作者supergary (supergary)
标题[翻译] 17%
时间Mon Apr 21 18:49:54 2008
Greg Maddux is famous for his inability to hold runners on base. It's about
the only thing he hasn't done well in his career, and last year the problem
extended through the entire Padres starting rotation. For instance, runners
were 44 for 44 against 6'10" Chris Young.
Greg Maddux不擅长看住垒上跑者是众所皆知的。这大慨是他的职业生涯中唯一表现比较
差的部分,而上个球季这个问题延伸到教士队整个先发轮值。例如: 跑者面对6尺10寸的
Chris Young尝试盗垒44次,也成功了44次。
It was a problem, and as the season wore on it became a huge topic for
discussion in San Diego. They were stealing on Jake Peavy, and Maddux, and of
course Young.
随着球季的进行,对圣地牙哥教士队而言,这是一个需要检讨的重大问题。Jake Peavy,
So one day Maddux told Young to forget about the runners, that it wasn't the
big deal everybody else was making it out to be. He told Young, "Only 17
percent of runners who steal second go on to score."
某日Maddux要Chris Young忘掉垒上的跑者,虽然大家都试着看住跑者,但是那不是一件
Maddux made another point: If opposing players have a low batting average
against a pitcher—as is the case with Young—then it makes sense to go after
the hitter and not worry about the runners.
Maddux提出了另一个观点: 如果对方的打者面对投手的打击率不高,就像打者面对Young
The next time Young was interviewed about all those stolen bases, he said,
"It's like Greg says, only 17 percent of the runners who steal second go on
to score."
之後Chris Young在一次的访问中谈到被盗垒的问题,他表示:"就像Greg所说的,只有百
This 17 percent solution became something of a mantra in the second half of
the season for the Padres. Why? Because Maddux said so, that's why.
Nobody bothered to check the stats; they just repeated Maddux's assertions.
When I was in San Diego last September, a savvy and wry reporter for the San
Diego Union-Tribune told me, "I've got a feeling Maddux just made up that 17
percent thing to take the heat off these guys. It gives them something to
say, and everybody just nods because it's Maddux."
一位San Diego Union-Tribune的记者告诉我:"我的感觉是Maddux只是为了替队友除去压
Then a guy in San Diego who writes a blog by the name of SDPads1 decided to
check it out. He went through every 2007 boxscore and discovered that
slightly more than 40 percent of the base-stealers eventually scored against
the Padres.
He broke it down further and further—eliminating from the equation guys who
would have scored anyway—eventually whittling the number down closer to
Maddux's estimate. But the truth was, 17 percent wasn't exactly science.
There was no arguing about one point, though: It was classic Maddux.
SDPads1 Blog
Gary says...
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 lukehong:It was classic Maddux XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/21 18:51
2F:推 chemiblue:Maddux是伟大的 这一点是毫无疑问的!!!推阿 04/21 18:53
3F:推 camuskiroro:嘴炮唬了一整队 orz 04/21 18:53
4F:推 gorhow:因为他是 Maddux 不是乡民 哈哈 04/21 18:55
5F:推 Tzylu:XDDD 麦狗是对的! 04/21 18:55
6F:推 ssnight:XD 04/21 18:58
7F:推 sam731215: 麦狗是对的! 04/21 18:58
8F:→ ColbyRasmus:那有没有单纯算麦狗的呢?会更趋近17%吗? 04/21 18:58
9F:推 hysteric19:他的成就搭配上他的脸...就算是虎滥也很有说服力阿XD 04/21 18:59
10F:推 oldsam:如果整个rotation都看不住,那最可疑的应该是捕手啊!! 04/21 18:59
11F:推 birdy590:也可能是小联盟系统训练有问题, 跑者往往是盗投手的垒 04/21 19:02
12F:推 cjepj:说到这个 有没有统计牵制多少次的数据? 04/21 19:03
13F:推 TrueTears:其实重点是最後一句XD 04/21 19:41
14F:推 greengreen42:因为与其浪费精神去看住跑者,不如好好解决打者 04/21 19:44
15F:→ greengreen42:避免被上垒远比避免被盗垒重要得多(also by saber) 04/21 19:45
16F:→ greengreen42:最重要的,Maddux知道真正的失分来自於上垒後被长打 04/21 19:46
17F:→ greengreen42:与其管跑者干嘛不如避免被安打而掉分XD 04/21 19:47
18F:推 majohn:麦狗是对的XDD 04/21 19:47
19F:推 greengreen42:统计上威胁最大的是被上垒後被尻长打而非被盗二垒 04/21 19:56
20F:推 loveSabina:Maddux是伟大的,这一点是毫无疑问的。 04/21 19:57
21F:推 newest:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/21 20:16
22F:推 Sijan: 推 04/21 20:17
23F:推 ca1123:长期来讲,被得分的比率就是的被打击率(假设1B就可以得分) 04/21 20:23
24F:推 ca1123:麦狗的生涯被打击率是.291,我相信应该是接近这个数字才对 04/21 20:26
25F:→ ca1123:.17的确是虎烂的成分居多 04/21 20:27
26F:推 syhide:看前面就在想17%是从哪来的数据XD 04/21 20:30
27F:→ ColbyRasmus:请问call23麦狗被打击率在哪里查的?感温 04/21 20:35
28F:推 echomica:.291是被上垒率 被打击率是.249才对 难怪我觉得离谱 04/21 20:45
29F:推 vf3:Hey! We got Cy Young winners over here! 04/21 20:54
30F:推 ntou92710007:XDDDD!Maddux 是对的! 04/21 21:14
31F:推 lapoto:推 Maddux是伟大的 XDDDD 04/21 21:15
32F:推 frank123ya:害我喷茶~麦狗是对的!!! 04/21 21:15
33F:推 siliver:被这麽伟大的投手唬了也是一个光荣 XDXD 04/21 21:15
34F:推 ninini:麦狗是印象派的 04/21 21:53
35F:推 yeahyeah:麦狗是神 04/21 21:57
36F:推 ramirez:麦狗是对的!! 04/21 21:59
37F:推 MarioPuzo:麦狗是对的! 04/21 22:41
38F:推 like5566fans:Maddux Suck 04/21 22:52
39F:推 gorhow:楼上 XD 想被K吗 04/21 22:53
40F:推 fjjkk:一队有三个先发这样时 我会怀疑捕手有问题 04/21 23:01
41F:推 ntou92710007:楼上!XDD 04/21 23:57
42F:推 clubbox:17% 不知道有多少不看跑者的投手拉高这个平均 04/22 00:55
43F:推 albertjet:以Chris Young的超低被打击率的确不要理打者比较好 04/22 01:35
44F:→ albertjet:他的问题一直都在控球 04/22 01:35
45F:推 saidon:麦狗是对的!!!! 04/22 07:48
46F:推 chien533:麦狗是对的!!! 04/22 13:13
47F:推 newroy:让我想到教师退休18趴之类的XD 04/23 02:16
48F:推 tsming:善意的谎言?XD 04/23 14:33