Ramirez voted August's top rookie Ramirez获选八月最佳新秀 When White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen saw the ball jump off Alexei Ramirez's bat in the Cactus League this spring, he knew Chicago fans were about to be entertained by a special rookie. 当白袜总教练Ozzie Guillen今年春天在Cactus League看到球被Alexei Ramirez的 棒子轰出时,他知道白袜迷们会因为这个特别的新秀而有得乐了。 The White Sox second baseman has certainly lived up to Spring Training advance notice, and that point was driven home again on Monday when Ramirez was selected as Gillette's Rookie of the Month for August in the American League. Ramirez will receive a Rookie of the Month trophy and Gillette will make a $5,000 donation to a charitable organization in Ramirez's name. 这位白袜二垒手的确达到了春训时的评价,而这点在Ramirez被选为八月美联最佳 球员时再度获得证明。Ramirez将会得到单月最佳新秀的奖,Gillette也会以他的 名字捐5000美元给一家慈善机构。 Ramirez was selected over AL nominees Glen Perkins and Denard Span of the Twins. Ramirez击败了双城的Glen Perkins和Denard Span。 In the fifth month of the regular season, Ramirez showed no signs of slowing down. He hit .308 in August with six homers and 22 RBIs. Ramirez had a four-hit game against Baltimore on Aug. 25. 在例行赛的第5个月,Ramirez一点也不显疲累。他打出0.308打击率,6只全垒打和 22分打点。在8/25对金莺的比赛中单场4安。 Tall and thin at 6-foot-3 and 185 pounds, Ramirez has shown an ability to generate plenty of power. The six homers in August qualify as Exhibit A. 拥有6尺3寸的高瘦身材,Ramirez已经展现了他拥有不错的炮瓦。6轰在八月可以排进 A级(?)。 "The bat speed is unbelievable," Guillen said of Ramirez. "You see guys on top of the plate like that, and all of a sudden, people think they can get by him. His bat speed is one of the best I've seen in a while, and that's how he creates so much power." 「他的挥棒速度很不可思议。」Guillen谈到Ramirez「你在打击区看到许多相同的家 伙,突然间,人们认为他们可以应付他(这句我看不懂...)。他的挥棒速度是我最近 看过最快的之一,这就是他的炮瓦来源。」 After observing Ramirez this year, White Sox outfielder Carlos Quentin marvels at the rookie's fundamentals at the plate. 今年观察了Ramirez,白袜外野手Carlos Quentin对他在打击区的基本动作感到惊讶。 "If you look at the mechanics of his swing, and I've looked at it, he's in the zone so long," Quentin said. "He has a fundamentally sound swing, and that's why you see him do well. He's an aggressive hitter and he attacks the zone." 「如果你看到他挥棒的机制,在我的观察,他长时间都维持好状态。」Quentin说到 「他有一个正确良好的挥棒,这就是你看到他表现优异的原因。他是一位积极的打 者,不放过好球。」 Thanks largely to Ramirez's contributions, the White Sox are involved in a spirited battle with the Twins for the AL Central title. 大大感谢Ramirez的贡献,白袜与双城在美联中区有激烈的竞争。 "This kid, you see in Spring Training in Tucson how good he is because the ball is flying all over the place," Guillen said. 「这孩子在春训就看得出他有多好,因为他的球满场飞。」Guillen说。 Ramirez had some stiff competition for the August rookie award. Perkins went 4-0 in August with a 3.31 ERA. The left-hander threw eight shutout innings in two of his five starts during the month. Ramirez在八月最佳新秀险胜。Perkins八月4胜0败,ERA 3.31。这位左投在本月5次 先发中,两度投出8局无失分。 Span has been a catalyst for the Minnesota outfield in the aftermath of Torii Hunter's departure via free agency. Span hit .292 in August with three homers, 23 RBIs, 35 hits and 20 runs scored. Span是双城在Torii Hunter因FA离开後,外野的催化剂。Span八月打击率0.292, 3轰、23打点、35安打、得到20分。 The Rookie of the Month balloting was an all-Chicago affair in August, as Cubs catcher Geovany Soto captured the award in the National League. 芝加哥包了本月的最佳新秀,小熊的捕手Geovany Soto也拿下国联的奖项。 --

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1F:推 inribosome:"in the zone" means "keep one's status". 09/12 00:27
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※ 编辑: IAmaMouse 来自: (09/12 00:43)
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