看板 MLB  RSS Major League Baseball has sent a warning to clubs about encouraging players subj ect to the MLB draft to withdraw from high school baseball to become eligible to sign as international players. An MLB spokesman declined comment. The key section of the memo sent to teams Monday and obtained by ESPN reads: "It has come to our attention that Clubs have been encouraging amateur players in t he United States to withdraw from, or otherwise refrain from playing, high schoo l baseball in the United States and/or Canada, in order to try to establish resi dency in a foreign country, in an effort to make themselves eligible to sign und er the International Amateur Talent System instead of the Rule 4 Draft." A recent example of a legal version of this maneuver was made by shortstop Luciu s Fox in 2015. He was a native of the Bahamas who had moved to Florida to play h igh school baseball and was regarded as a fringe first-round prospect after his junior year of high school. Fox moved back to the Bahamas and was declared a fre e agent by the league in April 2015, eventually signing for $6 million with the San Francisco Giants in July 2015. 大联盟最近对各队发出警告,要求球队不准去游说球员 藉由离开美国高中+回去母国 让他们是透过国际业余球员,而不是选秀进MLB --

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1F:推 azlbf: …漏洞不给钻了 05/08 08:56
2F:推 jjlooney: 这个有趣 具体不知道会怎麽处罚05/08 09:06
3F:推 ygjhsu: 国际业余球员有比较好吗 签约金不是比较少?05/08 09:09
4F:推 ashilol: 走选秀不一定选得到啊 05/08 09:10
5F:推 jjlooney: 默契的意思 其实私底下赞助或营养金这种 金流也很难查 05/08 09:14
6F:→ jjlooney: 中南美有些家庭经济上有需求 很小开始有钱可拿的话可 05/08 09:14
7F:→ jjlooney: 能都会拿 05/08 09:14
8F:推 wuchianlin: 不给默契,因为两个pool是分开算的,球队可以藉由这 05/08 09:18
9F:→ wuchianlin: 种方式确保自己国内选秀跟国际选秀都选到比较好的人05/08 09:18
10F:推 sakraypopo: 国际业余球员可以私下跟球队谈条件啊 而且也能去自己05/08 09:31
11F:→ sakraypopo: 想去的队 很多都是球探从小就开始打关系的05/08 09:31
12F:推 zsxdaqwe: 为什麽我觉得标题文法很卡05/08 10:00
13F:→ zsxdaqwe: 这算是球团私底下接触游说行为 不知道有没有相关条款禁05/08 10:01
14F:→ zsxdaqwe: 止05/08 10:01
15F:→ choobii: 这种脏事不知道干多久了 还会给暗盘05/08 10:12
16F:推 ChrisDavis: 然後就有一个被永久禁赛的GM05/08 10:45
17F:→ zxc906383: 他解Ban了05/08 10:48
18F:→ zxc906383: #1ZlCxYGa (MLB)05/08 10:48
19F:推 decorum: 球员经由这方式可以进自己喜欢的球队05/08 11:25
20F:推 bestteam: 对非第一轮会被选上的球员其实挺有吸引力的05/08 11:29
21F:推 aibakoji: 就国际球员可以选队,一般选秀不能05/08 11:34
22F:推 bestteam: 把选秀的金额拉高增加诱因啊 不然钱差不多还不能选队05/08 11:42
23F:推 kevinftjiang: 有哪一队是用这方法出名的吗 05/08 11:53
ESPN有举一个例子 A recent example of a legal version of this maneuver was made by shortstop Luciu s Fox in 2015. He was a native of the Bahamas who had moved to Florida to play h igh school baseball and was regarded as a fringe first-round prospect after his junior year of high school. Fox moved back to the Bahamas and was declared a fre e agent by the league in April 2015, eventually signing for $6 million with the San Francisco Giants in July 2015. 2015年的巴哈马球员Lucius Fox 高中搬去佛州打球,当时被评为一轮货 但之後又跑回巴哈马,最後以国际业余球员身分和巨人签约(6M)
24F:推 jjlooney: 过程要圈内认识才会知道 BA通常会提早一年报导哪几个大05/08 12:08
25F:→ jjlooney: 物和哪队有默契05/08 12:08
26F:推 hornets1221: 该不是针对太空人?05/08 12:33
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 05/08/2024 12:38:05
27F:→ dinos: 大部分球队都有吧,不过第一个被ban的是ATL GM 05/08 12:46
28F:→ dinos: 多搞个国际新秀选秀必然就会有这种方法 05/08 12:49

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