看板 MLB  RSS The Miami Marlins, in the early stages of another rebuild, have made a deluge of firings under first-year general manager Peter Bendix, including two assistant general managers, four field coordinators and their international scouting direc tor, among others, sources told ESPN on Monday. 进入另一次重建的马林鱼,也开始管理层大清洗 开除了两位助理GM、国际球探总监等等 Most of those let go were people brought in by either Derek Jeter or Kim Ng, who previously led baseball operations. Bendix was widely expected to eventually ma ke more of his own hirings, but people throughout the industry were stunned by t he breadth of changes made with seven weeks still remaining in the regular seaso n. 大部分都是前朝Derek Jeter、Kim Ng的人 虽然业界有预期新任GM Peter Bendix会开始安插自己的人马 但对於在球季结束前就来个大清洗感到错愕 The Marlins chose to make changes now at least partly to give their former emplo yees more time to land elsewhere. 但也算给他们更多时间找新工作就是了 Among the most notable departures is Oz Ocampo, the assistant GM who was lauded for the reams of international talent he helped bring into the Houston Astros' o rganization to help launch their current dynasty. 其中最引人注目的是助理GM Oz Ocampo 他当初因帮助太空人引进大量国际球员而受到称赞 帮助建立了他们目前的强权 Ocampo was in his second year with an assistant GM title in Miami, running the p ro-scouting department in 2023 before focusing his efforts back into the interna tional side in 2024. T 今年是他担任马林鱼助理GM的第二年 去年是负责球探部门,今年则是回去执掌国际球员部分 --

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1F:→ ntubuta: 洛矶也需要 08/13 14:11
2F:推 chunyu0519: 居然炒了Ocampo 新GM疯了吧 08/13 14:21
3F:→ saiulbb: 就单纯是换成自己想要的人马吧 落矶全是老板的人 换不了 08/13 14:39
4F:→ bkm1: 说个笑话 马林鱼去年季後赛 今年填赛 结果炒了去年人马?XD 08/13 15:17
5F:→ jjlooney: 其实GM走了的话 若找到新东家很多也都会跟过去 08/13 15:21
6F:→ jjlooney: 当然也是因人而异看怎麽谈 但操作的风格 评估球员的方式 08/13 15:22
7F:→ jjlooney: 通常都会有变化 可能就觉得那乾脆先砍掉用自己的班底 08/13 15:22
8F:→ jjlooney: 不知道这样马鱼会不会变的很像光芒 觉得有趣 08/13 15:26
9F:→ jonsir: 马鱼重建频率很高耶 08/13 17:38
10F:推 ensbrager: 万年重建 08/13 19:06
11F:→ xo1100: 之前Jofz挂了瞬间加速重建吧 08/13 19:20
12F:推 CarsonLee: jofz都挂多久… 08/14 12:15
13F:推 NaSOP: 前朝的人换一换也好 养成跟球探都超悲剧 08/14 14:23
14F:→ NaSOP: 去年硬拼烧光农场也只有一轮游而已 08/14 14:23
15F:推 adad48362: 引诱球很没吸引力啊 08/15 08:55
16F:→ adad48362: 推错篇XD 08/15 08:55
17F:推 milk1111ee: 落矶还不换就是可悲的事情 08/15 13:04

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