Morgan Stanley is recruiting summer interns for its Institutio nal Equity Division (IED) and Investment Banking Division (IBD ). If you are interested in applying for the vacancies, pleas e email your English cover letter and resume to [email protected] .tw by April 15, 2005. Please note, to be a qualified applica nt, you must be an undergraduate or postgraduate and will comm ence your degree in 2006. In your resume, please provide your GPA score and specify your English ability. Please save your cover letter and resume in one PDF file and name it in the fo rmat of "cover&resume (IBD/IED)_your full name." For example, if Yu-ping Kuo is applying for IED internship, then he should submit a file with the name, "cover&resume (IED)_Yu-ping Kuo. " Detailed description of the summer internship opportunities is as below. Morgan Stanely INSTITUTIONAL EQUITIES & INVESTMENT BANKING SUMMER INTERNSHIPS - TAIPEI OFFICE Application Deadline: 15th April, 2005 Position Titles: 2005 Institutional Equity Division Summer Ana lyst 2005 Investment Banking Division Summer Analyst Location: Taipei, Taiwan How to apply: Please submit your cover letter and resume to your career cent er. Deadline for applications is 15th April, 2005. Requirements: These positions are available to students who are commencing t heir final year in their undergraduate or postgraduate degree. No specific degree discipline is required. We are looking for high calibre Undergraduate candidates who possess: " Both oral and written fluency in English and Mandarin " Outstanding academic records and a strong numerical / analyt ical understanding " Strong interest in finance / equity markets or investment ba nking " Teamwork initiative, enthusiasm and motivation " Commitment and strong work ethic " Ability to multi-task and prioritize. " Proficient IT skills Responsibilities/Job Description: The Summer Analyst programme is 10 weeks in length and designe d to provide a realistic view of working in the Equity markets or in Investment Banking, by having Summer Analysts assume the functions of full-time Analysts. Institutional Equity Division The Equity Division provides Morgan Stanley clients with globa l distribution capabilities, liquidity, and a high level of tr ading expertise in all major world markets. It also offers sophistic ated analeptics and ready access to a broad range of equity re search and derivative products. Summer Interns will be working from T aiwan and will be linked to the global distribution teams of different product silos. We believe that participation in this internship programme is the best way to understand the overal l industry food chain amongst all divisions. The programme encompasses a series of projects and functional rotations (Dealing, Research Sales, Sales-Trading etc). Investment Banking Division Summer Analysts in Banking will spend their summer assigned to a specific group, working on a variety of transactions. Withi n their assigned group, they will begin to obtain a strong found ation in the basic skills of financial analysis and deal execu tion. They are also expected to start learning to market the Firm's products and services effectively. All assignments are executed by teams which typically consist of three to four people and which may include a Managing Director, Executive Director or a Vice President, Associate, a nd an Analyst. Most professionals are typically assigned to se veral teams concurrently, which could be active at the same time. Further Information INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY DIVISION The Institutional Equity Division has operations in six core m arkets in Asia Pacific (Hong Kong/China, Korea, Taiwan, Austra lia, India and Singapore) in which it has a fully integrated equity sales and trading business. In addition, Institutional Equity has trading capabilities in the other markets throughout the regio n. Institutional Equity in Asia Pacific constitutes global ori gination, distribution and trading of equity, equity-related, and equity derivatives business. The quality of the Firm's equity sales and trading expertise i s continually recognized by industry participants and the medi a. It is the tier one service provider for most of the leading investme nt management firms worldwide. In 2004, Morgan Stanley was voted the Best Equities House for China by Euromoney and Best Equity House for China by The Asset. The Institutional Equity Division aspires to be the First Choi ce for institutions investing in global equity markets. Our cl ients include, governments, central banks, commercial banks, investm ent management companies, insurance companies and hedge funds. The Firm establishes partnerships with its clients, ide ntify their investment needs, objectives, styles and benchmark s and provides them with customized advice, products and services. M organ Stanley's clients have access to our highly ranked macro and equity research team, global distribution capabilities, in novative equity-linked products, liquidity facilitation, unriv alled trading expertise and capital markest issuance. The Institutional Equity Division (IED) in Asia Pacific consis ts of the following groups: Global Distribution and Marketing: Salespeople and sales traders work together to offer cash equi ty, equity derivatives and convertible securities and other equity related services to in stitutional investors to satisfy their investment needs. These professionals are either general ists servicing clients who cover multiple markets, or specialists covering clients whose investment needs are country or product specific. They work closely with Research Analysts on delivery of investment ideas and the Global Capital Markets team on distribution of p rimary market issues. These groups are based in Hong Kong, Singapore, New York, London and other major locations. Global Risk Management: Morgan Stanley takes calculated macro, market and product risks to provide liquidity to clients and provide equity-linked products to the marketplace. It also takes risk for its proprietary book. Prudent Risk management is a discipline that is the foundation of Institutional Equity and the Firm. Working from key locations in Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London, traders and risk management professionals wor k together to ensure that our trading operation satisfies liquidity needs of clients and generates returns commensurate with risks incurred. Global Product Innovation: Product innovation and excellence h as always been a hallmark of Morgan Stanley. In its pursuit of client-centric service, it is of paramount importan ce that the Firm is able to generate the best ideas and products to satisfy investors' nee ds. Product specialists in this group work closely with salespeople, sales traders and traders to identify investors' needs and propose optimal and workable solutions in the form of equi ty-linked products. Professionals in this group come from diverse backgrounds incl uding trading, sales, accounting, operations, technology, compliance and legal. Prof essionals are primarily based in Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London. INVESTMENT BANKING DIVISION The Investment Banking Division in Asia Pacific consists of fo ur closely related business units: Banking Division: The Banking Division is responsible for init iating, developing and maintaining the Firm's investment banking relationships with clients; for prov iding financial advice; and, in partnership with other specialized areas of the Firm, for executing specific client transactions. The Banking Division is organized into te ams of regional and industry specialists who work closely with product specialists throughout the Firm to develop creative solutions to meet clients' needs. Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring Division (MARD): MARD is responsible for developing and executing a wide range of complex domestic and international transactions including acquisitions, divesti tures, mergers, joint ventures, corporate restructurings, recapitalizations, spin-of fs, exchange offers, leveraged buyouts and defenses against unsolicited takeover at tempts as well as equity and debt capital financings. MARD also establishes and maintai ns strategic dialogue with existing and potential clients; provides financial advice and solutions to strategic problems and helps clients achieve short-and long-term strateg ic objectives. Global Capital Markets (GCM): GCM has responsibility for originating, structuring and execut ing equity, debt, loans, hybrid and derivative transactions for corporate and sovereign issuers. GCM provides solutions on a broad range of corporate finance and capital st ructure issues. Typically, GCM Officers will provide guidance with respect to size, struc ture, timing, marketing and valuation of equity and debt related solutions. Transactio ns that Morgan Stanley's GCM group typically focus on include sovereign financings, deb t underwritings, privatizations, initial public offerings, spin-offs, share rep urchases, convertible bonds, acquisition bridge financings and term loans. Morgan Stanley Realty (MSR): MSR is a full-service real estate investment banking group that provides a broad range of financial services to public and private clients, focused o n Banking, Investing and Private Equity Capital Markets. The Banking business includes: commercial property portfolio and asset sales; mergers, acquisitions and restructu rings; and debt and equity underwritings. Investing is done through the Morgan Stanley Re al Estate Funds and Special Situations Funds, which have raised over $4 billion of discretionary capital and invest in real estate operating companies, property and mortga ge portfolios, discrete assets, new developments and international opportunities. The Private Equity Capital Markets Group raises all of MSR's propriety equity funds and a ssists clients in raising private equity capital. --

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