Catchers Jason Varitek BOSTON RED SOX Age: 35 2008 salary: $9 million Key stat: Career .350 on base percentage The skinny: Arguably the heart and soul of the Red Sox over their recent run of success, Varitek is competent both at and behind the plate, but more importantly a leader and spokesman for the team. If he does move on, his leadership will be missed, but his skills have been on the decline since 2005. 壹报导:你不用去问力红到底谁是RedSox的心脏和灵魂,Tek无疑是RedSox近年 来成功的主要关键之一。Tek不论是在打击区上或者打击区後方都有足够能力让 胜任,更重要的他是球队的领导者以及发言人。如果他到了别队,球团将失去 一位领导者,但是他的各项能力从05年以後便逐年下滑。 Ivan Rodriguez DETROIT TIGERS Age: 36 2008 salary: $13 million Key stat: Career .303 hitter with 1,182 RBIs in 17 seasons. The skinny: Pundits mocked the Tigers when they signed this aging, injury-prone catcher to a four-year contract before the 2004 season. But Pudge and the Tigers have had the last laugh. He has been fairly healthy and hit for a solid average. His power has been on the decline over the last three seasons, but part of that can be attributed to his home park. 壹报导:许多球评在Tigers於04年季前给了这位满身是伤的老捕手四年合约时候,都 在一旁科科的偷笑。但是Pudge和Tigers才是一直科科笑到最後的人。他一直保持健康 且都能打出不错的成绩。他的power在过去三季不断下滑,但部分原因可以归咎於 他所处的球场。 Paul Lo Duca WASHINGTON NATIONALS Age: 35 2008 salary: $5 million Key stat: Career .288 hitter. The skinny: His best days appear to be behind him, and he has also been caught up in the steroids scandal to a degree. Although a four-time All-Star, the former Met will have to prove himself to get a multi-year deal in 2009. 壹报导:他最好的时光已经远离了,而他自己也深陷某*之力丑闻中。身为四度 全星星球员,这为前Mets明星球员必须证明他自己能力才能在09年拿到复数年合约。 全文完 -- 「写下这些日记的人,在重新踏上阿根廷的土地时,就已经死去。我,已经不再是我。」 ---Che Guevara--- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: majohn 来自: (05/20 11:50)
1F:推 muska:亲情的一推 05/20 11:59
2F:推 ccc915678:友情的一推 05/20 12:35
3F:推 snoopy638: 推 05/20 12:36
4F:推 richjf: 坚情的一堆 :P 05/20 20:45

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