作者KoalaLin (林纸鹤)
标题[情报] 2013英国奥斯卡
时间Thu Jan 10 00:16:53 2013
安娜卡列尼娜 Anna Karenina
亚果出任务 Argo
少年Pi的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi
林肯传 Lincoln
007空降危机 Skyfall
包括John Williams
窃以为此次Mychael Danna很有机会,包括美国奥斯卡
http://blog.roodo.com/koalalin Snow Cockroach Soundtrack Personal Reviews
"You have to get into a mindset that this is the greatest “fill-in-the-blank
”-type of movie ever made, and treat it that way. Otherwise you're just
going to blow it, and there can't be any phone-ins because your name is on it
forever. " ------ Brian Tyler
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Mso:奥斯卡奖的提名果然也是这个名单 01/10 22:06
2F:推 Earendil:令人开心的名单XD 01/10 23:43
3F:→ KoalaLin:这是一份不论谁拿奖,多数乐迷都满意的名单 :) 01/10 23:59
4F:推 yuchueh0305:Skyfall能入围有点傻眼,David Arnold心里一定很干!!! 01/11 00:39
5F:→ yuchueh0305:会不会以後都由Thomas Newman配007啊!!! 01/11 00:39
6F:→ yuchueh0305:我个人还比较喜欢云图,不过仅入围金球奖而已! 01/11 00:41
8F:→ yuchueh0305:Mychael Danna也入围最佳歌曲,可喜可贺!!! 01/11 01:04
9F:→ yuchueh0305:希望歌曲是Pi's Lullaby或Skyfall得奖! 01/11 01:05
10F:推 JPMelville:没有Beasts of the Southern Wild一整个扼腕..... 01/11 09:45
11F:推 boulevardnov:Thomas Newman拿下英国奥斯卡! 02/15 18:20
12F:→ yuchueh0305:而最近葛莱美奖最佳配乐则是颁给龙纹身的女孩! 02/18 12:56
13F:推 scorejohnson:我觉得Thomas Newman表现得不错啊!个人觉得稳紮稳打 02/18 22:37