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文章来源: mavs/stories/100903dnspomavslede.4dcce.html Rookies impress Nelson But Mavs coach wants to temper enthusiasm for Howard, Daniels 11:22 PM CDT on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News Don Nelson didn't mind hyping the Mavericks' two rookie swingmen during the early days of training camp. 在之前训练营时,老尼就不介意宣扬小牛阵中两个 rookie swingmen 的表现。 "They're more than holding their own," Nelson said at the time. "They're making it hard for people to score." 那时老尼曾说:「他们的表现比预期的还要好,他们的努力表现赢得了人们的评价。」 (???) On Tuesday, Josh Howard and Marquis Daniels took their act public, and if people were not taking note before, they certainly are now. And Nelson now finds himself having to temper enthusiasm. He doesn't want anybody getting carried away by what they saw. Josh Howard and Marquis Daniels 在经过了星期二在球迷面前的表现之後,他们已摆脱 了之前没没无闻的身份了。而老尼现在认为他该要控制住自己激昂的情绪。他并不希望任何 人对於他们的表现过於激动。 "They're rookies," he said Wednesday. "And they're going to make mistakes." 老尼事後说:「他们是 rookies ,而且他们将会犯错。」 Just like all rookies, they have to dribble the ball off their foot a few times. But anybody who saw Howard and Daniels in the exhibition against Orlando understands why the Mavericks are excited about this pair of newcomers. 就像所有的 rookies 一样,他们并不会有太多的上场时间。但如果你看过 Howard 和 Daniels 在对奥兰多时的表现之後,你就会了解为何小牛会对 这两位新成员的加入如此兴奋了。 They are athletic. They are slithery. They are fearless in attacking the basket. They are, basically, everything the Mavericks of last season were not. 他们具有运动细胞。They are slithery。他们对进攻毫不畏惧。他们有小牛在 上赛季所欠缺的东西。 "Both of those guys are going to be good basketball players for us," Nelson said. "They're a little more athletic and can get to the basket. It's not just fresh legs. We had fresh legs with some other rookies, but they didn't have the work ethic, and they weren't as easy to work with. 老尼说:「他们两人将会成会很好的篮球员for us。他们有不错的体能条件,而且也有进 攻的能力。他们不只是普通的生力军而己。我们也曾有过一些 rookies,但那些人并没有 work ethic,而且没那麽容易共事。」(到底是说谁啊?) "These guys are like sponges. They soak up everything the coaches give them. They're intelligent young guys with skills and great attitude." 「他们就像海绵一样,吸收了教练所教的一切东西。他们是聪明的年轻人,而且有不错的 技术和良好的态度。」 If you're trying to remember the last Mavericks rookie who had a significant impact on a season and can't, don't feel bad. There hasn't been one since Dirk Nowitzki in the lockout-shortened 1999 season. And he was the ninth pick of the draft. Teams generally expect lottery picks to be part of the playing rotation as rookies. 如果你试着回忆 小牛的 rookies 曾在之前的赛季为他们做了什麽,却找不到答案时, 也别气馁。因为在 Dirk 1999年来了之後,情况就不同了。Dirk 是当时选秀的第九顺位, 然後再从别队交易过来的。(这一段算是乱翻的吧! =.=|||) Since then, Eduardo Najera and Donnell Harvey in 2000-01 are the only first-year players who have had any success, and it was marginal in both cases. 在那之後,马市长和 Donnell Harvey 是00/01赛季中唯一表现较好的新人, 但这和今年的情形不同。 Howard and Daniels, along with rookie Jon Stefansson of Iceland and possibly Josh Powell, could be different. Howard and Daniel 还有从冰岛来的 Stefansson 以及 Josh Powell 都可能会很不一样。 (希望真的是这样!) "They're good young players, all of them - and a pleasure to work with," Nelson said. "We're glad to have them in our organization. I don't want to get too excited yet, but I think they'll help us before the year is out." 老尼说:「他们都是很好的年轻球员,而且工作时相处愉快。我们对於他们的加入 都很高兴。虽然我还不希望对此太过兴奋,但我确信他们将会对小牛有所帮助 before the year is out.」 Against Orlando, the 6-6 Howard started and did a good job of controlling his emotions against Tracy McGrady. Howard's ability to rebound and score while weaving through traffic was uncanny. 在对奥兰多的比赛中,Howard 在对上T-Mac 时,将自己的情绪控制得非常好, 而且在篮板和得分方面都表现非凡。 Daniels, also 6-6, also had a mixed-bag attack and, as Nelson said, is a little less polished than Howard. But like Howard, he was fighting a case of nerves. Daniels 就像老尼说的一样,also had a mixed-bag attack,所以表现比 Howard 差一点。但就如 Howard一样,他只是紧张了一点。 "I wouldn't say I had butterflies," Daniels said. "It was more like moths." Daniels说:「我不认为自己是butterflies,我比较像 moths。」 (是比喻吧!不太懂就是。 =.=|||) Briefly ... An MRI on Eduardo Najera's sprained right shoulder revealed no structural damage. He injured the shoulder Tuesday against Orlando and is day-to-day. ... Michael Finley ran Wednesday but did not practice. He is unlikely to play in any preseason games until he goes through a few practice sessions. ... Antawn Jamison returned to practice after the back spasms he had Tuesday dissipated. ... University of Utah coach Rick Majerus is visiting his good friend Don Nelson this week. 经过了 MRI 的检测之後,马市长的右肩扭伤并无大碍。他的肩伤是在星期二对奥兰多时 产生的,and is day-to-day. ...。铁牛哥星期三时仍未参与练习。看来在铁牛哥参加 训谏之前,他大概是不会在热身赛上场了。虽然Antawn Jamison 之前也受背痛侵袭, 但目前也已归队练习。 ============================ 真是糟糕! 我好像愈来愈看不懂英文了 > <... ==================================== -- 有 Nash 的小牛 & 红黑的米兰 才是我热血的地方 --
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1F:→ Finley:谢谢罗^^ 推 10/10
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