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简短叙述: 复习【那些难忘的 NBA 时刻】#2 Kobe足以结束生涯的阿基里斯腱断裂大伤与奋力回归 Kobe Bryant says free throws he made after tearing his Achilles rank among the best shots of his career. Kobe 表示他生涯中最好的投篮,是忍着阿基里斯腱断裂後的疼痛完成的 两颗罚球。 If you were going to try to rank all of Kobe Bryant's best shots from his amazing 20 years in the NBA, it would be a massive undertaking that would last weeks to get through them all and sort them in order of degree of difficulty, overall meaning, or importance. 若你想将 Kobe 20年职业生涯中的所有投篮排名,那会是个艰钜的任务, 需要好几周才能把 Kobe 的出手看完,还得按照难度、意义与重要性去进行 排序。 Bryant's ultimate legacy will be many things, but making extremely challenging shots in the game's biggest moments will definitely be near the top of that list. Kobe 最终的成就非常多,但『在比赛关键时刻做出极富挑战性的投篮』,肯 定是【Kobe生涯成就榜】的第一名。 It may be surprising, then, to learn that Bryant himself has a mere pair of free throws in a regular season game ranked as high as any on his own personal career ledger. 所以当 Kobe 本人把 2013 年例行赛中他在跟腱断裂後完成的两个罚球,作为 自己生涯中的最佳投篮,可能会让人惊讶。 In the game where Bryant suffered a season-ending injury to his Achilles tendon, it was the 79th on the 82-game schedule, and the Lakers were furiously trying to complete their late-season run in order to sneak into the playoffs. When Bryant went down with 3:08 to play against the Golden State Warriors, his team was trailing by two, and Bryant was headed to the line for two free throw attempts. Kobe 在 2013年季末阿基里斯腱受伤的那场比赛,是整个球季82场的第79场,湖人 队当时正疯狂地打他们的每场比赛,以进入季後赛分区八强名单。当面对金州勇士 队的比赛最後 3分08秒时,湖人队落後两分,而 Kobe 忍着跟腱断裂的剧痛,站上 球场稳稳地将两次罚球都投进。 Most players would have begged out of the game, realizing the severity of the injury that had just occurred. Bryant knew what had happened, but willed himself to the line anyway to calmly sink both shots. The importance of a season’s worth of hard work, along with not wanting to let his teammates down, was the motivation for the incredible accomplishment. 大部分球员若遇到相似情况、了解伤势的严重性(足以葬送整个生涯),应该都会 要求退场接受治疗。Kobe很清楚知道自己发生了什麽,但无论如何他还是想靠自己 的力量走上球场,以冷静无比的「曼巴精神」罚进关键的两分。 整个赛季奋斗的 坚持,及不想让队友失望的责任,是 Kobe 取得令人难以置信的成就的动力。 On tearing his Achilles tendon against Golden State … 在对勇士队的比赛弄断他的阿基里斯腱时... "I haven't watched it, but just being in the moment, I knew what happened. I knew that was it. I was done. Walking back to the bench, I tried to figure out where I could put pressure on my foot to try to minimize the pain and just try to get through the these last two minutes of the game. I tried walking on my heel and I felt like that was going to work, believe it or not, for a little bit and then it kind of just feels like the tendon in your Achilles is just rolling up your calf and I thought, "You know what? Probably not a good idea, but I got to shoot these two free throws.’ These last two minutes, whatever it is left, all this work that we've done to get to this point, I got to step up and knock these down." 『我从未看过,但就在我眼前,我知道发生了什麽。我知道是跟腱断了。我回到 板凳,试图找出任何可以在脚上加压的方法,以最大程度地减低疼痛,尝试完成 比赛的最後两分钟。我试着用脚跟走路,我觉得行得通,信不信由你,然後有点 像你跟腱中的肌腱卷起你的小腿,我想:「这可能不是个好主意,但我必须投中 那两个罚球。」最後两分钟,无论剩下什麽,我都记得我们为打进季後赛所做的 所有工作,我必须努力击倒伤痛。』 On where those free throws rank with the best shots of his career … 把那两颗罚球列为 Kobe 生涯的最佳投篮。 Free throws might not be that glamorous, especially considering the multitude of insane shots we've seen Bryant get to go through the net over the years. 当我们这麽多年来,在网路上看过 Kobe 无数个疯狂的投篮、绝杀後,罚球可能 一点魅力也没有。 But given the entirety of the situation — with the game and a potential trip to the playoffs on the line, as well as the pain and limitations associated with the type of injury that had just taken place — it's easy to see why Bryant holds those two unguarded shots he made in such high regard. 但是考虑到当时的时空背景(追平比赛的关键两分、可能进入季後赛的机会,以 及罚球前才刚发生的--足以毁灭职业生涯的严重伤痛),这样就能够理解,Kobe 为什麽要将这两记罚球,当成他职业生涯中的最佳投篮了。 -- 完整原文 -- 有空会再上传有完整中文字幕的翻译版本。 -- 杀尽不平方太平。 --
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1F:推 jack151551 : 我的左脚也断过阿基里斯腱,当下实在是剧痛万分倒地 11/08 07:13
2F:→ jack151551 : 不起,但後来逐渐可以站起,但就是使不上力,看到ko 11/08 07:13
3F:→ jack151551 : be还可以咬牙罚完球,实在是佩服他的意志力和求胜 11/08 07:13
4F:→ jack151551 : 慾望 11/08 07:13
5F:推 Toddyo : 老大QQ 11/08 17:50
6F:推 KBchen : 我脚受伤的时候不停想起的就是Kobe复健的画面 11/08 18:48
7F:推 sharkboo : 黑曼巴@@ 11/08 21:55
8F:推 harryrrah : 老大 想你了 11/09 18:04
9F:推 testid : 有时在想,要是他在第一次冲撞後就退场,也许其余比 11/13 17:30
10F:→ testid : 赛就不会再上,湖人也进不了季後,但跟腱保住了还有 11/13 17:31
11F:→ testid : 几年可以高效表现,不过会这样做就不是Kobe了,泪推 11/13 17:31
12F:推 ansonyou0706: 那一场是赢还输? 11/15 16:41
13F:→ firemm666 : 反正结局已定 有没有断腿都不重要了 11/15 22:57
14F:→ firemm666 : 没想到是这种方式离开 11/15 22:57
15F:推 er4488 : Kobe的坚持与毅力才是他最令人敬佩与怀念的地方 11/19 09:26
16F:→ er4488 : 只是没想到不只离开了球场...也离开了我们 11/19 09:27
17F:推 KobeRapist : 这麽拚干嘛 当年我看裁判摆明会把湖人吹进季後赛 12/02 14:45

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