Second Basemen Orlando Hudson ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS Age: 30 2008 salary: $6.25 million Key stat: Three-time Gold Glove winner The skinny: Hudson was an All-Star for the first time in 2007 as he won his third consecutive Gold Glove and hit .294. But he was limited by injuries. It will be interesting to see if he fits into the future plans in Arizona, a franchise stocked with up-and-coming talent. 壹报导:Hudson在去年得到了第一个全星星,第三座金手套且打出了0.297成绩。 但他同时也受到伤势的影响。如果他还在未来的Arizona球团规划名单中,这是 相当有趣的,因为他们囤积了许多潜力无穷的新秀。 Shortstop Orlando Cabrera CHICAGO WHITE SOX Age: 33 2008 salary: $9 million Key stat: .301, 86 RBIs in 2007. The skinny: Insiders laud Cabrera's leadership along with his obvious talents with the bat and in the field. He came to Chicago in a trade for Jon Garland. This oft-overlooked player will be looking for a piece of the spotlight in free agency. 壹报导:来自内部不愿具名人士透露的消息指出Cabrera的才能是全方面的, 不论是在打击上或者防守上。他在和Garland的交易中来到了Chicago。这位 经常被忽略的游击手在今年成为FA之後将会变成镁光灯的焦点之一。 Rafael Furcal LOS ANGELES DODGERS Age: 30 2008 salary: $13 million Key stat: At least 20 steals in each of his eight seasons. The skinny: Furcal doesn't really walk that much for a top of the order guy, but his defense is solid and he's a demon on the basepaths usually good for 100 runs per season, Furcal fell off a bit in 2007, and will be looking to rebound in 2008. 壹报导:Furcal身为一个被认为顶尖的老人SS而言似乎总缺了那麽一点什麽, 但他的防守还算不赖而且在垒上时候可以带给对手极大威胁,一季跑回来100 分对他来说就像尻一枪一样简单。他在去年部分时间感受到来自东方的神秘 力量因而跌到谷底,而在今年预期会有些反弹。 Third basemen Hank Blalock TEXAS RANGERS Age: 27 2008 salary: $5.95 million Key stat: 26 home runs over last two seasons. The skinny: Once a huge power threat, the two-time All-Star seems to have lost some pop while battling injuries over the last couple seasons. Nonetheless, he is still young enough to receive a lot of interest on the market with a strong 2008. The Rangers have an option for 2009, but appear to be looking elsewhere, as they had him on the trade block over the offseason. 壹报导:又是一个人间凶器,这一位两次全星星过去几季似乎在受伤之後打击上威力 稍微减弱了点。除此之外,他还年轻可以在08年之後吸引到其他人注意。Rangers 还有他09年的option,但可能会有一些其他动作,或许会在季後把他放在交易桌上。 Joe Crede CHICAGO WHITE SOX Age: 29 2008 salary: $5.1 million Key stat: 30 home runs, 94 RBIs in 2006. The skinny: 2007 was a lost season for Crede as he played in only 47 games. The White Sox tried to work on a multi-year deal with the third baseman over the offseason, perhaps hoping for a return to his 2006 form. But they also have Josh Fields waiting in the wings if Crede bails as a free agent. 壹报导:07年对於Crede来说是一个不能说的秘密,他在这年只打了47场球。 White Sox尝试和这一个三垒手在季後签下复数年合约,或许期望他能又一次 打出06年那种成绩。如果Crede最终成为FA的话,White Sox还有羽翼已经丰 满的Josh Fields。 -- _▃_ 老婆,我回来了!还买了礼物要.... ╔═════════════╗ 老婆,我回来了!还买了礼物要.... ║ ║ ] /\ 老婆,我回来了!还买了礼物要....门的另一端,世界的真实。 || β 你技术不错嘛! ○ ║ ║ ◣◥(|\ 唔..好棒 gayb/cAshoNly} ◥██◣ /`○rz ╚═════════════╝ --

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1F:→ majohn:有够快...版主ㄉㄉ凡事都那麽快的嘛 05/18 01:08
2F:推 sam9595:Furcal那段也太好笑了吧 05/18 01:23

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