LINE NCAA Announced Major Changes to the NIT and the College Hoops World Is Not Happy PATRICK ANDRESOCT 27, 2023 NCAA 宣布要改变补偿大赛的选择规则 大学篮球圈对於这样的改变不是很开心 The NIT is an ancient, if slightly notorious, college basketball tradition. Every year fans of NCAA tournament-bound schools serenade their rivals with chants of "N-I-T," likely oblivious to the fact that the historic tournament predates its larger, more prestigious cousin. NIT 是具有历史但又有点争议的大学篮球传统 每年没有入选疯狂三月的球队 总会在客场被球迷以 N-I-T 的口号招待 However, on Friday college basketball fans mobilized to defend the staple of March Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Traditionally, the NIT field automatically includes any team that wins its conference's regular-season title but does not qualify for the NCAA tournament—historically a boon for mid- and low-majors. 大学篮球的主管单位要改变 对於过去 NIT 的邀请规定 其中取消小联盟的季赛冠军的保送资格引起最大的反应 In 2024, that will change. The field will now guarantee berths to 12 teams from the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Big East, Pac-12 and SEC regardless of record, and will extend no such courtesy to low-major regular-season champions. 2024 的三月 NIT 将会保障六大联盟 12 名额 取消过去邀请 小联盟季赛冠军却没有进入疯三的球队的传统 The move proved wildly unpopular with college basketball writers and fans already scarred by football-centric realignment. 这个举措让主跑大学篮球的记者和球迷感到不满 因为最近联盟的重组都是围绕着大学 Football Many expressed that the move displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of the NIT's appeal to fans and schools. 很多人认为这违反了大学篮球季後赛吸引观众的基本原则 Dissatisfaction with college sports's money-chasing direction reigned. 更多不满大学篮球决策更商业化 The revamped NIT was frequently framed as a reaction to rumblings that Fox would attempt to stage a postseason tournament on its family of networks. 这项变动被指出有可能是因为福斯传媒想想打造季後赛的舞台 MAC commissioner Jon Steinbrecher directly attacked the new policy. 小联盟中大西洋联盟的会长 毫不讳言地批评这项政策 Doomsaying ran rampant as some wondered whether the NCAA was setting up future protections for power conferences in other tournaments. NCAA 这项变革很明显是为保护大联盟球队 Bad teams that would've qualified for past NITs under the new rules were flagged. 对於有可能被邀请打 NIT 的球队是值得被关注的一件事 Some fans focused on the fact that the NIT's selection procedures, once fairly straightforward, were now just plain difficult to understand. 现在许多球迷对於 NIT 选委会的邀请模式更感困惑 The reality that the NIT's changes were instituted a year after North Texas beat UAB to win it did not go unnoticed. 在去年北德州大学和阿拉巴马宾汉顿分校的冠军赛结束後做出这项改革 NCAA 实施新政策的东击很难不让人怀疑 --

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1F:推 edgelee: Fox 要搞的季後赛 是给没进 tournament 的Power 5 teams 10/31 15:07
2F:→ edgelee: 16队 在Las Vegas 10/31 15:08
3F:推 edgelee: 目前是卡在跟各个学校的AD 要求 如果被邀请 不能拒绝参加 10/31 15:10
4F:→ edgelee: 目前有数个AD 不接受这个要求 而且因为主办方是FOX 10/31 15:11
5F:→ edgelee: 一些ESPN 的conference 像ACC/SEC 也可能被ESPN 挡 10/31 15:11
6F:→ edgelee: 这个新季後赛确实还有蛮多个关卡要过的 10/31 15:12
7F:→ edgelee: 感觉NIT 有点太急着要应对这个还没成立的季後赛... 10/31 15:13
8F:→ icecreamdog: 推 小球队灰姑娘才是疯三灵魂 power6的补偿大赛真的 11/01 00:33
9F:→ icecreamdog: 有票房? 11/01 00:33

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