※ [本文转录自 Baseball 看板 #1cBmV0di ] 作者: zxc906383 (无无) 看板: Baseball 标题: [情报] 大联盟超透明球裤要走入历史了 时间: Mon Apr 29 10:36:44 2024 Major League Baseball plans to address its uniform fiasco after changes this spr ing to the standard jerseys and pants led to widespread complaints from players and fans, according to a memo obtained Sunday night by ESPN. 大联盟球衣终於终於要修正了 The most prominent modifications include a return to larger lettering on the bac k of jerseys, remedying mismatched gray tops and bottoms and addressing the new Nike jerseys' propensity to collect sweat, according to the memo distributed to players by the MLB Players Association on Sunday. 最大的修正是把球衣背後的字体改回来 右边新的、左边原本的
The changes, which will happen at the latest by the beginning of the 2025 season , will also include fixes to the pants, widely panned this spring for being see- through. 各种改变最迟会在2025开季前弄好 其中包含那件太透明的球裤
The union informed players of the coming changes in a letter that placed the bla me on Nike and the debut of its Vapor Premier uniform, which was advertised for its superior performance but remains disliked by players. 大联盟球员工会这边把这次问题归咎在Nike身上 "This has been entirely a Nike issue," the memo to players read. "At its core, w hat has happened here is that Nike was innovating something that didn't need to be innovated." 工会:Nike在不需要创新的地方搞创新 = = The union also absolved Fanatics, the manufacturer of the uniform that has recei ved the majority of public scorn for the uniform mess, saying the company "recog nizes the vital importance of soliciting Player feedback, obtaining Player buy-i n and not being afraid to have difficult conversations about jerseys or trading cards. Our hope is that, moving forward, Nike will take a similar approach." 至於这次也被骂爆的制造商Fanatics 工会是给予宽恕 认为它们有认知到徵求球员反馈、获得球员支持以及不害怕进行艰难对话的至关重要性 希望之後Nike也能采取类似的做法 Nike's partnership with MLB began in 2019, when it took over as the league's off icial uniform supplier as part of a 10-year, $1 billion deal for MLB. Fanatics h as partnerships with the league and the union, both of which have invested in th e company and own small stakes. Nike在2019年用十年10亿美金合约抢下MLB球衣赞助权 话说球员工会对於Fanatics的态度应该算商业考量XD As the MLBPA hammers Nike and praises Fanatics, did you know that the MLBPA rece ived $44 million in licensing revenue from Fanatics in 2023?
去年球员工会从Fanatics那收到4400万美金的授权金XD The MLBPA also lists a $13 million investment in Fanatics. (This information comes from the 2023 financial statement the union filed with t he Department of Labor earlier this month, called an LM-2.) 工会本身也投资了1300万镁在Fanatics上 --

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※ 转录者: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 04/29/2024 10:36:57 ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 04/29/2024 10:40:32
1F:推 SatoTakuma: 现行款要涨价了吗 04/29 12:28
2F:推 JasonTsai23: 字体要改 04/29 13:59
3F:→ haru9: Fanatics自家球衣品质超烂,但现在一家独大也没得挑QQ 04/29 14:09
4F:推 s860382: 谁准你鸡婆了!! 04/30 06:51
5F:推 Langerhans: Nike去死一死好吗?工会说的真好 在没必要的地方搞创新 04/30 12:32
6F:推 allen44475: 终於不会那麽湿了吗 04/30 12:58

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