MusicMood 板


Eminem-Space Bound
We touch I feel a rush We clutch it isn't much But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us It's lust it's torcherous You must be a socerous cause you just Did the impossible Game I trust don't play games it'll be dangerous If you fuck me over Cause if I get burnt I'mma show you what it's like to hurt Cause I been treated like dirt before ya And love is evil Spell it backwards I'll show ya Nobody knows me I'm cold Walk down this road all alone It's noones fault but my own It's the path I've chosen to go Frozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever so Don't ask me why I have no love for these mufuckin' hos Bloodsuckin suckubusses what the fuck is up with this I've tried in this department but I ain't had no luck with this It sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be Like tryin to start over I gotta hole in my heart I'm some kind of emotional rollercoaster Something I won't go on til you toy with my emotion so it's over It's like an explosion everytime I hold ya wasn't jokin' when I told ya Ya take my breathe away You're a supernova.. And I'm a I'm a space bound rocketship in your heart spittin morn? And I aim it right at you Right at you 250 thousand miles aim a keen eye right at you (?) And I aim it right at you Right at you Right at you I do whatever it takes When I'm with you I get the shakes My body aikes when I ain't With you I have zero strength Theres no limit on how far I would go No boundries no lengths Why do we say that until we get that person that we thinks Gonna be that one and then once we get em it's never the same You want them when they don't want you Soon as they do feelings change It's not a contest and I ain't on no conquest for no mate I wasn't lookin' but I stumbled onto you mustve been fate But so much is at stake what the fuck does it take Let's cut to the chase But a door shuts in your face Promise me if I cave in and break and leave myself open That I won't be makin' a mistake I'm a space bound rocketship in your heart spitting morn? And I aim it right at you Right at you 250 thousand miles aim a keen eye right at you (?) And I aim it right at you Right at you Right at you So after a year and 6 months it's no longer me that you want But I love you so much it hurts Never mistreated you once I poured my heart out to you Let down my guard swear to god I'll blow my brains in your lap Lay here and die in your arms Up to my knees and I'm bleedin' I'm tryin' to stop you from leavin' You won't even listen so fuck it I'm tryin to stop you from breathin' I put both hands on your throat I sit on top of you squeezin' Til I snap ya neck like a popsicle stick Ain't no possible reason I could think of to let you walk up out this house And let you live Tears streamed down both of my cheeks Then I let you just go and just give And before I put that gun to my temple I told you this And I would do anything for you To show you how much I adored you But it's over now It's too late to save our love Just promise me youll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star cause I'm a I'm a space bound rocketship in your heart spitting morn? And I aim it right at you Right at you 250 thousand miles aim a keen eye right at you (?) And I'm so lost without you Without you Without you ---------------------------------------- 这是阿姆最新专辑的歌 这首我觉得真的很好听 看Gossip Girls听到的配乐才知道这首的 平常我是不太听RAP的 可是这首听起来很有FU 歌词写得很有感情 这首歌内容大概是描述女方跟男方分开了 可是男方还是喜欢着对方 尤其副歌翻译大致是说: "我仅是深陷苍穹的火箭 只想去探索那银月 我的目标只有你 二十五万英里的距离 在我眼里却只有你我的目标只有你" 听到就会起鸡皮疙瘩 其实在他RAP的部分如果英文好看得懂 或是去查翻译 会发现其实写得很有感情 就像是白话或者说是口语化的情书吧 因为这首让我最近满喜欢听这种RAP可是副歌是其他歌手唱的这类的歌曲XD --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 menque :有很强烈的情感 05/22 16:47

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