MiamiHeat 板


资料来源: BOSTON — The Miami Heat are unhappy with Boston Celtics reserve guard Payton Pritchard over a defensive play Pritchard made against Heat star Jimmy Butler during the second quarter of Miami’s victory in Game 3 on Saturday. 迈阿密热火队对於波士顿赛尔提克队阵中後卫 Payton Pritchard 在美国时间周六开打的 G3 第二节时,对吉巴防守时的那个 Play 感到不满。 Butler missed the second half of the game with right knee inflammation and is listed as questionable for Monday’s Game 4 though Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said Butler is one of several players going through their normal gameday routine "with the intent to play." 尽管湿婆表示吉巴仍有意出赛, 但事实上吉巴因右膝盖发炎而缺席了 G3 下半场的赛事 同时在 G4 能否出赛的状态变为不确定。 Spoelstra said Pritchard’s attempt to slow Butler "was not a basketball play. We’re not really sure why it was determined that was a basketball play or that was a legal play or that was a safe play." 湿婆表示,Payton Pritchard 尝试让吉巴慢下来的动作 并非是一个篮球比赛该出现的 Play, 「我们不确定这为什麽会被视为是一个篮球比赛的 Play, 甚至是一个合法、安全的 Play。」 Nearing the midway point of the second quarter, Pritchard slipped while trying to defend Butler. As Butler dribbled toward the basket, Pritchard grabbed Butler’s right knee and took Butler’s right leg out from under him. Butler fell to the floor. Pritchard was called for a foul with 6:14 left in the quarter, and the play was not reviewed. 在第二节中段时,Payton Pritchard 在试图防守吉巴时滑倒了, 当吉巴准备运球冲击篮框时,前者抓住了吉巴的右膝、将他的右腿向後拉扯, 吉巴因此摔倒在地。Payton Pritchard 在该节还剩下 6 分 14 秒时被吹了犯规, 不过该 Play 并没有被重新检视。 Spoelstra said the team is not sure the injury happened or was further aggravated on that play. The play is being compared to the play Golden State’ s Jordan Poole made on Memphis’ Ja Morant in Game 3 of the Western Conference semifinals, which ended Morant’s season. 湿婆表示,球队不确定吉巴的伤势是否因此发生或是在该 Play 进一步恶化, 而这个 Play 也被拿来与金州勇士的 Jordan Poole 与曼菲斯灰熊队的 Ja Morant 在西区准决赛的那个 Play 相提并论。Morant 的赛季因此结束。 "We’re not going to say it’s bigger than it was because we don’t know what triggered Jimmy’s injury," Spoelstra said. "Regardless, it should be two separate examples. We don’t need it (penalty for Pritchard from the league). We don’t care. The league doesn’t have to do anything. We’re not begging." 由於我们不清楚究竟是什麽原因导致了吉巴的伤势,所以不会讨论两个 Play 孰重孰轻。 湿婆指出,无论如何这都应该被视为两个独立的案例, 我们不需要联盟对 Payton Pritchard 进行处罚,同时我们也不在乎。 联盟什麽也不用作,而我们也并非是在乞求。 -- ◥█████◣▉▉▉█ ▉◢█▉█◣▉██▉ ◥██ █▌▉▉▉▉◥█◤█▇▉█◥▉█▇ ◢███◤ ◥█ ██▉██▉ ▉ █ ▉█ ▉█▇▉ ◢██◤ ▉▉▉◢█▉██◣██▉ █◤ ˋ ▉▉▉█▇▉█▌▉█▇ ██▉█ ▉██▉█▇▉ ˊ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: cyd1218 ( 台湾), 05/24/2022 11:53:34
1F:→ yoyofish02: 这球就真的超脏,一般小动作只是干扰,这种会让人受伤 05/24 11:56
2F:→ yoyofish02: 的真的超不可取,而且居然还没响哨 05/24 11:56
3F:→ cyd1218: 哨音蛮偏的QQ 只希望回主场可以找回手感 我火加油! 05/24 11:58
4F:→ yoyofish02: G3就超黑的阿,这场就我们自己打的烂,又不适应哨音 05/24 11:59

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