NBA_Film 板


频道名称: The Ringer 频道连结:
简短叙述: Halleluka: An Ode to Luka Doncic The Ringer帮小牛救世主作的歌(原曲是1984年Leonard Cohen写的Hallelujah) 下面试着渣翻 well i heard there was a wonderboy that many teams would not employ 我听说有个很多球队都不愿雇佣的神奇小子 but you don't really care for euros, do ya? 是因为你们不怎麽在乎欧洲市场,对吧? so where would he go? the fourth? the fifth? or would he fall and be a knick? 他将何去何从,第四、第五顺位? 还是沦落到成为尼克 the baffling kings took bagley over luka 令人困惑的国王队舍弃卢卡而选了贝格利三世 halleluka x4 哈利卢卡 x4 well his game was strong, but we needed proof 他有很好的比赛内容,但我们还需要更多的证明 we hadn't seen him play mizzou 我们没见过他对阵密苏里大学 but his playmaking and passing overthrew ya 但他执行战术和传球的能力让你们惊叹 and he led the break. it wasn't fair 他领导快攻的时候,对手会觉得不公平 his stepback three flew through the air it fell and dallas traded for luka 後撤三分 划过天空 应声入网 小牛交易来卢卡 halleluka x4 哈利卢卡 x4 well maybe he should've been your pick even though he's white and thicc 尽管他又白又厚实,或许你们当初真该选择他 he's colder than a tall glass of kombucha 他比一杯康普茶还冷静 and we all cheered for his debut and injured dirk was cheering too 我们和受伤的司机都为他的首出赛喝采 and every mavs fans shouted halleluka 所有的小牛球迷都呐喊着halleluka halleluka x4 哈利卢卡 x4 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:→ SwissMiniGun: 哈雷Luka 哈雷Luka 好洗脑XDDD 12/09 10:40
2F:推 jardon : 蛮好听的 12/09 11:33
3F:推 ray020507 : 好听 12/09 12:13

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