※ [本文转录自 NCCU00_AT-A 看板] 作者: ariell (relax myself) 看板: NCCU00_AT-A 标题: University of Hawaii at Manoa的会计硕士 时间: Thu Mar 14 11:29:18 2002 台大会计系李书行教授现在在美国University of Hawaii at Manoa 担任交换教授,并且争取到在U.of Hawaii设立会计硕士+考取CPA课程的Program 如果有同学想到美国拿CPA, 并同时拿到会计硕士的学位 可以考虑University of Hawaii at Manoa的Master in Accounting program喔~ 这个program是针对考取CPA所设计的, 并且同时可以拿到Master in Accounting 的学位,学费也比较便宜 ^_^ 2002年秋季班的申请deadline是 5/15 ,这个Program是采Rolling制度,即先 到先审,所以有意申请的同学现在就可以开始寄件了!~ 李书行教授有参与招生事项,所以请同学将申请文件准备好後,寄到:   台北市大安区基隆路4段144巷50号 管院二馆 1101R 台湾大学会计学系   李书行 教授  并请於信封上注明 : 申请U of Hawaii – Accounting Program 详细内容post如下,有意申请的网友可以仔细参考喔! 如果有任何问题, 请来电询问: (02)23630231 ext. 2997 ( Monday – Friday, 9:00AM-5:00PM) 或E-mail : [email protected] 欢迎大家的参与! Innovative Master in Accounting with CPA Focus Program by UH Innovative Master in Accounting Program Announcement: University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Accountancy is launching an innovative master in accounting program by combining Master of Accounting (MAcc) and Executive Accounting Program (EAP). Program Features: 1.Students can prepare for US CPA exam and earn a Master degree at the same time. 2.Program length is structured in a flexible way so that after successfully completing the CPA required courses the students can take the master required credits at their own best timeframes of their career plans. 3.Provide students one extra opportunity to retake CPA if necessary at the end of the program. Who May Be Suitable: 1. Any students who just graduating from college want to earn a master degree. 2. Any students who just graduating from college want to sit for US CPA exam. 3. Any existing auditors or practitioners want to have US CPA to enhance their market value and global business opportunity. 4. Any persons want to switch a business career to be a CPA. Program Description: This program will admit students twice a year. The fall program will start in July. Application deadline will be May 15. The spring program will start in January. The application deadline will be October 1. This program does not require the students to have the business or accounting degrees and working experiences prior application. The students being admitted to the program will first take 3 months intensive accounting courses(8 hours per day, 4 days per week) to qaulify them for the US CPA exam. For this intensive courses, the class size will be limited to 30 students per class. The intensive courses include: ACC305: Management Accounting; ACC321: Intermediate Financial Accounting I; ACC323: Intermediate Financial Accounting II; ACC415: Advanced Financial Accounting; ACC401: Federal Income Taxation; ACC413: Law for the Accountant; ACC418: Auditing and Assurance. Any students successfully pass the above courses are eligible to sit the US CPA exam regardless of your previous undergraduate majors. The fall students are encouraged to take the November CPA exam in Hawaii. The spring students are encouraged to take the May CPA exam in Hawaii. By doing this, the students will have one extra opportunity to retake the CPA exam if necessary at the end of Master Program. After the intensive courses, the students are required to take additional 8 graduate courses (24 credits) with the regular MAcc students to earn a MAcc (Master of Accounting) degree. The students can have up to 5 years to complete the degree. But under normal circumstance, the student shall be able to finish the additional 24 credits in another 2 semesters or one semester plus summer program provided that the courses are available in the summer.The MAcc degree required courses include the followings: Four (4) Required Accounting Courses: ACC407: Txation of Business Entities ACC619: Assurance in the Information Age ACC660: Analysis in Decision Making ACC620: Global Accounting Two (2) Elective Courses from the followings: ACC609: Computers and Accounting for Business Systems ACC631: Tax of Partners/Partnerships ACC633: Advanced Corporate Taxation ACC635: Advanced Public Sector Accounting ACC638: Estate & Gift Taxation and Planning ACC639: Multi jurisdictional Taxation ACC606: Tax Research ACC625: Accounting and Tax Research ACC690: Special Topics ACC695: Internship One (1) Required Course Outside Accounting: SP660: Rhetoric in Organizations One (1) Elective Graduate Level Course Outside Accounting. The length of the Program can be one year or one and a half years dependent on summer courses availability. The tuition and fees for the entire program will be approximate US$18,000 for 2002 admitted students if all the courses are pass at the first time of taking the courses. The fees include the first 3 month intensive course textbooks and materials, but not the textbooks for the regular MAcc courses. The students are required to pay their living accommodations, including foods and rooms, and health insurances. However,students are able to take advantage of living arrangement provided by the University of Hawaii and reside in the dorms on campus. How To Apply: The application can be sent or delivered in person to Professor Shu-hsing Li at Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University. Although we do not use the standard form, the applicant shall include the following information in the application package: 1. Contact address, phone number and email if available. 2. Clearly indicate the Semester of Application. 3. Personal Resume: name, date of birth, high school name and college name are required in resume. 4. Study Statement, why study this program. 5. Official English College Transcript (GPA minimum 2.7). 6. TOEFL (500 or 173 computerized test minimum) and GMAT (500 minimum) Scores. 7. Three letters of recommendation. 8. $50 US Money Order payable to RCUH (not refundable). Please note the three minimum requirements are necessary to be met. For any ones not meeting these requirements shall not apply because they will not be considered. Any ones who are interested can start to apply now. We will process the application immediately upon receiving the applications and give decisions as soon as we can, not waiting after the deadline. The May 15 deadline shall not be missed for those persons interested in this Fall. About University of Hawaii at Manoa and School of Accountancy: Questions on Program: Call: (02) 23630231 (Ext. 2997) or Email: [email protected] --

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