Middle_East 板


图文版网志请点选以下连接 http://blog.yam.com/yipin/article/40516817 Just watched three short films about "Move", Learn", and "Eat." Three guys travelled in 11 countries using videos to record what they feel about travelling. I have to say that travelling is a way to deeply understand the culture of different countries, and experiencing exotic living style such as eating may help us to integrate into these countries. Therefore, I'd like to share some special experience including food that I had in this trip. (I have said that English is not my native language so it's difficult for me to express what I want to describe. However, I'll try my best!) (之前才刚看过一只短片, 它用了Move, Learn 和Eat做为它的题裁, 是三个年轻人旅行了十一个国家, 用影片记录了旅行的真实感受, 事实, 当一个背包客, 可以深度了解不同的国家, 而旅行当中的饮食, 更是一种很容易融入异国文化的方式, 因此, 我想要在这里, 用食物来分享我所认识的中东) Due to the religious issue, Muslims are not allowed to eat pork. Thus, lots of meals made by chicken or beef can be found in those middle-east countries. That is, the eating habits of those Muslim countries are similar. Here is the chicken and rice I ate with Sherry, the Chinese lady I met in Palmyra, Syria. Syrians are good to make the roasted chicken although I felt generally the chicken meal they made were not juicy enough. However, less fat may be a strategy to keep healthy. (因为宗教的原因, 穆斯林是被禁止食用猪肉类的制品, 所以, 在中东大部分的肉类餐点, 都是使用鸡肉或是牛肉. 而在中东国家的饮食习惯又非常相近, 底下这张照片, 就是我跟我在叙利亚的Palmyra遇到的一位在叙利亚学阿拉伯文的中国女生Sherry一起吃的一顿晚餐, 是鸡肉与饭的混合, 叙利亚的食物很常使用鸡肉入菜, 包括像底下的这个烤鸡就是一个例子, 我觉得这个烤鸡餐太乾, 不够油,也许不够油腻正是为了要使人们保持健康吗?) In addition to roasted chicken, Salad is usually served in traditional middle-east food. As what you saw on this picture, they mixed cucumber, green peppers, and tomatoes with some light sauce composed by vinegar and almond oil. Actually, you can find lots of almond trees in Syria or whole middle-east countries because this specific plant could adapt the water-deficient season. (除了烤鸡之外, 传统的中东食物的前菜是沙拉, 就像在下面这张照片里的沙拉一样, 中东食物中的沙拉大多是混合小黄瓜, 青椒, 和蕃茄再沾上由醋和橄榄油混合的酱汁. 事实上, 橄榄油的成份来源橄榄树并不需要大量的水源即可生长, 这也是为何可以在中东的食物上发现橄榄油的原因) Here are the some "bread"(I don't know the exact name in English.) Syrians or people from this area eat this bread for their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Generally, they wrap this "bread" with other food such as chicken, rice, or vegetable in this meal. I always drop some sauce or food all over the table. Just too difficult for me. (这张照片是一些中东很流行的大饼, 在叙利亚甚至可以说是整个中东地区的阿拉伯人, 都习惯吃这种饼当做是早餐, 中餐, 或是晚餐, 通常他们会用饼卷起来包裹一些鸡肉, 米, 疏菜当做是一餐, 对我来说这种吃法真的很麻烦, 我总会落了一些酱汁或蔬菜的叶子到桌上) I stayed in a hostel managed by an extremely warm family in Damascus. Janet, the lady who made the breakfast for me, treated me like her son. Though she couldn't speak in English (I couldn't speak in Arabic neither), she cooked some special Syrian food like the one shown follows. (我在大马士革住的Hotel是由住在大马士革的一家人经营的, 帮我们煮早餐的叙利亚妈妈Janet总是对我像对他的儿子一般, 虽然她不大会说英文, (我也不大会说阿拉伯文), 煮了一大堆食物给我吃) (This is the leave covering some rice with almond sauce for the breakfast) (这是阿拉伯人的传统食物, 用煮过的叶子包裹沾有橄榄油的米, 当做早餐来吃) (This is the Syrian dessert. It contained some jelly things and a slice of banana. Very sweet!) (这个则是叙利亚的点心, 像是果冻一样, 里面却有着新鲜的香蕉, 好甜啊) The most well-known dessert in Syria especially in Damascus is Ice cream. There is a small souq, meaning market in Arabic, in front of the Umayyad mosque. Noel, my hostel manager, strongly suggested me to taste Syria-style ice cream, and I couldn't understand the reason until having one. (在叙利亚最有名的点心就是大马士革的冰淇淋了, 在大马士革的欧马亚清真寺前的市集里有个很有名的冰淇淋店, 在我住的Hostel里工作的Noel极力推荐我一定要到这家店里尝尝它的冰淇淋) (This was the ice cream store. They seemed busy all the day.) (这是冰淇淋店, 看起来一整天大家都很忙) Here is the ice cream. It was vanilla flavor and super sweet like other Syria dessert. (这就是香草口味的冰淇淋了, 和其他的叙利亚的甜点一样, 都非常的甜) The most surprising thing for me was the ice cream decorated with green nuts from Pistachio. My mom told me that the nuts of pistachio is expensive. However, the reason why the ice cream was still extremely cheap (50 syrian pound approximately 1 USD) may be lots of pistachio grown in Syria. (最让我意外的是这个冰淇淋上居然有着绿色的开心果, 我记得我妈跟我说过开心果在台湾是很贵的, 但在这里, 只要花50叙利亚镑, 相当於一元美金, 就可比吃到有着大量开心果的冰淇淋了, 可见叙利亚真是个产开心果的国家) Visiting Souq was an exciting experience for me. Noel asked me if I want to visit the real souq in Syria at my last day in Damascus. Thus, we went together to the real souq for local people instead of tourists. It's so huge. There were lots of stores selling different nuts and fruit. (对我来说, 拜访市场是一件非常有趣的经验, 在我住的Hostel工作的Noel在我在叙利亚的最後一天, 就问我要不要跟他一起去大马士革市场买东西, 我们去了一个不是观光客会去的市场, 到处都是Local的叙利亚人, 我看到了好多的商店卖着不同的果子和水果) In summary, I have to say "Syrian is my most favorite country because of the cheaper food, warmer people, beautiful landscapes, and the old history." (Brazil was my most favorite country before visiting Syria, Sorry Marcello, haha) (结论就是, 叙利亚是我旅行到现在为止, 我最喜欢的国家了, 因为叙利亚有便宜的食物, 壮丽的风景, 古老的历史, 和最重要的, 温暖的人情味!) Compared to Syria, I don't like Lebanon at all. The most important reason might probably be the price of everything especially the food (I like to eat!). The price of Shawarma (沙威玛), one of the popular food in middle-east country, was four fold expensive in Lebanon than in Syria (Syria: 1 USD for one, Lebanon, 4 USD for one). Therefore, a poor backpacker traveller like me had to save money to avoid the desire of eating. Fortunately, Xiaobei, the Chinese student from Syracuse University, I met in Beirut, found a restaurant with high quality but low price and also with "Air Condition" (This is essential for me at noon time). The Lebanese food was served as buffet (all you can eat). Here is the picture of some food I ate. The cauliflower was great. It was fried and grilled with sour sauce. However, other food there was yucky. (和叙利亚比起来, 我则是一点也不喜欢黎巴嫩, 最重要的原因可能是因为高昂的物价, 尤其对於我这个爱吃的人来说, 食物的高物价是不能忍受的啊. 一个沙威马在叙利亚大约是一元美金, 在黎巴嫩却要四元美金. 因此对於像我一样的贫穷背包客为了要省钱, 只能不断地刻制自己想吃的欲望. 幸运的是, 我在贝鲁特遇到了一位中国的背包客少白, 少白现在在美国的Syracuse University念建筑硕士, 她找到一家非常便宜又是吃到饱的传统黎巴嫩食物的餐厅, 而且那家餐厅还有冷气喔, 这对於在盛夏的中东旅行的我们是非常重要的. 底下这张图片就是我们吃的食物, 那个白花菜是榨过又沾上酸酸的酱, 还不错, 但其他食物都不大好) Then, I travelled to Israel, a country with lots of controversial issue due to various races and religion. Thus, the culture of eating habit should also be diverse. East Jerusalem, the old town area, is the home town of Palestinians so Arabic food belong to Palestinians, recognized as Arabian, can be observed here. I stayed in a catholic church while I was in Jerusalem and ate dinner offered by the church every day. The cooks was Arabian and provided us lots of Arabic food. The following picture is one of the Arabic dish, beef Kebab. (然後我到了一个在种族和宗教上充满冲突的国家, 以色列. 因此,饮食习惯变得十分的不同, 在东耶路撒冷, 也就是我居住的老城区, 居住了很多的巴勒斯坦人, 巴勒斯坦其实是阿拉伯人, 所以他们的饮食习惯就和其他周围的阿拉伯国家十分类似, 我住的教堂里每天晚上提供的晚餐就大都是阿拉伯式的食物, 像底下这张照片的食物就是一个例子, 它是牛肉做的, 被称做"Kebab") Kebab is one of the tradiational arabic food usually made by chicken or beef. Sometimes, several Kababs could be connected by a wood stick and roasted like the following picture. (Kebab是一种传统的阿拉伯式的食物, 通常都是用牛肉或鸡肉做成, 有时候Kebab会被用细铁棒或是细木棒串在一起烤, 就是下面这张照片) I took this picture in a restaurant close to the coast of the sea of Galilee. Marcello and his wife from Brazil, two sisters from Mexico, and I travelled together in a tour. We were dropped in this restaurant by our tour guide. The tour guide suggested us to order the fish since we were close to the sea of Galilee. Here is the fried fish. Marcello, his wife, and I ordered the fried fish, and two Mexicans ordered Kebabs. (我照的这张照片是在加里勒亚海的海边的餐听, 巴西人Marcello和他的太太, 以及一对墨西哥来的姐妹和我一起参加这个Tour, 我们一起被带到这家餐厅吃中餐, 导游强烈建议我们要吃吃看加里勒亚海的鱼, 这就是我点的炸鱼, Marcello和她的老婆也点了鱼, 墨西哥姐妹则是点了Kebab) However, we were extremely surprised when we got the checks. The fish meal (only a fried fish and potatoes) cost me 90 Israel Shekels (approximately 26 USD). We cannot do anything but keep complaining in whole afternoon. This restaurant apparently is for the tourist! Please don't go there. (然而吃完後, 我们却对餐的价钱非常的惊讶, 鱼餐居然要90 以色列谢克尔, 香当於26元美金, 接着我们就不断的对导游抱怨, 这家店很明显的就是家黑店) Since the plane arrived at Cairo international airport, I knew everything should be cheaper here if I am charged as a NORMAL price. This is a country you always have to bid or bargain for the price of EVERYTHING even for stamps or using bathroom. Sometimes, purchasing food may also need to argue. After bargaining for a while, I got the food shown as follows. (接着我来到了埃及, 从我抵达开罗国际机场的那一刻开始, 我了解到所有的东西都需要在购买钱杀价, 这是一个商人可以漫天喊价的国家, 连食物都是一样的) You can find some Kebab, some roasted chicken, some salad, etc…Arabic food looks the same. Is it right? (底下是一些我在埃及吃的食物的照片, kebab, 烤鸡, 或是一些沙拉, 阿拉伯的食物看起来都差不多, 对吧) Makiko is a Japanese girl I met in Luxor. She always likes to try different things that she never tried before. One of the example is food. She tried Mousaaka, eggplants and tomatoes stew with chili sauce, and suggested it to me. It was the most delicious food I tasted in this trip. If you like hot food, you may want to try if you visit middle east. (Makiko是一个我在路克索遇到的日本女孩, 她总是喜欢尝试不同的食物, 底下这张照片, Mousaaka, 就是一个例子, 这个食物是用蕃茄搭配辣酱炖茄子, 这真是我在这趟中东之旅中吃过最好吃的食物了, 如果你喜欢吃辣的食物的话, 来到中东一定要试试这一道菜喔) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 goodmanisme:有看有推 08/16 14:59

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