Military 板

==> 在 "ISU152" <[email protected]> 的文章中提到: > 驻伊拉克美军16日发表声明证实,美军1架武装直升机当天上午在巴格达以 > 北地区坠毁,2名飞行员丧生。 > 声明说,1架AH-64“阿帕奇”攻击直升机当天上午8时20分许在巴格 > 达以北约30公里处的塔季地区沼泽地坠毁,直升机坠毁前正在执行战斗巡逻 > 任务。声明承认塔季地区反美武装活跃,但没有说明这架直升机坠毁的原因。 > 此前有目击者说,这架直升机是被火箭弹击落的。一个名为“圣战者军”的武 > 装组织在网站上发表声明,声称这架美军直升机是它击落的。但其真相目前尚 > 无法得到证实。 喔,怎又有人侵入HiNet 网路来发东西了。连IP都不敢显示了。 要贴新闻,请引用原始来源。不要拿对岸垃圾新闻来充数。还要人来改错字。 另外,关於阿拉伯新闻,最权威的还是半岛电台。 另外,击落美军直昇机的既不是RPG ,也不是俄罗斯的SAM-7 ,而是共军走私 输出给伊拉克叛军的FN系列,只是不知道型号是仿法国西北风的,还是巴基斯 坦提供刺针样本的仿品。 连国际外交名人Huntington有点出,共军利用阿拉伯回教激进份子来对欧美基 督教世界进行恐怖攻击,让两大文明世界强烈冲突来同归於烬,自个从中获利。 还提供伊朗打到欧洲的中程导弹与核弹制造设施。 US helicopter downed in Iraq Tuesday 17 January 2006, 4:07 Makka Time, 1:07 GMT US helicopter shot down in Iraq Friday 13 January 2006, 19:46 Makka Time, 16:46 GMT Apache Crash Kills Two; Operations Net Suspects, Weapons WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2006 – Two Task Force Ironhorse soldiers were killed today when their AH-64 Apache helicopter crashed, and various operations in Iraq netted terrorism suspects and weapons, military officials in Baghdad reported today. The Apache crashed in a swampy area north of Taji at about 8:20 a.m. while conducting a combat air patrol, officials said. Though emphasizing that it is premature to determine the cause of the crash and that an investigation will be conducted, military officials said the area where the aircraft went down has been known for terrorist activity. The soldiers' names are being withheld pending notification of next of kin. In other news, operations throughout Iraq resulted in detention of terrorism suspects and discovery of weapons caches. Abu Ghraib Detainees Released; Bombs and Weapons Found in Iraq American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2006 – Hundreds of security detainees were released from prison today, and multiple bombs and weapons caches were discovered in Iraq over the last few days, U.S. military officials reported. About 500 security detainees were released from Abu Ghraib prison. Those released were not guilty of serious or violent crimes, such as bombing, torture, kidnapping, or murder, and all have admitted their crimes, renounced violence, and pledged to be good citizens of a democratic Iraq, officials said. -- * Origin: ★ 交通大学资讯科学系 BBS ★ <>

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icon.png[出售] Graco提篮汽座(有底座)2000元诚可议
icon.png[问题] 请问补牙材质掉了还能再补吗?(台中半年内
icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
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icon.png[问题] 拔牙矫正这样正常吗
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icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
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