看板 MLB  RSS Ultimate Standings: Fan Satisfaction Rankings We know what really matters to fans -- because you told us. We surveyed more than 80,000 fans in SportsNation, and commissioned a nationwide poll done by Markitecture, Inc., and you told us what you want from your favorite team. And then you told us how well your favorite franchise repays you for all the love and money you devote to it. In the table to the right you will see the eight categories by which you, the fans of SportsNation, ranked your teams. 我们知道什麽对球迷来说最重要-因为你告诉我们。我们调查了SportsNation超过8万个 球迷,还有Markitecture市调公司全国性的意见调查,由你来告诉我们你最想从最爱的 的球队得到什麽。然後你告诉我们,你最爱的球队如何报答你奉献给他们的的爱和金钱 。在下面的表格,你可以看到八个球队项目分类,由你和SportsNation的球迷所排名。 The results? The Indianapolis Colts rank No. 1 among 122 pro sports teams based on what they give back to fans who invest their time and money in the organization. 结果呢?印地安那波利斯小马队(NFL)在122支四大职业球队中排名第一,因为它们回报 球迷所花费的时间和金钱最多。 Below, you can check the full Ultimate Standings results to see: Where your favorite team stands. How each team ranks in its own sport. How each major market compares with each other. How each team does in each category. 底下,你可以看到整个调查结果包括: 你最爱的球队排在哪里 每支球队在自己的运动中排名 几个主要运动市场的比较 每支球队在某个分类的表现 BNG (Bang for the Buck): Wins over the past three years per revenues directly from fans 过去三年胜场除以每个球迷所直接花费的金钱 FRL (Fan Relations): Ease of access to players, coaches & management 接触球员、教练和管理阶层的容易度 OWN (Ownership): Honesty; loyalty to players and city 管理阶层对球员和城市的诚实度、忠诚度 AFF (Affordability): Price of tickets, parking and concessions 票价、停车位和其他需求付的起程度 STD (Stadium Experience): Friendliness of environment; quality of game-day promotions 球场的环境友善度、比赛宣传的品质 PLA (Players): Effort on the field; likability off it 球员在场上的努力程度、有多可爱 CCH (Coach/Manager): Strong on-field leadership 教练在场上领导力的强度 TTR (Title Track): Titles already won or expected -- soon 已经赢的冠军数,或是快要赢得的数量 译注:这边我只附上MLB的,有兴趣可以看看总表。另外每支球队点进去都有介绍。 下面的RNK是总表排行。红字表示该项总排名前20,蓝字表示总排名100名之後。 TEAM RNK BNG FRL OWN AFF STD PLA CCH TTR 1. Los Angeles Angels 6 6 21 23 6 25 19 4 18 2. Detroit Tigers 7 26 12 7 14 13 10 2 30 3. Arizona Diamondbacks 10 7 34 45 19 36 16 43 16 4. Milwaukee Brewers 13 9 31 36 5 8 34 81 70 5. Cleveland Indians 16 10 36 50 23 6 18 50 71 6. Atlanta Braves 21 31 33 42 30 44 26 6 25 7. Colorado Rockies 26 20 42 89 26 15 14 60 59 8. Minnesota Twins 39 24 48 110 8 119 29 32 39 9. Kansas City Royals 51 34 74 99 4 26 95 90 69 10. San Diego Padres 55 52 60 76 72 23 54 52 88 11. Chicago White Sox 58 92 47 69 51 73 63 36 12 12. Cincinnati Reds 59 54 83 61 24 75 96 77 49 13. St. Louis Cardinals 60 95 65 65 74 27 43 31 13 14. Philadelphia Phillies 62 74 59 84 49 17 23 93 78 15. Washington Nationals 63 53 94 68 38 67 68 41 82 16. New York Yankees 65 91 52 39 110 47 37 49 11 17. Toronto Blue Jays 67 60 76 62 29 98 74 98 37 18. Houston Astros 69 109 37 49 44 20 49 88 65 19. Tampa Bay Rays 75 38 101 88 3 112 81 100 93 20. Los Angeles Dodgers 77 107 85 64 65 48 76 21 41 21. Seattle Mariners 83 76 77 75 78 9 87 103 90 22. Oakland Athletics 85 64 75 115 15 117 46 104 46 23. Boston Red Sox 89 122 35 15 120 34 28 24 8 24. Texas Rangers 90 48 95 104 62 70 89 94 115 25. New York Mets 93 84 84 48 112 109 82 75 45 26. Chicago Cubs 95 117 72 78 105 7 71 26 99 27. Florida Marlins 99 57 111 121 35 122 69 109 28 28. Pittsburgh Pirates 103 58 110 120 32 10 113 117 117 29. San Francisco Giants 104 116 103 85 107 12 103 85 92 30. Baltimore Orioles 114 85 117 117 86 50 118 110 104 感谢资讯来自於RedSox版来自於Angels版 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: bri 来自: (04/28 13:47)
1F:推 Homura:TTR的根据是? 04/28 13:48
2F:→ bri:全部都是根据自身球迷和全国民调结果 04/28 13:51
3F:推 BMHSEA:Pittsburgh真不意外! 04/28 16:13
4F:→ TomCourtenay:垫底的那只现在是分区领先...还被嫌 04/28 17:46
5F:推 deathcustom:为啥BOS TTR第八 NYY才...(WS的数量似乎不是这样) 04/28 21:10
6F:推 albertjet:因为这几年洋基没拿WS的原因 04/28 22:05

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