Mavericks 板


来源: RECAP Dallas 119, Minnesota 112 Mavericks Show Offensive Fire Power 小牛队好好示范了一次什麽叫做进攻 DALLAS, Jan. 3 (Ticker) -- The Minnesota Timberwolves relied on four players for nearly all of their points. No wonder they lost to the balanced Dallas Mavericks. 明尼苏达灰狼队靠着四个球员就几乎得到他们全场的分数了,难怪他们会输给了小牛队。 Dirk Nowitzki scored 31 points to lead six players in double figures as the Mavericks pulled away late for a 119-112 victory over the Timberwolves, who had a three-game winning streak snapped. 在Nowitzki带领下,这场比赛小牛队共有6人得分超过双位数,而他则得到全队最高的 31分,在他高命中率的投篮表现下,小牛队以119-112的比分终止灰狼队最近的一波 三连胜,这也是小牛队最近五场以来的第四场胜利。 Minnesota led much of the first three quarters behind Kevin Garnett, Sam Cassell, Latrell Sprewell and Trenton Hassell, who combined for all but eight of the team's points. They nearly outgunned Dallas, which seized control with a dominant run bridging the final two quarters. 在Kevin Garnett, Sam Cassell, Latrell Sprewell and Trenton Hassell上述四位队员 的努力表现之下,灰狼队到第三节都还保有领先地位,但是其他替补在全场仅仅提供了8分 ,没错!十分无力的弹药支援。他们差了那麽一点就可以用进攻打败以猛烈火力攻击着称 的小牛队,只可惜灰狼队没法坚持到最後,因为下半场小牛队再度跳出来示范什麽才是 进攻的王道---高命中率的外线,接下来他们便接管并控制了整个下半场。 The Timberwolves had a 78-76 edge with 2:42 left in the third period before Danny Fortson completed a three-point play to give the Mavericks the lead for good and spark a 29-6 burst.Michael Finley scored six of his 24 points during the stretch and Nowitzki had seven, including the final five, giving Dallas a 105-84 cushion when he buried three free throws with 6:17 left.Steve Nash had 20 points and 13 assists for the Mavericks, 灰狼队整场最後一次的领先是在第三节剩下2分42秒时,随後Danny Fortson一个篮下三分 打点燃了小牛反扑的气势,接着就是小牛一波29:6的火力爆发展示;Michael Finley在这 段时间内得到他全场24中的6分,而Nowitzki得了7分,7分当中的最後5分让小牛在第四节 剩下6分17秒拥有105-84的全场最大领先时刻,那时他稳稳罚进了在三分线出手不进, 但被犯规後所得到的三记罚球;控球後卫Nash也为小牛传出13次助攻、添得20分。 Cassell scored 34 points and Garnett collected 27, 22 rebounds and seven assists as the Timberwolves lost for just the third time in their last 15 games. They had won eight of their previous nine on the road. Cassell得到全场最高的34分,可惜却无力回天;Garnett则是27分、疯狂的抓下22个篮板 其中包括9个进攻篮板和7次助攻。灰狼队最近15场比赛中只输了3场比赛,在这场比赛 之前甚至是赢得了最近9场客场比赛之中的8场。 ps 1.上面第三段中提到的Trenton Hassell应该是错的,因为Gary Trent得了22分, 照上面的说法应该是Trent。 2.这是小弟第一次翻译,其实翻得很通俗普通,唉唉~真的是小时候不念书 现在才在後悔 >"< 3.由於今天刚好有看比赛,加上recap看起来满短又看的懂,所以想说翻翻看, 哪知道真翻起来还是花了好久时间才能把文句弄得通顺一点,真是糟啊.... -- 飞向宇宙 浩瀚无垠 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ Finley:喔耶..翻译军团都在耍宝的时候有新朋友帮 推 01/04
2F:→ Finley:忙翻译耶^^...感谢^^ 推 01/04
3F:→ uranusjr:推耍宝...|||b (心虚) 推 01/04
4F:→ mynowitzki:唔 耍宝(心虚ing).... 推 01/04
5F:→ yourself:耶!推耍宝... 推 01/04
6F:→ Finley:阿..老大出现了:P 推 01/04
7F:→ piyopiyolee:翻的很本土很好笑,帮你推一下~ 推 01/05
8F:→ SNash:推推推~~ HLIE 下次继续哦 ^^b 推 01/05

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