Middle_East 板


※ [本文转录自 IA 看板 #1EVrSwVC ] 作者: JoeBorowski (爆炸司机) 看板: IA 标题: [新闻] 沙国将首度赋予女性参政权 时间: Mon Sep 26 00:30:47 2011 标题:沙国将首度赋予女性参政权 新闻来源: http://tinyurl.com/3wloxup 中央社 2011/09/25 22:17:39 (中央社利雅德25日综合外电报导) 沙乌地阿拉伯国王阿布杜拉(Abdullah)今天裁示,赋予女性投票权及地方议会参选权。 预料长期鼓吹扩大沙国妇女权利的维权人士,将会大表欢迎。 除了角逐市议会选举,女性未来也将有权加入谘议会(Shura Council)成为正式成员, 这等於满足了沙国维权人士的1项主要诉求。 阿布杜拉今天在谘议会发表演说时表示:「我们不希望女性在社会上遭到边缘化,因而历 经商议後,决定将女性纳入谘议会,就从下一届开始。」 他并且说:「沙乌地妇女未来也可以参加市议会选举,甚至拥有投票权。」 沙乌地女性若未获得男性家属准许,至今仍不能自由出外旅游、工作或接受医疗手术。此 外,她们也不准开车。沙国维权人士因此长期奋战,争取赋予女性更大权利。 不过,这些改变都要等到29日的市议会选举後才实施。这次选举女性仍无投票权和参选权 。 (译者:中央社杨树根) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 标题:Saudi king: Women will be allowed to vote and run for office 新闻来源:http://tinyurl.com/3vh34cy CNN By the CNN Wire Staff September 25, 2011 -- Updated 1541 GMT (2341 HKT) (CNN) -- Women in Saudi Arabia will be allowed to vote and run for office in future municipal elections, King Abdullah announced Sunday. In an address on Saudi state TV, the king said women will be allowed to nominate candidates for the next set of municipal elections. Although he did not use the word "vote," allowing women to take part in the nomination process would amount to voting within Saudi Arabia's system. The country is holding municipal elections Thursday for the only the second time in nearly 50 years. The changes the king announced would go into effect for the next set of elections -- and it is unclear when those might take place. Saudi women's rights activist Wajeha Al-Huwaider called the announcement "great news." "Women's voices will be heard finally," she said. "Now it's time to remove other barriers like not allowing women to drive cars and not being able to function and live a normal life without a male guardian." King Abdullah's announcement followed increasing pressure on Saudi Arabia to allow women to vote. "Since we reject to marginalize the role of women in the Saudi society, in every field of works, according to the (Islamic) Sharia guidelines, and after consultations with many of our scholars, especially those in the senior scholars council, and others, who have expressed the preference for this orientation, and supported this trend, we have decided the following," the king said, according to an English translation of his remarks released by the Saudi government. First, he announced, women will be allowed to participate in the Shura council, the Consultative Council appointed by the king. The U.S. State Department says there are already some women on the 150-member Consultative Council. In 2010, "the number of female advisers on the Consultative Council increased from 10 to 13," the U.S. State Department said in its human rights report on Saudi Arabia, citing "local sources." The king also announced Sunday that, "As of the next session, women will have the right to nominate themselves for membership of Municipal Councils, and also have the right to participate in the nomination of candidates with the Islamic guidelines." Elections for those councils were held in 2005 for the first time since 1963. Only men were eligible to vote, the U.S. State Department says. Another set of elections was scheduled for 2009 but was delayed repeatedly -- ultimately being scheduled for this week. Earlier this year, Saudi women activists wrote the government requesting that women be allowed to vote and be candidates in the municipal elections, according to the U.S. Library of Congress. Saudi Arabia's "Minister of Municipality and Rural Affairs declared that Saudi women will not be able to either run or vote in this election," the Library of Congress reported on its blog. "According to news reports, the Minister stated that the ban on women's participation is due to the lack of segregated voting facilities." When election centers opened in April for voters to register, some groups of women turned up and were turned away. It was one of the first public acts of the "Saudi Women Revolution," a movement set up to campaign for the end of Saudi Arabia's discriminatory laws. CNN's Mohammed Jamjoom and Josh Levs contributed to this report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 标题:阿拉伯之春/沙国王宣布女性将有参政权 新闻来源:http://tinyurl.com/3depk7l 自由时报 〔国际新闻中心/综合报导〕 阿拉伯之春持续发酵!极端保守的沙乌地阿拉伯国王阿不都拉二十五日宣布,将赋予女性 投票权及市级地方议会参选权,未来也有权加入谘议会(Shura Council),成为正式成 员,满足沙国维权人士的主要诉求之一,这项历史创举,料将受到长期鼓吹扩大沙国妇女 权利的维权团体欢迎。 除角逐市议会选举,阿不都拉在谘议会发表演说时还表示,不希望女性在社会上被边缘化 ,因而历经商议後,决定将女性纳入谘议会,「就从下一届开始」,「沙乌地妇女未来也 可以参加市议会选举,甚至拥有投票权。」市级选举是沙国唯一的公众投票选举。 沙国伊斯兰教是极端保守的逊尼派瓦哈比教义,沙国女性若未获得男性家属准许,迄今仍 不能自由出外旅游、工作或接受医疗手术。此外,她们也不准开车。沙国维权人士因此长 期奋战,争取赋予女性更大权利。 不过,这些改变都要等到二十九日的市议会选举後才会实施,本次选举女性仍无投票权和 参选权。 在许多伊斯兰或阿拉伯国家,女性在教育、就业、参政方面受到歧视。除沙国外,科威特 、阿拉伯联合大公国也是直到最近才赋予女性投票权。在黎巴嫩,女性必须接受小学教育 才能行使投票权。根据联合国调查的二○一○年世界男女不平等指数,摩洛哥(一○四名 )、埃及(一○八名)、沙国(一二八名)和叶门(一三八名)等阿拉伯国家都敬陪末座 。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 标题:沙国大改革 妇女可参政投票 新闻来源:http://tinyurl.com/42kwpwk 联合新闻网 2011.09.26 07:53 am 【联合报╱编译田思怡/报导】 在「阿拉伯之春」民主运动的压力下,保守的沙乌地阿拉伯终於迈开改革步伐,沙国国王 阿布杜拉25日宣布,将给予妇女在县市地方选举的投票权和参选权。 阿布杜拉在谘询委员会(Shura Council)展开新任期时宣布此重大政策,他并表示,女 性也可任命为谘询委员会委员。谘询委员会负责审查法案,但不具约束力。 沙国29日举行县市地方选举,妇女将在这次选举後获得投票权和参选权。这个保守的伊斯 兰王国只举办县市地方选举,今年是沙国史上第二次,有5000多名男性候选人,将选出县 市议会的半数席次,另外半数由官方指派。下次选举在4年後。 妇女权利被视为沙国社会和政治改革的试金石,给予妇女参政权,获得沙国妇权人士欢迎 ,为沙国妇权的重大进展。沙国执行严格版本的伊斯兰律法,将男女隔离,妇女日常生活 受到限制,不准开车,出国、工作或接受某些手术,都必须获得男性亲人许可,出国也要 有男性陪伴。 阿布杜拉说:「我们拒绝让妇女在符合伊斯兰律法的社会角色中被边缘化,在与资深教士 和其他人士商议之後,我们决定,让妇女成为谘询委员会委员,从下一任期开始。」 他说:「妇女将可成为县市选举候选人,甚至有投票权。」 沙国妇权运动作家瓦吉哈.阿胡韦德说:「这是大好消息。妇女的声音终於被听到了。现 在该是除去其他约束的时候,例如不准妇女开车,或若是没有男性护卫,就不能过正常生 活。」 阿布杜拉长期推动谨慎的改革,但保守教士和执政家族的资深成员反对任何小改革,自由 化的进展缓慢。 自年初以来,在社交网站串联下,北非和中东的民众抗争风起云涌,但沙国的示威活动只 限於什叶派少数族群的家乡东省。 图/http://tinyurl.com/3zk5q6p 沙乌地阿拉伯国王宣布,沙国妇女将获得县市地方选                 举投票权和参选权。图为包住全身只露出眼睛的沙国                 妇女。(美联社) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: JoeBorowski 来自: (09/26 07:57)
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