MiamiHeat 板


1997-98 十岁的热火 继续向前冲 当热火来到第十个年头,这支Pat Riley的球队被大家高度的期待着。 铁血教头Pat Riley用拼战到最後一分一秒绝不服输的精神拿下55胜并拿下第二个分区冠军 季初刚开始时我们的大师兄Alonzo Mourning因为季前的膝伤被放在伤兵名单上。 这一季Mourning缺席了22场比赛,不过这22场中我们仍然打出15-7的成绩。 Mourning复出之後平均成绩有19.3分9.6篮板和2.24个火锅,更有55.1%的投篮命中率。 虽然在这季Isaac Austin还是成功的补空Mourning空缺也替补的很成功,但是面对下季 就是自由身份的Austin我们很显然没有薪资空间留住他。只好将Austin跟Charles Smith 加上98年的第一轮选秀权跟洛杉矶快挺队交易摇摆人Brent Barry。 尽管交易了Austin和小前锋Jamal Mashburn受伤了两个月之久,热火还是打得很好。 在交易之後打出一波20-4的成绩,前锋P.J. Brown平均9.6分 8.6篮板,後卫 Voshon Lenard平均12.6分还有Mourning等人出色表现是最大的功臣。 热火的精神领袖Tim Hardaway带领着热火(平均8.3次助攻18.9分)让他他第五度入选明星赛 热火和尼克这两支分区的仇敌在季後赛第一轮就碰面,在1998季後赛的第一轮是比前一年 更加的粗暴和凶狠的对抗。在去年保受争议的第七场比赛之後再度碰面。Lenard特别出色 在前两场比赛中各得25分和28分但是我们只打出一胜一败,一样去到尼克主场Madison Square Garden也是打出一胜一败。但在第四场时出现了热火跟尼克最有名的大乱斗 让大范小范都红了也让大师兄Mourning和尼克的Larry Johnson各被停赛。 关键的第五场我们就在大师兄缺阵下98-91输给了尼克。 以下为官网原文 1997-98: HEAT Turns 10; Continues to Win As the Miami HEAT franchise celebrated its 10-year anniversary, Pat Riley's troops also faced the weight of high expectations. With an established core of NBA veterans, a legendary coach and a never-say-die philosophy, Miami posted 55 wins and win its second straight Atlantic Division title. The season began with center Alonzo Mourning on the injured list following offseason knee surgery. Mourning missed the first 22 games of the season, but the Heat got off to a 15-7 start in his absence. Once healthy, Mourning had another fine season for the HEAT, averaging 19.3 ppg, 9.6 rpg and 2.24 bpg, ninth in the NBA, and also ranking third in the league in field goal percentage at .551. Once again, Isaac Austin shined in Mourning absence. The 6-11 Austin, whose dogged effort transformed him from an overweight project to a key NBA reserve, was traded in midseason. Faced with losing Austin to free agency, the HEAT sent Austin, rookie Charles Smith and the HEAT's 1998 first-round pick to the Los Angeles Clippers in exchange for swingman Brent Barry. Despite dealing Austin and losing small forward Jamal Mashburn for two months with a broken thumb, the Heat responded with its best basketball, going 20-4 after the trade and getting improved production from Mourning, forward P.J. Brown (9.6 ppg and 8.6 rpg for the season) and guard Voshon Lenard, who averaged 12.6 ppg, and ranked sixth in the NBA in three-point field goals made with 153. Miami's emotional leader was once again guard Tim Hardaway, who led the Heat in assists at 8.3 apg (6th in the NBA) and averaged 18.9 ppg, earning his fifth All-Star selection. He hit a buzzer-beater to spoil Washington's home opener on November 1, nailed a game-ending three-pointer on November 15 and hit what proved to be the game-winner in an 82-81 over New York on April 12. While Miami won that battle with New York, the Knicks would win the war. The two Atlantic Division foes renewed their fierce postseason rivalry in the first round of the 1998 NBA Playoffs. Only one year after their controversial seven-game series, the Knicks and HEAT battled once again. Lenard was particularly effective in the HEAT's first two playoff games, scoring 25 and 28 points -- but the HEAT managed only a split at home. The teams also split a pair of games at Madison Square Garden, but an altercation late in Game 4 proved lethal for the HEAT. Mourning was suspended for the deciding game after a fight with New York's Larry Johnson. Miami lost the deciding game by a score of 98-81. -- --

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