MiamiHeat 板


hh1995-96 莱里 热火重返季後赛 1995年季前热火非常忙碌,做了两个重大的决定和改变来重建球队。 10月2号热火请来了Pat Riley做为热火的总裁和总教练。 (以下事绩省略反正有多猛大家都知道) 11月3号,在球季开始前Pat Riley发现没有一个强力中锋怎麽可以於是赶快买了一个 用Glen Rice, Matt Geiger and Khalid Reeves三个人跟当时的夏洛特黄蜂队交易来了 我们的大师兄 Alonzo Mourning还有Pete Myers, LeRon Ellis跟当初Riley在湖人跟尼克 一样建立一个强力中锋为主的球队当时他有Abdul-Jabbar和Patrick Ewing。 别以为Riley就这样算搂,交易大限前他又做了三个交易 这次交易来了 Tim Hardaway,Chris Gatling,Walt Williams,Tyrone Corbin,Tony Smith 这麽多人 Riley玩的有多开心呢,他玩到96年球季结束前只有Keith Askins一人是上个球季留下来的 但是Riley也带领着热火该年拿下42-40的季赛成绩追平热火的季赛最佳成绩 有这样的表现归功於Mourning他成为第一个单场拿下50分的人(3/29/96)而且成为队上的 得分王和篮板王 Hardaway则在被交易到热火後演出大复活拿下当季助功排行榜第八名。 热火在这个成功的球季所得到奖赏则是进入季後赛对上72-10的芝加哥公牛队(orz) 当然公牛队很迅速的把我们清盘了。不过许多的球员在打完季後赛後合约到期,於是我们 Riley又有了很大的空间在下个球季开打前做些补强。 以下为官网原文 1995-96: Riley, HEAT Return to Playoffs The 1995 offseason was a busy time for the HEAT, who made two major acquistions that changed the entire complexion of the team. On September 2, the HEAT hired Pat Riley as the team's president and head coach. Riley, architect of the "Showtime" Lakers of the 1980s and four 50-win New York Knicks teams in the early 90s, brought 13 years of coaching experience in which his teams had never failed to make the playoffs. On Nov. 3, on the eve of the regular season, Riley engineered a blockbuster deal that sent Glen Rice, Matt Geiger and Khalid Reeves to Charlotte in exchange for Pete Myers, LeRon Ellis and All-Star Center Alonzo Mourning. Riley, who built the Lakers around Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and the Knicks around Patrick Ewing, now had another franchise center around which to build. Riley wasn't through. On February 22, just before the trading deadline, Riley made three more deals, acquiring Tim Hardaway, Chris Gatling, Walt Williams, Tyrone Corbin and Tony Smith. By the team the regluar season ended, only Keith Askins remained from the previous year's team. Despite using 22 players over the course of the season, Riley guided the HEAT to a 42-40 record, equalling the best in team history. Leading the way was Mourning, who became the first HEAT player to score 50 points in a game (3/29/96) and finished the season as the first Miami player to lead the league in scoring (23.2 ppg) and rebounding (10.4 rpg). Hardaway, rekindled after a trade from the Warriors, finished the season 8th in the NBA in assists. Miami's reward for a winning season was a first-round matchup with the 72-10 Chicago Bulls, who made quick work of the HEAT in a three-game sweep. Several players were free agents at the end of the season, meaning that once again, the HEAT franchise would take on a whole new look in the offseason. -- 如果有翻错的请告知改正啦 -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ girlskiller:我输球太难过了 只好找点事做 06/07
2F:→ girlskiller:因为我是从这一年开始看热火的所以从这开始 06/07
3F:推 joiyx:推 跟Riley一同来到迈阿密 :) 06/07
4F:推 philo:推 请继续呀!! 06/08

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