我的英文能力太差,看不太懂更新了那些,有请热心的大大翻译一下罗~~ Below is a list of changes and items addressed in MLB 14 The Show PS3 Game Update 1.11: Online Changes: - Community Challenges: Walks earned during the first situation will reset after the first pitch during the second situation. - Community Challenges: Gameplay ceases when user enters the bullpen after a flyout (but before the play ends). - Online: Community Challenges: The pitcher is switched back to the default pitcher when user edits a situation in which the pitcher was changed. - Community Challenges: Set scores are displayed incorrectly on the pause menu scoreboard. - Online: Diamond Dynasty: Fixed an issue that caused certain pages of DD league leaders to be blank. Pitchers were working, but position players were not. - Diamond Dynasty: Quitting or conceding incorrectly displayed a Win under Game History. - Online Gameplay: Fixed out/safe calls for tag outs. - Online Gameplay: Fixed hang when hitting select pitch and practice swing at the same time. - Online Gameplay: Fixed auto-pitch delays not getting reset upon pitcher input. - Online Gameplay: Fixed User hits a ground ball towards the SS, Title asserts/crashes for the offensive player as runners come into their respective bases. - Online Gameplay: Diving after a ball in the infield was cause the game to hang very rarely. - Online Gameplay: Pitcher freez when batter Hitting Interface is set to Pure Analog or Zone Plus Analog and the batter steals early with a baserunner. - Online Gameplay: Issue where the runner would sometimes run past a bag instead of sliding is fixed. - Online Gameplay: First baseman warping back to bag on a bunt down first base line. - Online Gameplay: Accessing the Quick menu after substituting a player breaks the users on-screen-display. - Online Gameplay: Both users in a Head to Head match would lose Pause menu functionality if a pitcher is put in to game too quickly after a pitcher is ejected from game. - Online Gameplay: After a pitcher is scheduled to be put in has come in, the offensive player would receive a pitch before seeing the presentation for them coming into the game. - Online Gameplay: Game Log displays multiple text regarding pitchers in bullpen after each pitch during Online Exhibition. - Online Gameplay: The Box Score Pitching stats are not tracking correctly. Player stats syncs were resetting pitcher stats. - Universal Profile: Fixed issue where hits on last 3 appearances in the universal profile would show the home teams hits for both teams. - Online Franchise: User accepting a franchise challenge would freeze if other user backs out. - Online: Accessing positioning or substitution options from the quick menu caused a stagnant pause timer to remain on screen during gameplay. - Sportscast Live: The player name displayed as the pitcher was incorrect. - Vaults: Title would hang on an error message when the User attempts to upload a Logo, Slider, or Roster with a name that has less than 5 characters when on a description selector. - Online: Exhibition and Game Room games are affecting Rating correctly in all situations now. - Online: Fix for player search options being allowed in offseason. If they are used, the next season could hang. Offline Changes: - Back to Back trophy incorrectly unlocked after hitting a home run then calling for time with the next batter. - Fix for base coach playing incorrect version of fair ball call. Base coach was trying to do too many things at once. - Substitution screen: BRA text (Base Running Ability) has been replaced with STL (Steal ability). - With Playerlock on, defensive substitutions did not function. You could go through the operation of attempting to sub teammates, but nothing would happen, the situation would be simmed through, and gameplay would continue. - Incorrect SCORER where design calls for PITCH_COUNT totals in LAD jumbotron. - Miller Park - Milwaukee Brewers Franchise/Season: During a game at Miller Park, player info stat normally displayed on the Jumbtron during their initial at-bat could appear incorrect or not noteworthy. Fixed some grammar and added some more conditions to prevent un-interestinginformation from being displayed. - RTTS - Player Performance Evaluator for 'pitch type' bar graphic is inaccurate while attempting to play 1 full year. - RTTS: "Reset" did not function after changing page tabs in the Training screen resulting in loss of points with no increase in attribute. - Player Search contract remaining min/max text was too long. - Runner that reaches first on throwing error would sometimes get counted as a run. - Allow fielding errors in fielding training modes. - Include pre-pitch misses and phantom catches to conditions for 3Bman to set up for cut off to home cut off infield grass. - Catcher did not animate correctly when catching for an Intentional Walk. - Leading off or stepping back will cancel a queued up steal attempt. - RTTS/Lock-On: Title will soft lock when User calls for a pick off when RTTS 2B/SS is not near the base they are calling the pick off to. - Quick count balance and tuning- Tracking/accounting fix for balls/strikes and total pitch count, changes to the AI’s ball/strike frequency for smarter strategy, balance changes related to the power swing fix. - Manager mode quick counts - Too many strikes were being thrown. - Fixed issues with pitchers that pitch from the stretch with no runners on base. - Fixed issue causing ball-boy to use a full run instead of a jog when running to dead ball catches. - Fixed an issue causing a runner on 3rd to try to go home on a bunt when the catcher was fielding the ball right next to the line and could easily tag him out. - Added head tilt constraint to improve the head angle when a pitcher looks back at a runner on 2nd base. - Average runners have better steal success than before. This is a small change, but there are a lot of close plays getting them tagged out. The effect is pronounced when playing against certain pitchers, and for these pitchers the runners were being capped from getting their best jump (compared to last year). - In Manage Only Mode, opposing teams would never sac bunt. - Fenway Park (Boston Red Sox): Night and Day capacity numbers were switched. - Season/Franchise: When toggling through teams on Free Agents list, the background color does not change to match selected team's colors. - RTTS Showcase: An out of place Right Stick icon appeared in the mode header after accessing the Universal Profile. We didn't handle the Showcase play mode. Thanks for playing The Show. - The Show team --

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