ESPN今天发了一篇白袜内部问题的长文 里面有一段提到了Liam Hendriks And he was inheriting a splintered clubhouse. Liam Hendriks, then the team's mos t prominent pitching star, is distinctly an extrovert -- loud, friendly, accessi ble to the media, chatty. Three organizational sources say a rift had grown betw een Hendriks and some of the other veterans on the team, namely pitchers Kendall Graveman, Lance Lynn and Joe Kelly. Liam Hendriks和许多阵中资深投手关系起了裂痕 包含Kendall Graveman、Lance Lynn、Joe Kelly等人 In December 2022, Hendriks was diagnosed with cancer. He went through treatment in the spring of 2023 before making his way back to the team. 之後Hendriks得癌症 In late May, the White Sox front office planned a welcome back news conference, and the team arranged for players to be in the room as Hendriks spoke with the m edia for the first time -- an elementary show of support. 然後回归时,白袜就办欢迎回归记者会 并安排队友到现场表达支持 Some veterans initially balked, and according to club sources, had to be talked into attending. The situation, one longtime White Sox staffer believed, was one of the worst things he had ever witnessed in professional sports. 结果多位资深球员一开始连出席都不太想 要派人去说服才肯走进记者会现场 一位长期任职於白袜队的员工认为 这是他在职业运动中所见过的最糟糕的事情之一 The rifts went beyond the pitching staff, too. Former All-Star shortstop Tim And erson was mired in a season-long slump while dealing with personal issues off th e field and catcher Yasmani Grandal was described by one former teammate as some one who "tore people down instead of building them up." 白袜内部的裂痕也不只在投手群 像是Tim Anderson去年整季陷入低潮 同时还要处理场外的个人问题 捕手Yasmani Grandal则被一位前队友形容为 「一个只会打击别人而不会激励的人」 "It was as negative a place as I've seen anywhere," said another club source. 超负面的地方 今年Liam Hendriks两年约转队去红袜 看哪位大神能翻译整篇 --

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1F:→ charlie01: 不过文中提到的这些人都不在今年这队啊XD 09/26 10:54
2F:→ EZ78: 这篇超级长 连看完都要一阵子XD 09/26 10:54
3F:→ EZ78: 没啦 他是直接整理整个时间轴告诉你白袜整队文化有多恶劣 09/26 10:55
4F:→ charlie01: 认真说白袜这几年都是这样的评价和名声 09/26 10:56
5F:→ charlie01: 真不知道一支MLB级球队怎麽会管理成这样 09/26 10:56
6F:→ EZ78: 问题最大根源主要就还是Jerry Reinsdorf很爱插手又大外行阿 09/26 10:57
7F:推 polanco: 比较好奇Hendriks乾了什麽让队友连这种活动都不想挺 09/26 10:58
8F:→ EZ78: 最可怕的是 Jerry Reinsdorf是把白袜当亲儿子 公牛乾儿子 09/26 10:58
9F:→ EZ78: 所以白袜他又插手了特别多 09/26 10:59
10F:推 Gilbertsky: 今年这队不就是为了解决这个问题组的 不在了很正常啊 09/26 11:03
11F:→ charlie01: 只因为老板介入应该不会连休息室内部都四分五裂吧,不 09/26 11:10
12F:→ charlie01: 知道这种组织文化到底怎麽来的 09/26 11:10
13F:→ zxc906383: 这样看介入也很大的太空人老板Jim Crane强多了 09/26 11:11
14F:→ EZ78: 这篇是Rosenthal上礼拜写的 09/26 11:13
15F:推 whhw: 怕 09/26 11:58
16F:推 ChrisDavis: Crane又不搞休息室 看来欧巴马要不要强势介入 09/26 12:38
17F:推 jonny60604: 以为他人缘不错,明星赛很会带气氛 09/26 13:08
18F:推 tupacshkur: "tore people down instead of building them up" 哇 09/26 13:27
19F:推 lowl99: 能跟这麽多人不合,可能真的有问题,还是叫欧巴马去找其他 09/26 13:33
20F:→ lowl99: 人想办法让白袜老板卖球队 09/26 13:33
21F:→ tony5481: 记得2022有人爆白袜休息室问题的时候有球员还否认,但一 09/26 16:40
22F:→ tony5481: 支MLB球队搞这样真的很扯 09/26 16:40
23F:推 c871111116: 闹成那样感觉是整个休息室气氛超烂吧.... 09/26 18:40
24F:推 Mikufans: 这篇也太长 09/26 19:15
25F:推 jorgesoler: 最懂球的菇菇,钱不是问题把白袜买下来,满足自己的干 09/26 19:19
26F:→ jorgesoler: 涉慾吧 09/26 19:19
27F:推 Yjizz: 白袜好惨 09/26 20:44
28F:→ Sulstan: Reinsdorf做为老板管理自己的球队被说成插手???呵呵呵 09/27 00:51
29F:→ Sulstan: Reinsdorf马上成为同时拥有最强队和最弱队的老板...Bravo 09/27 00:53
30F:推 abc12812: 球员问题最大吧 Reinsdorf带公牛打造史上最传奇王朝 09/27 05:38
31F:→ abc12812: 对比之下 很明显是现在白袜球员不受教吧 09/27 05:39
32F:推 PeterHenson: 公牛王朝是他放给另一个Jerry才有的吧 09/27 11:11
33F:→ JKjohnwick: 公牛王朝跟他没关系吧? 09/27 12:36
34F:→ sdiaa: 总教练就是搞人和的,搞成这样总教练要付一半责任 09/28 10:31
35F:→ Sulstan: 但公牛王朝解散另一个Jerry也概括承受所有的责难啊 呵呵 09/28 23:54
36F:→ jint484: 到底是做了什麽有这麽顾人怨吗 09/30 02:52

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