2. Chin-Hui Tsao, rhp Age: 21. B-T: R-R. Ht.: 6-2. Wt.: 170. Signed: Taiwan, 1999. Signed by: Tim Ireland. Background: Tsao was the Rockies’ first significant signee from Asia, getting a $2.2 million bonus in 1999. He was the South Atlantic League's pitcher of the year in his 2000 pro debut, but had Tommy John surgery in 2001 and missed the first half of last season. While sidelined, Tsao worked on learning English and making other cultural adjustments. He made a solid return in 2002, though he wa shut down with forearm tightness late in the year. 背景: Taso是Rockies第一个从亚洲签来的球员,花了2.2m的签约金在1999年 00年在South Atlantic League职业出登版 不过在由於Tommy John surgery的影响,他错失了01球季和02的上半季 从旁观者的角度来看,曹锦辉在学习英文和适应文化 他有个非常Soild的成绩,但是由於肩膀的影响,他在球季後段又休息了一下 Strengths: Tsao still shows a plus fastball, reaching 91-96 mph last year. His changeup is excellent, and he showed his pitching aptitude in quickly mastering the pitch. His hard slider is a quality pitch as well. Tsao has considerable poise, in part from being Taiwan’s ace during international competition. 优点: 曹锦辉能投出比平均还高的直球,在去年大多在91~96MPH之间 他的变速球相当优异,而且他迅速掌握了他的投球习性(怪怪的) 他的滑球也是非常的犀利,曹锦辉也有相当的自信 他同是也是台湾在国际赛的ACE Weaknesses: Staying healthy is Tsao’s main challenge. His stuff, command and makeup are beyond reproach. 缺点: 保持健康是他最重要得课题,他的Stuff command和makeup是完美的(??) ^^^^^^ 应该是是球路的欺敌效果吧 The Future: Tsao will open at Colorado’s new Double-A Tulsa affiliate. He figures to move to Triple-A and make his big league debut by the end of the year. He has the stuff to close, but with his variety of pitches he will battle Cook for the eventual No. 1 spot in the rotation. 展望: 曹锦辉明年应该是从AA的Tulsa开始打,也许在球季末,他就可以昇上大联盟 更为多样化的投球使他在将来能打败Cook成为第一号的投手 2002 Club (Class) W L ERA G GS CG SV IP H HR BB SO AVG ════════════════════════════════ Tri-City (A) 0 0 0.00 3 3 0 0 11 6 0 2 16 .150 Salem (A) 4 2 2.09 9 9 0 0 47 34 3 12 45 .204 ════════════════════════════════ -- 翻的很滥,请多见谅 -- Chipper Jones G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB CS OBP SLG AVG 99 157 561 116 181 41 1 45 110 126 94 25 3 .427 .633 .319 Most valuable Player --
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