※ [本文转录自 SFGiants 看板] 作者: abc12812 (abc12812) 看板: SFGiants 标题: Crossing the Bridge(4-1) 时间: Wed May 14 00:30:04 2008 这是Zito投球分析的最後一篇 先翻译一部份 (以後会慢慢补上之前的和之後的) by Paul Nyman May 13, 2008 This series of articles started with “A Bridge Too Far…..” We are now at the “Zito Bridge,” but before we attempt to cross, a brief review of how we got here. 1. There is no such thing as good pitching mechanics, simply because no one can agree as to what they constitute. What does exist are good throwing mechanics as defined by physics, biomechanics, kinesiology, physiology and motor learning and control. Throwing a 95 mph fastball, no matter who throws it, requires the same physics. 2. Pitching is doing everything necessary to defeat the batter. An important (most important?) aspect of pitching skill is throwing the baseball. It becomes a lot easier to get the batter out if you possess speed, location and movement. Speed, location and movement are a result of effective development and use of the kinetic chain. 3. Throwing a baseball is the result of optimizing the kinetic chain/sequence processes. There is the physical component to throwing; i.e., muscle, connective tissue, nervous system or what might be called the "active” part of throwing a baseball. There is also a mechanical (passive) component, governed by the principle of the compound pendulum, the sequential transfer of momentum from feet to fingertips. 4. The mechanical (the mechanics in “pitching mechanics”) aspect of throwing is exclusively the product of rotation and maintaining connection to that rotation. 5. The body throwing a baseball is a “throwing system” and is subject to the principles of complex dynamic systems. Complex dynamic systems exhibit chaotic behavior; simply stated, small changes in any aspect of the throwing process can have significant (positive or negative) effects on the final result . 6. Left handers, by virtue of throwing with that arm, can succeed in spite of throwing the ball with less than maximum efficiency. Many left handers never learn how to throw the ball with the greatest efficiency and effectiveness. 7. Throwing instruction is nonexistent at the professional level, and what constitutes good throwing mechanics is not understood at a level necessary to help players such as Barry Zito. Players are drafted because they know how to throw the baseball (velocity, velocity and more velocity). A player's throwing skill is developed through a trial and error process, starting when the player is very young. All that professional baseball can hope to do is turn throwers into pitchers. These are some of the factors that not only explain what happened to Zito's fastball, but are the keys to finding it again. 我们现在要来解析Zito的问题了。在这之前,先让我们复习一下之前提到的: 1.没有所谓"好的"投球机制。一般所谓"好的"投球机制包括了物理、人体力学、体能、 控球...。要投出95mph的速球,背後的物理原理都是相同的。 2.投球就是要干掉打者。一个重要(最重要?)的关键是丢球。有好的球速、控球、尾劲,就 能很容易的解决打者。要能达到这三点,需要的是有效率的投球动作。 3.投球是一连串动态活动的组合。"动态活动"包括肌肉、结缔组织、神经系统这些活动的 部份。"组合"(被动)指的是动能动量的转移过程。 4."机制"指的是旋转(身体)和维持连续旋转的产物。 5.整个身体的活动就是一个"丢球系统"。在这个系统上任何一个小改变都有可能大幅改变 最後的结果。 6.左投优势。很多左投从来没有学会过有效率的投球。 7.职棒中不存在所谓的"投球指导"。球员会在选秀会中被选是因为他们的投球技巧。而这 些投球技巧是他们从小就开始磨练而得的。职棒能做的只有把"丢球的"转变为"投手"。 当然,关於Zito的投球还有其他的影响因素,但这七点是关键。 In the first article I observed similarities between what happened to Steve Avery and what is potentially happening to Zito. Both are/were 6-foot-4, 200-pound left handers who burst on the MLB scene at a young age and experienced great success for several years, followed by a downward spiral. Zito's apparent decline is occurring over a longer period, but there are significant similarities. Zito and Avery both have/had marginal throwing mechanics, a common characteristic of left-handers. They also possess physical abilities and attributes (size, strength), and of course, most important, both throw left handed. The reason generally given for Avery's decline is an injury he suffered in September of 1993. The injury was reported as a torn muscle under his armpit. He was selected to the All-Star team and had a record of 16-4 entering the Sept. 12, 1993 game against the San Diego Padres. Avery lost and sustained that injury. Many blame Avery's heavy workload as a young pitcher for his injury; he had started 135 major league games before reaching 24. Avery was never again the same pitcher, although he ended the year 18-6 with a 2.94 ERA, a phenomenal record for a team's fourth starter. (Wikipedia 2008) 在第一篇文章中我注意到了ZIto和Avery的相似之处。都是6-foot-4, 200-pound的左投、 在很年轻时就大放异彩,并且在之後逐渐衰退。虽然说Zito的衰退期又更长,但两者之间 还是有很大的相似之处。 Zito / Avery 都是所谓"最低限投球机制",一个普遍存在於左投的特点。在体能上也很相 似。当然,最重要的,两个都是左投。 Avery的衰退主要是因为1993年腋下肌肉的拉伤。 在受伤之前,Avery被选进明星队并有16-4的成绩。在受伤後Avery一蹶不振。很多人认为 过大的工作量是受伤的主因;他在24岁之前先发了135场比赛。即使他在这季最後投出了 18-6, 2.94 ERA,Avery再也不是同一位投手。 -- 先翻到这(好像还没到重点厚) 预告一下,Zito的问题是动作不连贯 --

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