作者Davidking (虽千万人)
标题Fw: [新闻] 华航捐赠350台二手LCD萤幕至蒙古
时间Wed Mar 14 22:42:05 2012
※ [本文转录自 Aviation 看板 #1DtZBHA9 ]
作者: nyrnu (~新年快乐,万事如意~) 看板: Aviation
标题: [新闻] 华航捐赠350台二手LCD萤幕至蒙古
时间: Thu May 26 19:00:30 2011
Updated Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:30 pm TWN, The China Post news staff
China Airlines donates 350 LCD monitors to Mongolian schools
The China Post news staff--China Airlines donated 350 used 15” LCD monitors
to the Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Office in Taipei, Mongolia's
representative office in Taiwan, at the inauguration ceremony yesterday of
the Mongolia Culture, Education, Health and Economic Cooperation Association
in Taiwan.
The monitors will be distributed to 33 schools and one hospital in remote
regions of the Mongolia, including the South Gobi Province and Selenge
Province to help promote computer literacy. The airline donated another 210
used monitors in March to Taiwanese charities such as the Garden of Hope
Foundation and Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation, among others.
In recent years the airline has been finding new lives in social welfare for
old corporate assets. In 2009, it donated cabin equipment such as seats, meal
carts, toilets, oxygen masks and life jackets, to local elementary schools to
build airport-themed English classrooms.
Well, the opinion may be on the way!
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ tachikoma:颗颗.... 05/26 20:09
2F:推 rocky9137No2:是蒙古国还是内蒙古? 05/26 20:42
3F:→ yodi:内文 Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Office 当然是"蒙古国" 05/26 20:43
4F:推 tkucwlin:乌兰巴托...当然是蒙古国~~ 05/26 21:26
5F:推 vagueterror:台湾有开航蒙古的可能性吗? 05/26 23:22
6F:推 kikkansya:叫外交部先去谈蒙古中亚俄国等国家免签吧.... 05/26 23:35
7F:推 vagueterror:中亚免签似乎不可能~~ 但蒙古免签已经在谈了!! 05/27 00:18
8F:推 cgy:中亚现在是韩国人在掌握XD 05/27 00:49
9F:→ cgy:三星 LG去那边插旗很久XD 05/27 00:50
10F:→ JCC:蒙古现在是落地签吗 05/27 01:36
11F:→ doraemon129K:大韩有飞乌兹别克!韩航有飞哈萨克! 05/27 01:55
12F:→ CORSA:如果按照中华民国宪法来看,只有"蒙古地方"可没有"蒙古国"! 05/27 04:18
13F:→ chiyiguo:按照宪法,随时都可以有蒙古国,地图改一下就可以了 05/27 09:33
14F:推 ksyulun:蒙古好像是因为是程序管制(没有雷达),所以飞越许可不好拿 05/27 09:44
15F:推 cgy:这应该不是很严重的问题,现在有很多导航方式都可以克服这个 05/27 09:52
16F:→ cgy:问题,最重要还是该国愿不愿意开放领空 05/27 09:53
17F:推 andy0819:他们有空军吗 XD 05/27 11:38
18F:推 magisterMAGI:可以确定的是 应该不会有海军 05/27 11:49
19F:→ magisterMAGI:我错了 查了一下居然有海军XD 05/27 11:50
20F:推 starbuckser0:有的,蒙古有海军. 另,对盟事务有外交部的代表处,算是 05/27 12:24
21F:→ starbuckser0:间接承认其国家地位了 /蒙\ 以往似由蒙藏委员会管 05/27 12:26
22F:推 cgy:有空军 2005年调查 好像只有8架 mig21 可以飞,5个空军基地 05/27 13:49
23F:→ cgy:大概只有2个在运作,其中一个在首都 05/27 13:50
24F:→ cgy:蒙古政府还有海洋部,不过目前只办理权宜轮相关事宜 05/27 13:51
25F:→ DoD:8架飞机,五个基地,太强大了!! 05/27 14:39
26F:推 Anadyomene:蒙古国有海军!!!???哪里有海啊???!!! 05/27 15:22
27F:推 wudanny:唐努乌梁海.....(误) 05/27 16:08
28F:→ ROCAF:他们有海军? 05/27 20:57
29F:推 rocky9137No2:RP海 05/27 21:10
30F:推 Bcl2:忘记是瑞士还是奥地利 他们真的有"海军" 05/27 23:17
31F:推 AEM:上面两国都有 防护他们的湖泊与河流 05/28 00:00
32F:→ CORSA:与其称"海军",不如称"水军"更贴切!大陆应该也有内陆水军配置 05/31 10:38
33F:推 yoshiochin:应该是类似像CGA之类的机关 05/31 20:02
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: Davidking (, 时间: 03/14/2012 22:42:05