Mind 板


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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Mind/M.1558101898.A.A7A.html
1F:推 milk75902: 快去结婚! 05/17 22:07
当我学着了解自己;爱自己的时候,我的神性会引导我。 My inner self leads me whilst I learn to know and love myself.
2F:推 ghost0902: 快去结婚 05/17 22:11
我观察自己的感受,而非告诉他们应该如何感觉。 I observe my feelings instead of telling others how they feel.
3F:推 tycp2134: 快去结婚 05/17 22:14
就在当下我创造我的未来。 In the present moment I create my future.
4F:推 saweo1437: 快去结婚 05/17 22:18
我以爱的眼光来看我的夥伴。 I look at my fellow being with loving eyes.
5F:推 planet520: 快去结婚 05/17 22:21
我是个独一无二的个体,我的使命会在日常生活中实现。 I am a unuque being with a purpose that comes true in daily life.
6F:推 moonkids: 快去结婚 05/17 22:23
对错不重要,重要的是从经验中得到教训。 There is no mistakes, only experiences.
7F:推 yuanfan: 快去结婚 05/17 22:24
我肯定并了解自己内在的美。 I recognize my inner beauty.
8F:推 greeedisland: 快去结婚 05/17 22:28
我允许恐惧向云一样的来去自如。 I let my fears come and go like clouds.
9F:推 nalthax: 快去结婚 05/17 22:28
我用轻松的爱来祝福自己。 I bless every single cell of my body with relaxing love.
10F:推 golinkin: 快去结婚! 05/17 22:32
我身体每个细胞都充满了无限的喜悦能量。 Every cell of my body is filled with an infinite joyous energy.
11F:推 jptt1: 快去结婚! 05/17 22:36
与神同在,就无对错,也无善恶。 With God there is no right or wrong, no good or evil.
12F:推 zoeyfly: 快去结婚!! 05/17 22:42
我就是我,我很好。 I am me and I am okay.
13F:推 sun0328: 快去结婚 05/17 22:47
我家很美。我让每个房间都充满爱与喜悦。 My home is beautiful. I fill every room with love and joy.
14F:推 BUHUDAIN: 快去结婚 05/17 22:49
我欢愉於我的性能量,那是自然而且美好的。 I rejoice in my sexuality. It is natural and wonderful.
15F:推 Taylor7758: 快去结婚! 05/17 22:49
我知道思想会创造实相。 I am aware that thoughts are creators.
16F:推 indyat: 快去结婚! 05/17 22:50
每天我都更爱我自己。 Every day I love myself more and more.
17F:推 ls48: 快去结婚 05/17 22:52
在我的生命中,我就是发光的太阳 I am the radiant sun in my life.
18F:推 mildred520: 快去结婚 05/17 23:00
现在我选择活得神采奕奕。 I now choose to be truly alive.
19F:推 onlyks: 快去结婚 05/17 23:05
对错不重要,重要的是从经验中得到教训。 There is no mistakes, only experiences.
20F:推 pharaohmagic: 快去结婚 05/17 23:06
在我心中充满了无限的爱。 In the center of my being there is an infinite source of love.
21F:推 sherry1005: 快去结婚 05/17 23:08
我越正向地看待自己以及世界,就越吸引正向的人。 The more positively I see myself and the world the more I attract positive people.
22F:推 man831bear: 快去结婚 05/17 23:08
金钱对我与他人都是爱与支持的呈现。 Money is an expression of love and support for me and others.
23F:推 fanny1020: 快去结婚 05/17 23:09
我知道把界线设在什麽地方,并在必要的时候说"不"。 I know where to set my boundaries, saying no when necessary.
24F:推 aaabboann: 快去结婚 05/17 23:10
今天我开始过崭新的生活。 Today I am starting a new life.
25F:推 waitriver: 快去结婚 05/17 23:11
我有个洞见;地球是个美好且值得居住的所在。 I have the vision that the carth is a wonderful place that is worth living in.
26F:推 foreigners: 快去结婚! 05/17 23:11
我很高兴我在这里。 I am happy to be here.
27F:推 bsmile602: 快去结婚 05/17 23:18
微不足道的日常事物也能使我充满快乐与平静。 The small daily things fill me with happiness and peace.
28F:推 s92090: 快去结婚 05/17 23:18
我的目标就是在每个片刻都付出爱。 My goal is to love every single moment.
29F:推 jak520162: 快去结婚 05/17 23:19
我传递爱、真理和关怀。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
30F:推 so1127shian: 快去结婚!!! 05/17 23:20
由於我体验到内在的爱与平静,所以我也愿意给出爱与平静。 I am now ready to give love and peace and that's why I am experiencing love and peace in myself.
31F:推 mochi0930: 快去结婚! 05/17 23:22
我身处绝对安全之中。 I rest in deep safety.
32F:推 nans0214: 快去结婚 05/17 23:22
我是个独一无二的个体,我的使命会在日常生活中实现。 I am a unuque being with a purpose that comes true in daily life.
33F:推 responsible: 快去结婚 05/17 23:25
金钱本身无所谓好坏,就看你如何认定。 Money itself isn't good nor bad. It is what you think it is.
34F:推 Lafrente: 快去结婚 05/17 23:26
在任何情况下我都是安全的。 I am safe in everything that is.
35F:推 bugatoo: 快去结婚 05/17 23:26
我越正向地看待自己以及世界,就越吸引正向的人。 The more positively I see myself and the world the more I attract positive people.
36F:推 FRANCISocean: 快去结婚 05/17 23:28
即使在工作的时候,我也愿意跟我的高层心灵连系。 Even at work I am ready to be in contact with my higher self.
37F:推 hellonew: 快去结婚 05/17 23:31
我了结所有的仇恨,并在生活中创造和谐。 I can all enmities and create harmony in my life.
38F:推 rubytsou: 快去结婚 05/17 23:34
我信任生命,并深信每件事的发生都是神圣完美的。 I trust life and know that everything happens in the right divine order.
39F:推 claireoai: 快去结婚~ 05/17 23:41
我允许自己享受性。 I allow myself to enjoy sex.
40F:推 qaz100220: 快去结婚 05/17 23:45
我喜欢活用我的钱。 I love working with money that comes to me.
41F:推 pika1018: 快去结婚! 05/17 23:47
我注意身体传达给我的讯息。 I attend to the messages of my body.
42F:推 noiseren: 快去结婚! 05/17 23:51
被爱是世界上最轻易的事情,因为那是我真实的本性。 Being loved is the easiest thing in the world because it is my true nature.
43F:推 unicornhung: 快去结婚 05/17 23:54
我敞开心胸接受快乐的解决之道。 I open up to a happy solution.
44F:→ violet29129: 快去结婚! 05/17 23:55
现在我选择活得神采奕奕。 I now choose to be truly alive.
45F:推 violet29129: 快去结婚! 05/17 23:55
我欢迎所有令我快乐的事情。 I welcome everything that makes me happy.
46F:推 maomao0w0: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:00
我正把天堂带到人间。 I'm bringing heaven down to earth.
47F:推 chiarajin: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:01
我突破了父母为保护我而设立的规范。 I outgrow my parents' boundaries.
48F:推 upinair: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:01
我让感觉适度宣泄,从中学习,然後继续前进。 I let my feelings come, learn from them and go on.
49F:推 ns33: 快去结婚 05/18 00:01
我使自己的身、心、灵都很健康。 I allow myself to be completely healthy.
50F:推 turtleshelle: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:08
我家的气氛是快乐且光明的。 The atmosphere in my home is happy and light.
51F:推 a230329: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:09
我快乐地分享我的知识和能力给那些对我敞开心胸的人。 I happily share my knowledge and abilities with the people who are open to me.
52F:推 kimlin0112: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:11
我的想法会回向到我身上而成为经验。 The thoughts I send out come back to me as experiences.
53F:推 bonus1123: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:18
失去控制是无伤大雅的。 It is okay to lose contol.
54F:推 ichigoakira: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:18
只要我信任我自己就可以面对任何情况。 I asn cope with any situation if only I trust myselg.
55F:推 myrie72: 快去结婚 05/18 00:19
我愿意敞开心胸让别人了解我。 I openly tell others my needs and wishes.
56F:推 koice: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:19
在人际关系中,我能在亲密和自由之间取得平衡。 In my relationships to others there is a perfect balance of intimacy and freedom.
57F:推 killblue: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:32
我可以在爱与恨、天堂与地狱之间做选择。 I can choose.
58F:推 AmicablePair: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:35
我观察自己的感受,而非告诉他们应该如何感觉。 I observe my feelings instead of telling others how they feel.
59F:推 roufen: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:41
我是有价值并且受欢迎的,我目前就是如此。 I am valuable and welcome just as I am.
60F:推 ccs2417: 快去结婚 05/18 00:42
当我需要帮助时我询问内心或宇宙。 When I need help, I ask my heart or the universe.
61F:推 wanboboq: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:43
我了结所有的仇恨,并在生活中创造和谐。 I can all enmities and create harmony in my life.
62F:→ ccs2417: 快去结婚 05/18 00:43
我欢迎丰盛进入我的生命。 I welcome abundance into my life.
63F:推 acylin: 快去结婚~ 05/18 00:50
我观照我的思维,铲除像令我痛苦的杂念,并专注於对我有益的念头。 I pay attention to my thoughtsa, dig out like weeds those that cause me pain, and care for those that are helpful to me.
64F:推 Fruit56: 快去结婚! 05/18 00:51
爱自己始於宽恕自己。 Loveing myself starts by forgiving myself.
65F:推 hybridchild: 快去结婚! 05/18 01:00
我愿意把每一件今天发生在我身上的事当作是生命赋予的礼物。 I am ready and willing to see everything that happens to me today as a gift of life.
66F:推 auterqe: 快去结婚 05/18 01:04
我由衷地感谢所有我需要的东西都有人供应。 I am thankful that everything that I need is provided.
67F:推 rueiying: 快去结婚! 05/18 01:14
就在当下我创造我的未来。 In the present moment I create my future.
68F:推 Ks950120: 快去结婚! 05/18 01:19
开悟意味着自我探索并了解真实的自我。当我真正爱自己时,开悟就发生了。 Enlightenment means to go within myself and to know who I really am Enlightenment happens when I truly love myself.
69F:推 charm110: 快去结婚! 05/18 01:31
地球的健康对我而言是很重要的。 The health of our planet is essential to me.
70F:推 yzlq: 快去结婚! 05/18 01:32
我不可以活在过去,因为那已经过去了。 I cannot live in the past because it is over.
71F:推 graykawi: 快去结婚 05/18 01:59
我总是得到天时、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
72F:推 sakira: 快去结婚~ 05/18 02:05
无论我的伙伴是否认同我,我都觉得安全。 I feel safe and survive whether my partner is at my side or not.
73F:推 jmrla: 快去结婚! 05/18 03:12
对错不重要,重要的是从经验中得到教训。 There is no mistakes, only experiences.
74F:推 september: 快去结婚! 05/18 03:20
我整个身体正如我的脸和手一样美丽与自然。 My whole body is as beautiful and natural as my face and my hands.
75F:推 osakakobe: 快去结婚! 05/18 03:26
我观照我内在的对话。 I pay attention to my inner dialogue.
76F:推 knowmore: 快去结婚! 05/18 03:29
我在工作中呈现爱和创造力。 I express my love and my creativity in my work.
77F:推 baudrons: 快去结婚 05/18 04:28
被爱是美好的。 It is good being loved by others.
78F:推 elain75712: 快去结婚 05/18 04:30
我渴望正向的改变,因此我接纳目前的自己。 I wish for positive changes and that's why I accept myself as I am.
79F:推 IiTK: 快去结婚 05/18 04:39
透过工作我学习拓展我的视野。 Through my work I learn to broaden my horizon.
80F:推 yah13305: 快去结婚 05/18 05:19
我让新观念在潜意识中成长。 I program my subconsciousness with new thoughts of growth.
81F:推 senyy: 快去结婚! 05/18 06:12
我一直在寻找的宝藏就在我心中。 The trasdure that I am looking for is in my heart.
82F:推 fyen00: 快去结婚 05/18 06:28
生命太珍贵了,所以我不能让自己迷失在过去的憎恨与痛苦里。 My life is too precious to lose myself in the resentment and bitterness of the past.
83F:推 ruoa: 快去结婚! 05/18 06:51
与宇宙合一的想法赋予我力量,并在这不断变动的现实世界里鼓舞我。 The thought of being at one with the universe empowers and inspires me in this ever-changing reality.
84F:推 pyngtz: 快去结婚! 05/18 06:56
我愿意敞开心胸让别人了解我。 I openly tell others my needs and wishes.
85F:推 beconfident: 快去结婚 05/18 07:03
现在我愿意自由且公开地付出及接受爱。 I am now ready to give and receive love freely and openly.
86F:推 mengmine: 快去结婚!!! 05/18 07:07
当下每件事物都是活力充沛的。 Everything is alive her and now.
87F:推 lot85042: 快去结婚 05/18 07:29
过去的事情已经过去了。 The past is over.
88F:推 r29541: 快去结婚! 05/18 07:32
我以慈悲心对待自己与别人。 I encounter myself and others with compassion.
89F:推 fralice: 快去结婚! 05/18 07:44
我不但富有且多才多艺。 I am rich and versatile.
90F:推 wish99: 快去结婚 05/18 08:03
在人际关系中,我能在亲密和自由之间取得平衡。 In my relationships to others there is a perfect balance of intimacy and freedom.
91F:推 yenyuu: 快去结婚! 05/18 08:07
所有我需要的东西,都会适时来到我身边。 Everything I need comes to me at the right moment.
92F:推 freedom9: 快去结婚 05/18 08:23
我接纳自己一直保留着那些不适用的旧模式。 I forgive myself for keeping to old patterns that are no longer of use to me.
93F:推 irisbaby: 快去结婚! 05/18 08:28
我放下对生命的抗拒。 I give up my resistance to life.
94F:推 COURAGEDORIS: 快去结婚 05/18 08:41
大地供应我们财富与丰富。 The earth provides us with riches and abundance.
95F:推 stranger15: 快去结婚! 05/18 08:43
我放下所有的期待敞开心胸去体验差异带给我的丰盈。 I release all my expectations and open my heart to experience the abundance of diversity.
96F:推 how0963: 快去结婚 05/18 08:49
我愿意放下过去的伤痛,宽恕自己也宽恕别人。 I am ready to release the pains of my past. I forgive myself and others.
97F:推 zoeling09: 快去结婚! 05/18 08:51
我渴望正向的改变,因此我接纳目前的自己。 I wish for positive changes and that's why I accept myself as I am.
98F:推 ment543217: 快去结婚 05/18 08:56
我活着不是为了满足别人也不必依照他人的想法来过日子。 I am not here to satisfy others and live my life according to their ideas.
99F:推 o4643493: 快去结婚! 05/18 08:59
我有权力也有能力去表达我的暴怒、生气及意见,而不会伤害任何人,也不会失去他们对 我的爱。 I have the right the ability to express my rage, anger and opinion without hurting anyone or losing their love.
100F:推 hichubby: 快去结婚 05/18 09:02
我就是我,我很好。 I am me and I am okay.
101F:推 cutedesert: 「快去结婚!」 05/18 09:11
我奉献我的一生去探索并实践我的愿景。 I dedicate my life to exploring and fulfilling the visions that are in me.
102F:推 MakiHorikita: 快去结婚! 05/18 09:13
我很高兴我在这里。 I am happy to be here.
103F:推 ginny0505: 快去结婚! 05/18 09:33
我喜悦地活在当下。 I rejoice in the moment.
104F:推 petegriffi68: 快去结婚! 05/18 09:56
我不再认同自己创造出来的恐惧。 I am not my fears.
105F:推 just000: 快去结婚! 05/18 10:10
你可以在意想不到的地方找到喜悦。 You can find joy in unexpected place.
106F:推 etmaybe: 快去结婚! 05/18 10:26
即使在工作的时候,我也愿意跟我的高层心灵连系。 Even at work I am ready to be in contact with my higher self.
107F:推 Jimini: 快去结婚! 05/18 10:28
所有我需要知道的事都会有人在适当的时间、适当的地点告诉我。 Everything I need to know I am told at the right time and in the right place.
108F:推 monetblue: 快去结婚! 05/18 10:38
所有神圣的智慧带给我的经验都帮助我成长。 All the experiences that divine wisdom lead me to, help me grow.
109F:推 popcorn1980: 快去结婚! 05/18 10:52
我可以在爱与恨、天堂与地狱之间做选择。 I can choose.
110F:推 yy0412: 快去结婚 05/18 11:07
我允许恐惧向云一样的来去自如。 I let my fears come and go like clouds.
111F:→ puffmei: 快去结婚XD 05/18 11:30
在任何情况下我都是安全的。 I am safe in everything that is.
112F:→ puffmei: 快去结婚 05/18 11:31
我总是得到天时、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
113F:推 puffmei: 快去结婚 05/18 11:36
内心的清明思维能疗癒外在的负面表徵。 I am filled with a bright inner light with which I can see a healing core behind negative appearances.
114F:推 kurin: 快去结婚! <3 05/18 11:37
我选择对我念力所产生的力量负责。 I choose to be responsible gor the power of my thoughts.
115F:推 flyingbirds: 快去结婚 05/18 11:40
我爱我独一无二且美好的生活。 I love my unique and wonderful life.
116F:推 support000: 快去结婚! 05/18 11:42
我喜欢逐步地认识新朋友。 I love getting to know new people.
117F:推 thomas790: 感情 05/18 11:51
118F:→ thomas790: 快去结婚! 05/18 11:52
我了解并决定地在危机中抓住学习与成长的机会。 I am aware and decisive and see particularly in crises a chance to learn and grow.
119F:推 juan357589: 快去结婚! 05/18 11:56
今天我允许自己玩得很开心、很尽兴。 Today I allow myself to have fun.
120F:推 paeony: 快去结婚! 05/18 11:59
我选择喜悦及和平的想法。 I choose thoughts that love joy and peace.
121F:推 jacky789: 快去结婚 05/18 12:00
我的工作是理想的,并带给我乐趣。 My work is ideal for me and brings me pleasure.
122F:推 sleeppigpig: 快去结婚 05/18 12:32
我的心洋溢着喜悦,因为我的生活中充满了美好的祝福。 My heart overflows because of all the wonderful blessings in my life.
123F:推 nell0718: 快去结婚! 05/18 12:47
面对心魔是使自己完整,并活在光中的不二法门。 Encountering my shadow is the gateway to being whole, to being the light I am.
124F:推 j80411: 快去结婚! 05/18 12:54
任何我希望在夥伴身上出现的特质,都可以在我内心找到。 Whatever I'd like in a partner, I find in my heart.
125F:推 yoshi0322: 快去结婚! 05/18 13:05
内心的清明思维能疗癒外在的负面表徵。 I am filled with a bright inner light with which I can see a healing core behind negative appearances.
126F:推 a6118803: 快去结婚~ 05/18 13:05
对错不重要,重要的是从经验中得到教训。 There is no mistakes, only experiences.
127F:推 loveparadise: 快去结婚! 05/18 13:12
我放下所有的期待敞开心胸去体验差异带给我的丰盈。 I release all my expectations and open my heart to experience the abundance of diversity.
128F:推 nccuer: 快去结婚 05/18 13:28
我很容易适应我周遭的人、地方和事物。 I easily tune in to the peoply, places and things around me.
129F:推 yuansiyu: 快去结婚 05/18 13:42
每个人都有足够的空间,喜悦地表达我们独一无二的创造力。 There is enough space for everybody so that we can joyfully express our unique creativity.
130F:推 rrrachel: 快去结婚 05/18 13:59
我的想法会回向到我身上而成为经验。 The thoughts I send out come back to me as experiences.
131F:推 Ame0310: 快去结婚 05/18 14:22
我身处绝对安全之中。 I rest in deep safety.
132F:→ dindonA: 快去结婚 05/18 14:28
我接纳自己一直保留着那些不适用的旧模式。 I forgive myself for keeping to old patterns that are no longer of use to me.
133F:推 hala9983: 快去结婚 05/18 14:52
任何我希望在夥伴身上出现的特质,都可以在我内心找到。 Whatever I'd like in a partner, I find in my heart.
134F:推 tsl1619: 快去结婚 05/18 15:40
我突破了父母为保护我而设立的规范。 I outgrow my parents' boundaries.
135F:推 emountain: 快去结婚 05/18 15:45
我愿意以崭新的方式来体验每一天。 I am ready to experience every day anew.
136F:推 kellyljp: 快去结婚 05/18 16:57
我学习把痛苦当做一个提醒自己去倾听身体智慧的信号。 I learn to regard pain sa a sign that reminds me to listen to the wisdom of my body.
137F:推 vu04: 快去结婚 05/18 17:12
我了结所有的仇恨,并在生活中创造和谐。 I can all enmities and create harmony in my life.
138F:推 yufall: 快去结婚!!! 05/18 18:23
我给自己自由去拥有崭新且发光的经验。 I give myself the freedom to have new and glowing experiences.
139F:推 peggycherry: 快去结婚!! 05/18 18:24
我带着信心和爱去接近别人。 I approavh other people confidently and lovingly.
140F:推 Bonva: 快去结婚! 05/18 19:18
我知道性是一种神圣的表现。 I know that sex is an expression of my divinity.
141F:推 goyuki: 快去结婚! 05/18 19:33
我带着信心和爱去接近别人。 I approavh other people confidently and lovingly.
142F:推 xyvonnex: 快去结婚! 05/18 19:39
我使自己的身、心、灵都很健康。 I allow myself to be completely healthy.
143F:推 fish780122: 快去结婚~~ 05/18 19:54
我有权力也有能力去表达我的暴怒、生气及意见,而不会伤害任何人,也不会失去他们对 我的爱。 I have the right the ability to express my rage, anger and opinion without hurting anyone or losing their love.
144F:推 anti27149: 快去结婚 05/18 20:27
我放下跟别人的竞争和比较。 I give up competing and comparing with others.
145F:推 Bwinder: 贺! 05/18 20:29
146F:推 jinkame7004: 快去结婚 05/18 20:40
我很容易适应我周遭的人、地方和事物。 I easily tune in to the peoply, places and things around me.
147F:推 milk0103: 快去结婚!!! 05/18 20:54
玩是我生活中的重要因素。 Play is an important element in my life.
148F:推 ling23: 快去结婚! 05/18 20:57
绝对的静谧,常驻我心。 Powerful silence fills me.
149F:推 sambora: 快去结婚 05/18 20:58
我愿意面对生命的改变。 I am prepared for changes in my life.
150F:推 CHiiiA333: 快去结婚!! 05/18 21:01
我总是得到天时、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
151F:推 elfminqu: 快去结婚! 05/18 21:14
我轻易和喜悦地朝着目标前进。 I move towards my goals with ease joy.
152F:推 shuinn: 快去结婚~~ 05/18 21:21
我信任我的神性会指引我哪些需要改变。 I trust that my divine self will tell me what I need to change.
153F:推 Meow0306: 快去结婚! 05/18 21:54
我怀着爱与感恩的心情来照顾我的身体。 I care for my body lovingly and thankfully.
154F:推 senstivewu: 快去结婚! 05/18 22:08
我是独一无二的,而别人也是如此。 I am unique and that is true for everyone else too.
155F:推 por: 快去结婚! 05/18 22:17
当下每件事物都是活力充沛的。 Everything is alive her and now.
156F:推 Jamie319: 快去结婚 05/18 22:20
我允许自己享受性。 I allow myself to enjoy sex.
157F:推 jessy413026: 快去结婚 05/18 22:37
生命是美好的,我极尽所能地回馈我所接受的所有美善。 Life means well and I give back manifold all the good I receive.
158F:推 vulnjp: 快去结婚 05/18 22:48
只有我能够使自己真正快乐。 Only I can make myself truly happy.
159F:推 pontsao: 快去结婚!! 05/18 23:21
就我的夥伴而言,我是可爱的;就我而言,他也是可爱的。 I am as lovable for my partner as he is for me.
160F:推 snowfreak: 快去结婚! 05/18 23:59
我传递爱、真理和关怀。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
161F:推 calucu24: 快去结婚!! 05/19 08:00
我知道我内心经常充满无私的爱,当我需要时,它会回应我。 I know that I am in constant contact with an unconditionally loving universe that always gives me, if I ask for it with.
162F:推 meshit: 快去结婚 05/19 08:35
生命就是自我探索的旅程。 Life is a journey of discovering oneself.
163F:推 emptyzzz: 快去结婚 05/19 10:14
每个进入我家的人,都觉得受欢迎,并且被爱。 Everybody entering my home feels welcome and loved.
164F:推 k120: 快去结婚! 05/19 20:53
该是我为自己设想的时候了。 It is time to think for for myself. ※ 编辑: poppyrose (, 05/21/2019 20:57:43

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