MountainClub 板


※ 引述《grigri (I'm psyched)》之铭言: : for nothing, just because you did something really good…. : A dream climbing day leaves you a lot of good feeling… : -- Liv Sansoz : ................... : You go climbing with a project in your mind, you warm up, : and you feel specially weak that day and heavy too, : You really don't know if you're able to do your project. : You just know you really want it. And then, you go, you climb, : You know all the moves and all is falling very naturally, : You say take further and further, and you pull quickdraws and step on bolts. : 'till you reach the top of your route. : Once you're down, you can think it was a shit and many days after, : you're still thinking that moment. : You can surprise yourself worth of nothing, just because you did somthing : really bad.... -- Grigri Wu 猜想你以後可能会很出名, 先帮你的文章加上签名, 以免埋没名言. : 其实我是想写个 a terrible climbing day : 今天本来挟持着sending 翻天手 & flash 天钩的余威, 想要去尝试ROC Send, To climb a route with ease. "I'm gonna send this route, dude!" 表示'轻松的'完成一条路线的意思. '嘿, 我随随便便就可以爬上去了, 你这没用的饲料鸡!!!" Flash: 摘自攀岩词典 via To lead a climb with no falls or dogging and with no previous attempts on the climb. Two variations exist: the onsight flash (where the climber has never seen the climb before) and the beta flash (where the climber has studied the climb before or has seen someone do the climb). See there. : 结果只确定了它人工攀登的级数约C2... 每一步对我而言都是不可行的, : 5.12 is so far away. : toprope 旁边5.11c/d的韩国, 在起攀後的第二点fall了不下十次, : 力气都耗光了, 後来又被曾爬过的11a欺负 包厢右....我觉得它第一个 Over 比我爬过的5.11a都难翻哩... 可能是 leading 比较不敢拼吧... 不管怎麽样, 我们还是见识了吴小奇之当兵前神话... 成功延续了自从王小宏, 叶小宏当初的传奇. (可能还包含更久前的颜小良 & 康小哲...) 这个神话是说每个男孩子在当兵前都会特别神勇... 攻无不克, 战无不胜, 就算克不了也会死用贱招凹上去 __ 不过当兵後就狠难说了... 所以这礼拜再找天晚上去清大吧. ..............................怕以後就爬不上去了. -- 再会吧 ~ 我那亚得里亚海自由跟放荡的日子..... --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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