Military 板


※ 引述《pcepan (本事不大架子不小)》之铭言: : 如果说65系列和其子孙算仿m16的话... : 那韩国的k1也是罗??? 这我真的不知道要怎麽分了...应该说是完全不一样的东西 但又很像... 南韩在1950年韩战爆发以来,全军均使用美式武器装备,在1970年代中期南韩获得美国 Colt公司授权在南韩生产M16步枪供南韩三军使用,但这项制造授权有一项但书:在韩国生 产的M16步枪仅供韩方使用,不得销售海外市场。这主要是维护Colt在国际市场的利益与 主导权,这项措施初期保护了Colt公司,但在80年代末期却让Colt公司几乎破产。南韩在 80年代初期将国防工业民营化,这些国防工业遂被财团收购,而80年是南韩经贸起飞的年 代,而武器装备也成为外销主力产品,这项经贸走向明显与但书产生激烈冲突,经过数次 协商仍无法取得共识的情况下,南韩决定自行发展突击步枪,南韩在经过10年生产M16步枪 ,从中取得相当多的经验,所以在极短的时间内就发展出K2突击步枪与K1A1,这两 者的运作原理完全不同: 在考虑零件互通性,所以K1A1仍沿用源自Ml6步枪的击槌击发系统,并增加三发点放钮 ,但枪身上半部则与Ml6完全不同,M16的气体直推推系统一直令人诟病,所以K2步枪则采 用AK47步枪的瓦斯驱动原理,但是K1A1突击步枪却采用简单的反冲原理,M16步枪的复进簧 是位於枪托中,所以一直无法大幅缩短全枪长度,而KlA1突击步枪则增大枪机室宽度与枪 机构型,并配合双平行复进箦,这配置使K1A的长度大幅缩短为653mm,K1A1并配有伸缩式 金属枪托。因枪管缩短了,射击时为抑制枪囗上扬与火焰,K1A1加装大型防火帽。 K1A1采用5.56mmM193子弹,不论射程与贯穿力都有不错的表现。 K2突击步枪的枪管、前护手跟准星部分很像以色列的加利步枪。可是机匣的设计又很像 台湾出产的T65步枪,而固定退壳辅助器显然跟美国M16的相似。可使用固定或折叠式枪托 ,枪管是6条右旋膛线,使用比利时SS109枪弹和美国M193枪弹。现役装备数量在60万枝以 上。K2还存在一些尚待克服的不足,如散热性能较差、连续射击200发以後枪身便会过热, 常出现卡弹、不能闭锁等问题。 感觉像是一把四不像? Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Rem) Action: Gas operated, rotating bolt Overall length: 980 mm (730mm w. folded stock) Barrel length: 465 mm Weigth: 3.26 kg Magazine capacity: 30 rds Rate of fire: 750 rds/min Daewoo K1 and K2 are primary infantry weapons of the South Korean Army. These rifles replaced in service old M16A1 rifles. Technically, Daewoo K2 is a select-fire, gas driven, rotating bolt firearm. The bolt/bolt carrier assembly of the K2 is very similar to one of the M16, but with one main difference: in the place of the gas expansion chamber of the M16, K2 bolt carrier has a cut slot. In this slot is inserted the rear part of the gas rod, with gas piston attached to the forward part of the gas rod. Also, K2 does not have the recoil buffer, that could be found in almost any M16/AR15 type weapons. The receiver is of folding design (upper and lower receiver are connected via 2 steel pins, like the M16 or FN FNC receivers). Charging handle is installed on the right side of the bolt carrier. The polymer buttsock is folding (to the right side of the weapon). Gas system has 4 positions switch - one position is for rifle grenades firing (gas port is closed completely), other 3 positions - for operations in normal conditions, in adverse conditions and in extreme heat. The K1 is a cut-down, shortened version of the K2 with telescopic stock and shorter barrel. Civilan, semi-auto version of the K2 is manufactured in two calibers: 5.56x45mm (.223) and 7.62x39mm, and is named DR-200 or DR-300, respectively --

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