※ 引述《banco (Acoustic)》之铭言: : 以下列出前20名, 依 PA/SO 的比例递减排列 : ==选手挑选条件== : 在大联盟 debut 日期在 1970-01-01 之後, 并且超过 7000 个 PA 者 : ==附注== : PA: AB+BB+HBP+SH+SF : XX/SO High: 最佳一年的 AB/SO 和 PA/SO 我只有一个感想: 这果然跟选球能力没什麽关系 LARRY BOWA? OZZIE GUILLEN? The only time Ozzie Guillen EVER walks in baseball is when he walks out of the dugout to argue a call. Larry Bowa usually walks when he walks out of the dugout to pull Eric Milton after he's been bitchslapped by a barrage of dingers Still, some excellent OBP guys on that list, Gwynn, Boggs, Brett, Larkin : AB PA SO AB/SO PA/SO AB/SO PA/SO BB/SO : High High : ============================================================================ : Tony Gwynn 9288 10232 434 21.4009 23.5760 35.6667 38.4667 1.8203 : Ozzie Smith 9396 10778 589 15.9525 18.2988 30.2778 33.5000 1.8200 : Don Mattingly 7003 7721 444 15.7725 17.3896 21.0333 23.1000 1.3243 : Larry Bowa 8418 9103 569 14.7944 15.9982 21.1765 23.0000 0.8330 : Mark Grace 8065 9290 642 12.5623 14.4704 18.5625 22.1786 1.6745 : Bill Madlock 6594 7372 510 12.9294 14.4549 19.7083 22.0833 1.1863 : Wade Boggs 9180 10740 745 12.3221 14.4161 17.1765 21.1471 1.8953 : Willie Randolph 8018 9462 675 11.8785 14.0178 17.9600 21.7200 1.8415 : Ozzie Guillen 6686 7133 511 13.0841 13.9589 20.4167 21.9583 0.4677 : Bob Boone 7245 8148 608 11.9161 13.4013 20.6429 23.5000 1.0905 : Steve Sax 6940 7632 584 11.8836 13.0685 19.8333 21.5000 0.9521 : Buddy Bell 8995 10009 776 11.5915 12.8982 18.0000 21.0000 1.0773 : George Brett 10349 11624 908 11.3976 12.8018 23.5000 26.1250 1.2070 : Tony Fernandez 7911 8793 784 10.0906 11.2156 17.0000 19.0000 0.8801 : Omar Vizquel 8387 9548 852 9.8439 11.2066 12.9048 14.8333 0.9871 : Barry Larkin 7937 9057 817 9.7148 11.0857 24.5000 27.1667 1.1493 : Alfredo Griffin 6780 7330 664 10.2108 11.0392 12.6970 13.3636 0.5090 : Carney Lansford 7158 7905 719 9.9555 10.9944 22.0400 24.6400 0.7691 : B.J. Surhoff 8258 9106 839 9.8427 10.8534 15.3030 17.0000 0.7628 : Alan Trammell 8288 9375 874 9.4828 10.7265 25.5000 30.0000 0.9725 : ============================================================================ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: IronChef 来自: (03/02 21:31)
1F:推 eigawa:ICHIRO也很难被三振因为他会把好球碰进场内...而不是被保送 03/02 22:27
2F:→ eigawa:所以说选球能力不能单看三振吧 03/02 22:28
3F:→ banco:Bowa跟Guillen应该也是属於把球碰进场内居多, 不等球 03/02 22:41
4F:推 mightymouse:容不容易被三振跟选球本来就没有绝对的关系 03/02 23:02

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