the company ran the machines for 3,000 hours and used 4,000,000 kilowatt-hours of power. The overhead costs totaled $314,000. Which cost driver was the best predictor for July? 3)甲公司每年以每单位$5向外购买8,000单位零件以供生产所需。在不影响现有产品生产 的情况下,公司考虑以每批1,000单位自行生产死外购零件,相关成本资料如下: 直接材料 每单位$1.5 直接人工 每直接人工小时$1.0 变动制造费用 直接人工成本80% 公司预估第一批零件生产需2,000直接人工小时,另悉该公司员工具有80%学习曲线。 试问: 1.在累积平均单位时间之学习曲线下,自行生产8,000单位零件所需之直接 人工小时总数 2.承上题,自行生产8,000单位零件之单位变动成本。 4)文英公司民国102年10月份有关资料如下: (1.) 期初在制品存货金额为期末制成品之250%。 (2.) 期初制成品存货金额为期末在制品之2/3。 (3.) 主要成本比加工成本多$70,000。 (4.) 制造费用为$80,000。 (5.) 直接材料为主要成本之半数。 (6.) 本月制成品成本(cost of goods manufactured)为$370,000。 (7.) 本月销货成本为$390,000。 试编制文英公司民国102年10月份之销货成本表。 附上选择题解答: 1~5 ABCCA 6~10 ADCBA --

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