MLB issues update on maple bat study MLB公布关於枫木球棒研究的最新进度 The Safety and Health Advisory Committee that is charged by Major League Baseball and the Players Association to determine the reason why so many maple bats are shattering in big league games said on Tuesday that it is nearing the point where it can soon make "short-term and long-term recommendations to address the issue." 由MLB和球员协会委任调查,为什麽这麽多枫木棒在大联盟比赛中断(碎)棒的安全健 康谘询委员会,星期二宣布他们已经快要可以提供短期和长期的建议了。 The committee was charged by Commissioner Bud Selig back in May with defining a reason for the problem and determining some remedy up to and including the banning of maple bats from league play. 由主席Bud Selig在五月委任的委员会要针对这问题找出原因,并提出一些方案,包 括禁止比赛中使用枫木棒。 The issue was discussed at a committee meeting on June 24 in New York and since then, various entities have been studying the bats for cause and effect. 这个议题6/24於纽约在委员会中被讨论,到现在,有许多单位已经在研究球棒以找 出原因和影响。 "They're analyzing all the bats," Selig said last month. "There's a lot of work going on right now. My concerns are the same. Every game I watch there's bats splintering. I'm sensitive about it." 「他们正在分析所有的球棒,」Selig上个月说。「很多工作持续进行当中。我关心 的事情是一样的。我看的每比赛都有断棒,我对那很敏感。」 The committee said on Tuesday that nearly 1,700 shattered bats were collected from July 2 to this past Sunday for physical analysis. Also, video tape of each of the incidents was reviewed. The video review will continue, although the collection process will now cease because the committee has determined that it has secured a sufficient number of bats for analysis. 委员会星期二说从7/2到上星期天有将近1700只断棒被收集来作物理分析。每个断棒 的画面也都被重新调阅。影片的调阅将会继续,但是断棒的收集将会暂停,因为已 经收集到足够分析的数量了。 Two Wisconsin-based entities are reviewing wood-quality issues: The USDA Forest Service's Products Laboratory -- the federal government's primary research facility for wood products -- and Timberco, Inc., an independent accredited certification and testing agency for structural and nonstructural wood products. 两个位於威斯康辛的机构正重新检视木头品质的议题:USDA森林业产品研究室—联邦 政府主要的木质产品研究单位—和Timberco公司—一家独立认证及测试建筑和非建 筑木头产品的机构。 Dr. Carl N. Morris, a professor of statistics at Harvard University, and Dr. James A. Sherwood, director of the Baseball Research Center and a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts- Lowell, were retained to assist in analyzing the data. Carl N. Morris博士—哈佛大学的统计教授—和James A. Sherwood博士—棒球研究 中心的主任及美国麻省州立大学Lowell分校机械工程教授,被雇用来协助分析资料。 Members of the committee are also meeting with MLB's approved bat suppliers to determine possible glitches in the manufacturing process and the level of quality control. 委员会的成员也走访了MLB认可的球棒供应商,试图发现球棒制造过程和品质控管水 准中可能产生的问题。 The matter began getting attention earlier this season as maple bats continued to splinter regularly, causing injuries to uniformed personnel and fans seated in the stands. 这事情(指断棒)是从球季初开始受到注意的,当枫木棒持续碎裂,并伤到队职员以 及看台上的球迷时。 On April 25 at Dodger Stadium, a maple bat used by Colorado's Todd Helton shattered. The barrel spun into the stands behind the Rockies' dugout on the first-base side and struck a fan in the face, breaking her jaw. About 10 days earlier in the same dugout, Pirates coach Don Long was struck below the left eye by a bat splinter, leaving a bloody gash in his cheek that needed 10 stitches to close. 4/25在道奇球场,洛矶队Todd Helton的枫木棒碎了,断棒旋转飞到一垒方向洛矶休 息室後方的看台上,并刺入一位球迷的脸,打坏了她的下巴(囧...不对,是冏才对...) 差不多10天前在同一个休息室,海盗教练Don Long被球棒碎片刺到左眼下方,留下 一道缝了10针的伤口。 Maple has replaced ash as the wood bat of choice in the Major Leagues. A 2005 study commissioned by MLB and the union revealed that ash bats do not typically shatter into many pieces while maple bats have a tendency to explode. 枫木取代了梣木成为MLB木棒的选择。一份MLB委托的2005年的报告指出梣木棒并不 常碎成多片,相对的,枫木棒很有可能会来个炸裂。 There are a number of solutions to be taken into consideration, from extending netting from behind the plate down the first- and third-base lines as they do in Japanese ballparks, to placing restrictions on the width of bat handles, to banning the use of maple bats completely. 有几个解决方案被考虑过︰像日本球场那样将护网由本垒後方延伸至一三垒侧﹔对 球棒握把处的宽度作限制﹔完全禁止使用枫木棒。 Selig has said he is not in favor of extending the netting primarily because it would not address the source of the problem. Selig已经说他不赞成研伸护网,因为这不能解决问题的根源。 Players now have a penchant of seeking bats with a thinner handle and a larger barrel, which gives the hitter more snap in his swing, but creates a tremendous imbalance. Some players even shave that thin handle to make it slimmer. 球员们喜欢找握把比较细,击球区比较粗的球棒,这可以使挥棒更有力,但这也造 成(球棒)极大的不平衡。有些球员甚至将握把处刨得更细。 About 60 percent of Major League players use maple bats instead of ash because some say those bats can withstand the rigors of use in batting practice and games. 大约60趴的MLB球员使用枫木棒而不是梣木棒,因为有些人说枫木棒可以承受打击练 习和比赛时密集的使用。 MLB has made equipment changes for safety reasons as recently as this season. MLB最近几季已经因为安全因素作了些球具上的改变。 Last year, Mike Coolbaugh, coaching first base in the Rockies' Minor League system, was killed when he was hit in the head by a line drive. This year, MLB mandated that all base coaches at the Major and Minor League levels wear protective helmets when they are in their positions on the field. 去年洛矶的小联盟球队的一垒指导员Mike Coolbaugh因为被平飞球击中头部而丧生。 今年,MLB命令大小联盟所有的跑垒指导员在场上必须要戴上头盔。 --

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1F:推 duo131:拜托不要加护网= = 09/13 02:41
2F:推 forgetta:无法解决就禁球棒吧 该受限制的是球员不是观众 09/13 02:45
3F:推 A1pha:那麽,改成铝棒吧XDDD 单季100轰再也不是梦想XD 09/13 03:22
4F:推 ComicMan:铝棒+1 球棒击球区另一面加装推进器 09/13 03:32
5F:推 Srxzo:玩铝棒的话三垒手要退到左外野才敢接球吧XD 09/13 03:58
6F:推 Tyrone:玩铝棒三垒手每个都跟Pavano一样躺着赚XD 09/13 04:51
7F:推 greengreen42:晚铝棒的话三垒手跟投手都要穿捕手护具了 09/13 05:07
8F:推 broken543:叫大联盟也来绿化 垃圾回收做的塑钢棒 09/13 06:18
9F:推 jhunfong:换铝棒的话 全垒打墙可能要700英尺了... 09/13 06:51
10F:→ OoyaoO:限制用白桦木吧 有危险还是禁了好 09/13 08:59
11F:推 vitavirus:不知道碳纤可不可以用 09/13 10:44
12F:推 xgpwh:楼上 碳纤比铝棒更恶劣啊www 09/13 12:44
13F:推 frank123ya:大家越提越恶劣www那我提陶瓷合成好了 09/13 14:10
14F:推 qber:石绵棒 09/13 18:10
15F:推 greengreen42:碳纤会把捕手扎死 09/13 18:24
16F:推 MasamuneDate:a rod: 打死我也不守三垒 09/13 22:51
17F:推 mx529:一个打席换一根不知道有没有差 09/14 02:18

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