NCCU05_LawHa 板


※ [本文转录自 NCCU05_LawFl 看板] 作者: emily760504 (UglyEmily) 看板: NCCU05_LawFl 标题: [法律] 【候选餐厅资讯】华漾大饭店(菜单) 时间: Mon Apr 20 21:27:12 2009 华漾大饭店菜单 Cold Dish(冷盘类) 鲜虾洋芋沙拉盆 -Shrimps and Potato Salad 墨式茄丁镶贻贝 -Fresh Mussel with Tomato Salsa 欧风冷肉大拼盘 -European Cold Cuts Plate 烟燻鸡胸拌西芹 -Smoked Chicken with Celery 橄榄油醋小章鱼 -Baby Octopus in Oil and Vinegar 白灼五味大草虾 -Poached Shrimp w/ Cocktail Sauce 碳烤时蔬 Grilled Vegetables Salad(沙拉类) -Tomato蕃茄 Romaine萝蔓生菜 Thousand Island Dressing千岛酱 -Cucumber小黄瓜 Lola Rosa卷叶生菜 Oil & Balsamico义式油醋 -Lettuce美生菜 Sweet Corn 香甜玉米 Soup(汤类) 山药鸡肉清汤 -Chicken Consommé with Yam 奶油蟹肉浓汤 -Bisque of Crab Bread(面包类) 三种手工面包 -Assorted Breads Hot Dish(热食) 宫保双味鲜鱿鱼 -Work Fried Squid in Chilli Sauce 乳酪焗管面海鲜 -Seafood “Thermion” 日式照烧烤鸡腿 -Chicken Leg Teriyaki 葱油清蒸海上鲜 -Steamed fillet of Cod Fish 精炖匈牙利牛肉 -Beef “Hungarian” 酥炸脆鲜龙凤卷 -Deep Fried Seafood Roll 滑嫩蟹肉扒时蔬 -Seasonal Vegetables with Crab Meat 中式炒饭 -Fried Rice Opening Service Station(现场服务) 蒜香烧烤羔羊腿 -Roasted Lamb Leg Desserts(甜点类) 法式甜点4色集 -Assorted Pastries 季节新鲜水果盘 -Fresh Seasonal Fruit Platter Movenpick冰淇淋或冰沙 -Ice Cream Drinks(饮料类) 咖啡或茶 -Coffee and Tea 每位NT$880+10% NT$880 per person plus10% service charge -- --

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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: emily760504 来自: (04/20 21:30)

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