MusicMood 板


虽然知道也喜欢Christina Aguilera这首歌有段时日了 但我从来不知道这首歌可以如此讽刺地完美形容我和他的爱情 发现求复合的前男友竟然从我们交往时 就背着我和他要我不准多心的红粉死党私下出游、调情搞暧昧 到後来竟然可以背叛我和对方不戴套开了许多次房间 戳破你美丽谎言的泡泡 我受够了!! 不要以为我会因为这样而自我否定一厥不振 相反的,我会让自己更好,迈向更棒的人生 遇见更真实诚恳的另一半 我会谢谢你 如果不是你和她所做所为的这一切 我不会勇敢站起来、力求完美 成为一个打不倒的fighter! 我会记着... success and happiness are the best revenge And you make a be a fighter
After all you put me through 在你让我经历这一切之後 You'd think I'd despise you 你以为我会鄙视你 But in the end I want to thank you 但最终我要向你道谢 Because you made me that much stronger 因为你让我更加坚强 When I, thought I knew you 自以为了解你 Thinking, that you were true 以为你忠实 I guess I, I couldn't trust 我想我,我无法信任 Called your bluff, time is up 停止你虚张声势,时间已到 'Cause I've had enough 因为 我已经受够了 You were, there by my side 你在我身边时 Always, down for the ride 总是提不起兴致 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但心血来潮时却又如熊熊烈火 'Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪, 无耻地将我出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在这一切的偷窃欺骗後 You probably think that I hold resentment for you你可能以为我对你怀恨不已 But, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong 但 喔 才不, 你错了 'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do 因为若没有你的所作所为 I wouldn't know 我就不知道 just how capable I am to pull through 我竟有渡过难关的能力 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想要向你道谢 ◎'Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为那令我更加坚强 Makes me work a little bit harder 让我更加努力工作 It makes me that much wiser 让我更有智慧 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以谢谢你让我成为斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 让我学会得更快 Made my skin a little bit thicker 让我脸皮厚了些 Makes me that much smarter 让我变得更精明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以谢谢你让我成为斗士 Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh-yeah ah uhhhuh Never, saw it coming 从来,没想过 All of, your backstabbing 所有,你卑鄙陷害的手段 Just so, you could cash in 以此你获得好处 On a good thing before I realized your game 在我看透你的把戏之前有件好事 I heard, you're going around 听说,你游走在人群中 Playing the victim now 假装自己现在是个受害者 But don't, even begin 但不要以为这可以开始 Feeling I'm the one to blame 觉得我该是受谴责的一方 'Cause you dug your own grave 因为你自掘坟墓 After all of the fights and the lies 所有的争吵与谎言之後 Yes you wanted to harm me 是的,你想伤害我 but that won't work anymore 但那再也不可能得逞 Uh, no more, oh no, over 再也没有了!一切结束! 'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture 若不是因你的折磨 I wouldn't know how to be this way now, 我如今不会明了如何面对 and never back down 也永远不会放弃 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想要向你道谢 ◎ How could this man I thought I knew 为何这曾经我认为熟悉的男人 Turn out to be unjust so cruel 可以变得如此扭曲残忍 Could only see the good in you 只能看见你的好 Pretended not to see the truth 假装不知道真相 You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself 你试图掩饰谎言、伪装自己 Through living in denial 活在否认当中 But in the end you'll see 但最终你将明白 YOU-WON'T-STOP-ME 你无法阻止我 I am a fighter and I 我是个斗士 I ain't goin' stop 而我不会停止 There is no turning back 不会回头 I've had enough 我已受够了!! ◎ Thought I would forget 我想我会忘掉 but I... 但是我… I remember, I remember, I remember 我记得 我记得 我记得 Thought I would forget 我想我会忘掉 but I... 但是我… I remember, I remember, I remember 我记得 我记得 我记得 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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