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资料来源 mynowitzki 姐 作者 mynowitzki (dirk) 标题 Topic: Who should play, who shouldn't, and roles... 时间 Mon Dec 22 21:41:11 2003 ─────────────────────────────────────── 这一讨论串是在Hoopsworld.com上的小牛讨论区看到的 还满有趣的啦 大家就看看 讨论讨论罗^^ Topic: Who should play, who shouldn't, and roles... kg_veteran (这是id啦 是他开这个讨论串的) I'm always kicking around rotations and suggested minutes for players because I love speculating on how the team would be most effective. I thought I'd tackle that at a slightly different angle by posing this question: Which players should play, which shouldn't, and what roles should each player play? Here are my thoughts: Guys that should play (and their roles): 1. Dirk Nowitzki The team's best player. Nowitzki should be the go-to/primary scorer and leading defensive rebounder. Typically, he ought to be allowed to guard the PF or C for the other team that has the least offensive ability, and he ought to be used as a help defender against imposing big men down low. Ideal stat line: 23 ppg, 10 rpg, 3 apg, 1 spg, 1bpg, 48 FG%, 18 FGA/game. 2. Steve Nash The catalyst. Nash is the guy who makes things happen for this team. He should be a secondary scorer and the primary ballhandler, especially down the stretch. When the game's on the line, I want the ball in his hands, creating for Dirk and others. He should always guard the opposing point guard unless the opposing shooting guard is not a big threat and the opposing point guard is. Ideal stat line: 15 ppg, 9 apg, 3 rpg, 1.5 spg, 47 FG%, 11 FGA/game. 3. Michael Finley The "glue" guy for this team emotionally. Finley should be a secondary scorer and should be in the game most nights with the game on the line. He should always guard the opposing shooting guard unless the opposing point guard is a big threat and the opposing shooting guard isn't, in which case Finley should take the more dangerous scorer defensively. Ideal stat line: 15 ppg, 5 rpg, 4 apg, 1.5 spg, 45 FG%, 12 FGA/game. 4. Antoine Walker The multi-purpose forward. Walker should be a secondary scorer and secondary ballhandler who helps control the glass and generally fills in the gaps offensively and defensively. He should typically guard the opposing small forward and should be hitting the offensive glass, not handling the ball, with the game on the line. Ideal stat line: 15 ppg, 9 rpg, 4 apg, 1 spg, 44 FG%, 12 FGA/game. 5. Danny Fortson The banger inside. Fortson should be the starting center against most teams and should guard the opponent's best post player. He should help control the glass on both ends and should constantly attack the glass on offense. With so many shooters, Fortson gives us a guy inside who can clean up the misses. Ideal stat line: 6 ppg, 6 rpg, 50 FG%, 3 FGA/game. 6. Antawn Jamison The sixth man. Jamison should be the first guy off the bench, and he ought to be coming in to give Dirk or Walker a rest. He should be a scorer and rebounder on the second unit, and he ought to be able to give the team some athleticism and quickness on the defensive end. At times he should be on the court to finish games; at times we'll probably need to have a more legitimate center out there instead. Ideal stat line: 15 ppg, 7 rpg, 48 FG%, 11 FGA/game. 7. Josh Howard The "shutdown" perimeter defender and "dirty work" player on the perimeter. Howard should get minutes at SG and SF and should be used to cover the opponent's best perimeter scorer. He doesn't need many plays run for him offensively, but should get some shots as his offensive game continues to improve. A lot of times, he should be on the court to finish games because of his defensive and rebounding abilities. Ideal stat line: 10 ppg, 6 rpg, 1 spg, 1 bpg, 43 FG%, 8 FGA/game. 8. Shawn Bradley The protector of the paint. Shawn is one of the best shotblockers in the league, and he should be used to protect the middle. I've resigned myself to the fact that he won't get a lot of minutes, but he ought to get at least 15 minutes a game to change the defensive look that the opponent faces; maybe more minutes against teams with a definite threat inside. Ideal stat line: 5 ppg, 4 rpg, 2 bpg, 50 FG%, 4 FGA/game. 9. Marquis Daniels Backup point guard. This guy can bring the ball up the court just as well as Delk can, and he can do everything except perhaps shoot the 3 better than Delk. He's certainly the better and more versatile defender, and I think he'd give the team the ability to play some pressure defense with their second unit. Can you imagine Daniels, Howard, Finley, and Jamison flying around the court to the ball? I have visions of high opposing turnover counts. He should take a few shots and defend and take care of the ball. That's about what we need from our backup PG. Ideal stat line: 5 ppg, 3 apg, 45 FG%, 3 FGA/game. Guys that shouldn't play 10. Tony Delk He's a nice insurance policy, but what he brings to the table is a limited game, and he should be used accordingly. I can't think of anything other than shoot the 3 he can do appreciably better than Daniels, and I can think of several things Daniels can do better. Plus, Delk is not going to improve. Daniels will. Keep Tony around as a fifth guard; that's about it. 11. Travis Best If no other trades are made, this guy should be dealt by February. Plenty of teams could use him; this team just can't. He's a halfcourt point guard who doesn't fit well into the system here; he'll fit on other teams. I really see no use for a 4th point guard not named Steffanson. 12. Eduardo Najera I honestly think Eddie's never recovered from the knee injury. He doesn't have any lift any more, and he doesn't have the bulk or strength to play a positiona l game inside. He's still a good offensive rebounder, but he really doesn't do much else well at this point. Plus, to be effective he needs to play at a forward spot. Nellie won't let him do that, and he simply is useless at center. If he can be included in a trade, he should be in fairness to him and in hopes of bringing a better return for the Mavs. Thoughts? cylinder That would have been my list as well. The issues for me are as follows: Fortson: I think Fortson has caught on enough to play the minutes. I'm not sure he's consistent enough night-in and night-out, but I play him more minutes than I've been seeing him in most Dallas games. Finley: There are lots of people who might move Finley down out of the starting rotation. I'm not one of them. He needs minutes. If I were GM, I might trade him after this season, but I'd never move him to the bench. He'd die there. KG, your only debatable spot for me is Howard and Jamison - which comes first. I keep the list the way you have it, but with the caveat that if this team needs someone to defend Kobe, VC, or another superstar swingman, I use Howard first. He's so much quicker than Jamison. And the three "guys that shouldn't play" should do just that unless there's an injury. I'm all for Daniels being groomed more as the backup PG. Nelson apparently doesn't see that yet, but I honestly think his decisions are certainy no worse than Best or Delk, and he's a harder matchup for other teams. I also think Donnie Nelson should start and Don Nelson should sit on the bench. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这讨论串大概就这样啦 我觉得比较不同的是他们对於马市长的看法 这跟板上或其他人的观点比较不同 但是因为对马市长的熟悉度不足以有什麽看法 加上对他的膝盖伤到底怎麽样也没个底 所以就无法有什麽看法 有哪位可以对此说说呢? 另外,就是对Daniels的评语 让我满惊讶的 如果Daniels真有那种能力 那还真的可以让他试试 反正现在这两个替补PG也满让人失望的 所以大家有时间看看也顺便讨论吧 对於其他的我就比较没啥意见 看法大致差不多 所以大家有时间看看也顺便讨论吧 对於其他的我就比较没啥意见 看法大致差不多 --
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