作者icecreamdog (猫系马尔济斯)
标题[新闻] 乔治亚理工新教练
时间Tue Mar 14 03:42:52 2023
Josh Pastner 在三天前球季结束後被通知在乔治亚理工的工作结束
Georgia Tech fires men's basketball coach Josh Pastner
Pastner made just one NCAA tournament appearance in seven seasons at Georgia
Tech, finishing with a record of 109-114. He went 51-78 in the ACC, with
Tech's lone NCAA appearance in his time there coming after winning the
conference tournament in 2021.
以总成绩 109 - 114, ACC 51-78 结束他在乔治亚理工黄蜂队的七年执教生涯
2017 年是大西洋联盟的年度最佳教练
今天 Georgia Tech 官宣将聘赛尔提克助理教练 Damon Stoudamire 作为下一任总教练
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (美国)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NCAA/M.1678736574.A.F5E.html
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