早上看到这些消息,心中实在百感交集 生气、愤怒,为自己国家的媒体水准感到悲哀 我向来非常讨厌台湾的媒体 拿着第四权的旗帜,吹着言论自由的号角 却没有任何一点自律与自我检讨的精神 是哪一个中华职棒的工作人员说出「拒绝媒体采访,大联盟球队好像没有这个前例!」 为什麽他可以这样用印象、猜测来混淆视听? 因为我们的媒体帮他美化了,帮他隐藏了,让他可以躲在幕後不用为自己的言论负责 保护消息来源是这样保护的吗? 还是只是用来让记者放出自己想像的谣言的工具? 就算真的有这个人真的说了这句话 请问记者有善尽查证的义务吗? 如果记者只是有闻必录,如果记者不需要查证就能交稿 如果媒体不能尽到把关的责任,谁知道媒体塞到我们脑里的是时事、大便还是废渣? 我不知道自己能做些什麽 只好在明天一大早要出门的情况下熬夜帮王建民加油 (洋基赢不赢无所谓 XD) 让台湾这些水准低落、寡廉鲜耻的媒体知道 王建民是台湾的骄傲,Don't touch him with your dirty hands! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ willyt: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:00
2F:推 Hsaie: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:00
3F:推 gelee: 泪推! 08/18 20:00
4F:推 Harlemk: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:00
5F:推 fengels:口胡! 版大怒了 08/18 20:00
6F:推 toeternia: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:02
7F:推 sava31: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:04
8F:推 insist1985: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:05
9F:推 csw0121: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:06
10F:推 pathfinder: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:06
11F:推 RandyME: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:08
12F:推 bookstore:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:08
13F:推 KoAnne: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:12
14F:推 LenardLee:全民公敌: 08/18 20:12
15F:推 kiddlue: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:13
16F:推 Androgyne: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:14
17F:推 nero: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:16
18F:推 hzjbb: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:17
19F:推 waynewan: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:22
20F:推 Fenixbroken: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:35
21F:推 yugioh200313:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:38
22F:→ tupacshkur: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:45
23F:推 jeromeshih: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:46
24F:→ kayyang: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:47
25F:推 roco: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:48
26F:推 takarashi: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 20:59
27F:推 wenwenlover: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:06
28F:→ orznge: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:06
29F:推 datro:板大 Media-chaos 有要拼啦!! 08/18 21:13
30F:推 acidrain: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:29
31F:推 Vince1: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:30
32F:推 steo: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:37
33F:推 ewpnawt8: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:43
34F:推 livy1055: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:52
35F:推 myclassmate: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:54
36F:推 jackit: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 21:54
37F:推 longreen: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:06
38F:推 iuchun1010: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:17
39F:推 liextra: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:19
40F:推 BillyWagner: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:22
41F:推 fleece: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! Go away! 08/18 22:35
42F:推 Stability: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:35
43F:推 ykd: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:40
44F:推 JohnyDamon: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:40
45F:推 fdfdfd: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:41
46F:推 kay16victor: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:46
47F:推 cooljoe1985:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 含泪推 08/18 22:52
48F:推 ID9: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:58
49F:推 kaikai:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 22:59
50F:推 Ofnir:板大别生气~ 08/18 23:00
51F:推 brent00: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:02
52F:推 chaplin6761: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:31
53F:推 Graph: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:32
54F:推 nick12606: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:37
55F:→ rc2skywalker: on't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:46
56F:推 potantial: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:52
57F:推 RaXePhOnZeRo:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:54
58F:→ KEROPURA: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:56
59F:→ shamash: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/18 23:58
60F:推 lxf: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:09
61F:→ a2156700: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:13
62F:推 oukeheo: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:13
63F:推 pingyi: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:17
64F:推 bluewaterr: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:17
65F:推 flowerkid: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:20
66F:推 robert0871: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:32
67F:推 KINGSAN:Don't touch him with your dirty hands!!!!!! 08/19 00:40
68F:→ harryrain: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:42
69F:推 vagrantko: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 00:54
70F:推 Xinef: DDon't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 01:40
71F:推 log168: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 01:48
72F:推 johnnying:TO 妓者 08/19 02:00
73F:→ johnnying: Just play ball with your dirty hands!(ball=睾丸) 08/19 02:04
74F:推 ANCR: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 03:30
75F:推 philxiao: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 04:15
76F:推 doraemoncat: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 04:21
77F:推 ginlihi: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 04:32
78F:推 milking: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 04:35
79F:推 galaxy5247: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 04:49
80F:推 BlueBlood:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 05:26
81F:推 wangjoy:推呀~~ 08/19 07:26
82F:推 galaxys:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 10:22
83F:推 dullbat: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 11:05
84F:推 BHCASDDT: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 12:07
85F:推 frogren: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 13:40
86F:推 wck8446: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 15:04
87F:推 garyyang0529:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 15:35
88F:推 aki905021: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 21:24
89F:推 lostmind: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/19 22:41
90F:推 lingling0000:Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/20 00:45
91F:推 TaiwanNeko: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/20 20:31
92F:推 Beckhung: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/23 02:09
93F:推 wuspot: Don't touch him with your dirty hands! 08/23 21:15

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