报导 A Memphis Tigers women's basketball player is now charged with assault after a confrontation in the postgame handshake line following Bowling Green's win over Memphis on Thursday night in the Women's NIT. 曼非斯大学女篮球员因为在赛後列队握手时打了对方球员而遭警方以伤害起诉 According to our sister station WTOL in an update Friday, Bowling Green State University athletics released a statement saying Memphis' Jamirah Shutes has been charged with assault. 鲍灵格林州大体育部门公布声明 称客队球员 Jamirah Shutes 被控涉嫌伤害罪 "Following Thursday’s unwarranted physical incident after the WNIT home game, the Bowling Green State University Police Department has charged a member of the Memphis Women’s Basketball team with assault," the statement reads. "Additionally, BGSU Athletics is conducting its own review. Violence is never acceptable and our priority remains the health, safety and support of our student-athlete, who is recovering and doing well. This is an active investigation in conjunction with the City of Bowling Green Prosecutor, and no further comment is available at this time." NIT 的比赛在还没进到最後四强都是在校园场地打。 鲍灵格林州大警方还在进行调查。他们强调暴力零容忍且首要目标是将被攻击的学生运动 员健康照顾好。鲍灵格林市检察单位还在调查中。 Thursday night as the teams walked toward center court following Bowling Green's 73-60 win in the Round of 16 game, Shutes stopped to talk with Falcons' player Elissa Brett. After a short conversation, Shutes appears to throw a punch at Brett's face. Brett fell toward the scorer's table and onto the sideline. 周四晚间的比赛结果是包林格林州大以 73 - 60 打败曼非斯大学进入 女篮 NIT 的 十六强。影片中显示,曼非斯球员Shutes 出手攻击 鲍灵格林球员 Elissa Brett. There was no immediate word about what caused the confrontation or if any player was seriously injured. 造成冲突的原因还未知、也还不知道受伤球员伤势为何 Memphis' athletics department said Friday that the incident was "extremely unfortunate and certainly not consistent with, or representative of, our expectations for our programs and student-athletes." 曼非斯大学发出声明说这是件非常不幸的事件 不符合大学的对於学生运动员的期待 "Because the incident occurred after the game, jurisdiction falls in the hands of local authorities, and we are cooperating fully with their process," the statement said. "To be respectful of that process, we will not comment further until it is complete." 因为事件发生在比赛之後。管辖权落到当地的政府部门。曼非斯大学女篮队完全配合 警方的调查,基於侦查不公开不会在发表评论。 Note 觉得有点夸张... 男篮、女篮 NIT 在校园打一直都是一个卖点 没想到变成这样 --

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1F:推 love1500274: 看了一下出拳的人 突然觉得不意外 03/26 13:45

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