一样是Bob这篇 But in conversations and interviews with general managers, executives and agents the past week, they are boldly predicting that the hot stove is about to become enflamed after Thanksgiving, with a flurry of trades, and marquee free agent si gnings filling the days and nights at the annual baseball winter meetings beginn ing Dec. 8 in Dallas. 上周和联盟总管/经纪人聊过後 他们都预测FA市场将在感恩节後开始热起来 冬季会议上将有很多FA签约 “It’s not going to be like a year ago when the winter meetings were an embarra ssment," one prominent agent said. “Nothing happened... This year is different. Everyone is much more aggressive, or at least they’re acting like it." 一位经纪人表示去年的现象今年将不再发生 表示各球队都很积极 The same mantra is being repeated by teams and executives, saying that all but p erhaps just the Chicago White Sox and Miami Marlins have playoff dreams dancing in their heads. But there's a question they are all asking among themselves. “Who has the money, and who doesn’t?" one GM said. “Everyone is talking a big game, but no one really knows for sure. We’re about to find out." 球团人士也是同样看法 There really are only four teams that are seriously in play for Soto: The Mets, the Yankees, the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox. Soto的认真玩家有四队 梅子 洋基 蓝鸟 红袜 The Los Angeles Dodgers just won a World Series without Soto, and it wasn’t muc h of an inconvenience to drive through traffic across town, and meet with Soto a nd agent Scott Boras. The meeting helps perhaps drives the price up for Soto, an d even more important, puts a little pressure on outfielder Teoscar Hernandez in to re-signing with them. 躲人只是想施压给Teoscar Hernandez 要他赶快续约而已 Oh, and after all of speculation that the Philadelphia Phillies are involved in the Soto sweepstakes? They haven’t had a single conversation with Boras to express interest in Soto. 至於费城人是完全没谈 The Mets are the clear-cut favorite, executives say, simply because they don’t believe there’s a soul who will outbid owner Steve Cohen, while Yankees have a price in mind that they don’t want to exceed. 目前是看好梅子 The Houston Astros would love to have Alex Bregman back on a six-year deal worth about $156 million, but Bregman is seeking a deal worth at least $200 million. 太空人很乐意用六年156M价码带回Alex Bregman 但他想要200M The Baltimore Orioles, after being bounced out of the playoffs in the first roun d the past two seasons, are being much more aggressive in talks with agents and clubs after their passive trade deadline approach in 2024. 金莺相比今年交易大限的消极 这个冬天显得积极了起来 The (Sacramento) Athletics plan to spend money, increasing their payroll to abou t $100 million, keeping owners and the players association off their back with t he revenue sharing money they receive. 绿帽计画将团队薪资拉高到一亿美金 Teams believe that the Reds’ payroll will rise considering their investment in manager Terry Francona. 在红人花不少钱签下Terry Francona後 各队认为他们将提高团队薪资 --

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1F:→ captain03: 巨人:连被列出来的资格都没 11/25 23:16
2F:推 BayAreaUnite: 楼上笑死 11/25 23:19
3F:推 carlchang092: 巨人之前比较有消息的就阿金吧 11/25 23:20
4F:推 noahlin: 鼓声居然拿不到均薪30M 好歹也是每年稳定4WAR 11/25 23:27
5F:推 ashilol: 费城不急着谈吧 11/25 23:30
6F:→ sdiaa: 会有大咖想要跟绿帽去流浪吗?? 11/25 23:31
7F:→ borriss: Matt Chapman 也是boras 前阵子换的也是150左右 11/25 23:46
8F:→ borriss: 所以出156好像很合理 11/25 23:46
9F:→ Yjizz: 不意外 11/26 00:24
10F:推 jaky11: 要35岁巨人才会有机会XD 11/26 00:56
11F:推 mscmobitai: 美东大战? 11/26 01:12
12F:推 asdfzx: Soto已证明在美东可以生存,就真货啊 11/26 03:06
13F:推 x123987789: 我梅砸下去啊拜托 11/26 03:33
14F:推 kenkenken31: 终於不是道奇领先了 11/26 11:21
15F:推 v0060814: 巨人就说要省钱了 还被记者说有去谈 最後有出来说明 11/26 12:07
16F:→ Rentch: 西语老师就等Soto签完,那些没签到的再来谈,看来道奇未 11/26 12:09
17F:→ Rentch: 必拿下 11/26 12:09
18F:推 bigponpon: Soto能在纽约打出MVP级实力 11/26 13:25
19F:→ bigponpon: 就赢一票水土不服的了…… 11/26 13:25
20F:推 yw1002: 蓝鸟红袜应该只是不想给洋基抢到人 11/26 15:06
21F:→ brella: 美东占了3队 11/26 21:26

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