Sources: Ex-Angels IF David Fletcher bet with Mizuhara bookie 来源: 随便翻 David Fletcher, a former Los Angeles Angels infielder currently playing for the Atlanta Braves' Triple-A affiliate, and a friend of his, who also played in the minor leagues, both bet on sports with the Southern California bookmaker who too k wagers from Shohei Ohtani's longtime interpreter, according to multiple source s detailing the activities. 前天使内野手,现在在勇士3A的David Fletcher跟他的朋友都有向涉及水原案的组头下注 Fletcher, who was Ohtani's teammate from 2018 to 2023 and has been described as one of his closest friends in baseball, placed bets with the bookmaking operatio n of Mathew Bowyer, according to the sources. Ohtani's former interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara, also bet with Bowyer and eventually stole nearly $17 million from the Japanese superstar to feed his addiction, according to prosecutors. Fletcher是大谷的前队友兼在棒球界最好的朋友之一,他透过Mathew Bowyer投注。水原亦 是透过Bowyer投注并在之後偷了大谷近1700万镁以填补债务 Fletcher's close friend, Colby Schultz, who played in the Kansas City Royals' sy stem from 2018 to 2020, placed bets on baseball, including on Angels games that Fletcher played in while he was on the team, multiple sources told ESPN. Fletcher的好友Colby Schultz在皇家小联盟打过三年球,他有赌棒球并且有下注Fletcher 打的天使队比赛 Fletcher bet on several sports but not baseball, according to multiple sources. Fletcher投注多个运动不过没赌棒球 MLB players and employees are allowed to bet on sports other than baseball -- bu t not with illegal bookmakers such as Bowyer. The league rulebook states that pl ayers betting with illegal bookmakers are subject to punishment at the commissio ner's discretion. A player who bets on baseball games in which he did not partic ipate will be banned for one year. Any player who bets on his own games will be banned permanently. 大联盟允许球员跟雇员下注棒球以外的运动,但需透过合法的业者进行。联盟规定向非法组 头下注的处罚由主席决定。赌棒球但不是赌参与的比赛的惩罚为禁赛一年、赌自己参与的比 赛则终身禁赛。 MLB declined to comment, but a league source told ESPN that Fletcher had not pre viously been investigated, but is now expected to be. 大联盟拒绝回应,不过联盟消息称Fletcher目前还未被调查但之後应该会。 Fletcher did not respond to multiple requests for comment. He started at second base for Gwinnett in its game against the Memphis Redbirds on Friday night, batt ing second. Schultz could not be reached. Fletcher尚未回应记者的询问,今天有担任先发,记者联络不到Schultz The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California declined to co mment, as did the Braves. 检察官办公室跟勇士队拒绝回应此事 Fletcher signed a five-year, $26 million extension with the Angels in 2021 that includes two option years in 2026 and 2027 worth $8 million and $8.5 million, re spectively. The team traded him to the Braves in December. Fletcher跟天使签了5年2600万合约,去年12月被交易到勇士 While with the Angels, he was often described as Ohtani's closest friend on the team. 他在天使队的时候常被认为是大谷在队上最亲近的朋友 "We're good friends," Fletcher told ESPN on March 18 when asked about his relati onship with Ohtani. "We would talk on the bus and at the hotel." Fletcher在三月十八日告诉ESPN「我们是好朋友,我们常在公车跟饭店里聊天。」 Multiple sources described Schultz as one of Fletcher's best friends. The two me n, who are both 29, grew up in Orange County, California. Fletcher often appears in Schultz's Instagram posts. Schultz则是Fletcher最好的朋友之一,两人同龄而且同乡,Fletcher很常出现在Schultz的 IG照片中 In the federal complaint against Mizuhara, authorities say Bowyer sent Mizuhara' s wire information to an associate known as "Bookmaker 3." The sources told ESPN that Schultz is Bookmaker 3. 有消息称在水原案的调查中出现的Bookmaker 3就是Schultz In the March interview, Fletcher told ESPN that he was present at the 2021 poker game in San Diego where Mizuhara first met Bowyer. Fletcher said he did not int roduce the interpreter to the bookie but that Bowyer gained entry to the poker g ame at the team hotel through an acquaintance of Fletcher. Fletcher在三月的访谈告诉ESPN他参与了2021年在圣地牙哥的一场扑克牌比赛,水原就是在 这里认识Bowyer。他没有将水原介绍给Bowyer,但Bowyer透过Fletcher的认识的人加入比赛 Fletcher also told ESPN in March that he had met Bowyer once before while playin g golf and that he knew Bowyer was a bookmaker at the time of the poker game. He said he never placed a bet himself with Bowyer's organization. Fletcher也告诉ESPN他在此之前只在打高尔夫球时见过Bowyer一次,是在扑克牌比赛才知道 他是组头。他当时说他不曾透过Bowyer的公司下注。 ESPN's Paula Lavigne and T.J. Quinn contributed to this report. 大概是这样 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: polanco ( 台湾), 05/18/2024 15:10:04
1F:→ laking: 大谷就没去牌局,可是就因为Fletcher 是他最好朋友之一, 05/18 16:59
2F:→ laking: 又要大谷扛,会被说怎麽可能不知情 05/18 16:59
3F:推 JKjohnwick: Fletcher可能不知情 05/18 17:05
4F:→ NolanGorman: 国外之前已经超多谷酸会在大谷相关新闻或影片下开酸 05/18 23:40
5F:→ NolanGorman: 类似Bet Player(Best Player)之类的 05/18 23:41
6F:推 mayzn: 粉跟酸就相对的 你粉多酸也会成长 05/19 07:46
7F:推 lightmei: 天使…. 05/20 09:11
8F:推 s860382: 不用说国外压 脸书只要有关水原的新闻 下面留言 05/20 10:50
9F:推 s860382: 就是一堆说大谷也有的留言 05/20 11:00

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