作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
标题Re: [心得] 为什麽MIT Sloan MBA,只录取一个台湾人?
时间Tue Nov 5 14:27:05 2013
Kevin Chen
[email protected]
Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC (
Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
Princeton University, class of 1994
Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters
Good article with great insights! As an MBA admissions consultant who works
extensively with applicants in Taiwan and around the world to top schools,
I'd like to add some additional observations to the author's well-taken
First, a minor correction - MIT actually accepted two Taiwanese applicants
this year, not one. I know that because I had the pleasure of working with
both applicants. One of them decided to attend MIT; the other, who was also
accepted at Stanford/Harvard/Wharton, chose to go to Stanford. Still, even
having two accepted applicants is a very low number, and the factors that Rod
cited are important reasons for why this number wasn't higher.
On the other hand, another important reason for this low number is that many
well-qualified Taiwan applicants did not apply to MIT. Of the eight Taiwan
applicants I worked with who were accepted to the traditional "Big Three"
(Harvard/Stanford/Wharton), only one of them completed the MIT application -
and she was accepted. Another applicant began her MIT application but ceased
it after she was accepted at Wharton. Of course this is not to say that all
the other H/S/W applicants would have gotten into MIT if they had applied -
it is very faulty logic to assume that "because applicant X got into school
Y, she will definitely get into school Z". However, it is very possible that
at least some of these highly qualified applicants would have gotten into MIT
and therefore increased the total acceptance number. Keep in mind that two
years ago, MIT accepted as many as nine Taiwan applicants, so it's hard to
imagine that the interview skills and international perspectives of Taiwan
applicants could disappear somehow in just two years :)
Lastly, the fact that these H/S/W acceptees did not apply to MIT does NOT
mean that the very top applicants in general do not consider MIT among the
most elite schools; I can say with confidence that they absolutely do. What
happened in Taiwan this year was an aberration. In the same year, many of the
super applicants I worked with in other countries (including the U.S. and
China) did apply to MIT, in addition to H/S/W, and some chose MIT over those
other schools. While "real" school rankings pretty much never change from
year to year (despite the efforts of some magazines and newspapers to make
these rankings, umm, creative and logic-defying for the sake of drumming up
attention), MIT is an exception. The school, its alums and its admissions
office have done a great job in promoting and branding the school such that
realistically, "Big Three" is now "Big Four", and MIT is routinely one of the
top four schools to which the highest-qualified applicants seek admissions.
Hope this helps! Good luck to all the applicants!
Kevin Chen
回覆 · 12 · 赞 · 不再追踪贴文 · 11月1日 10:52
Pierre Wang · Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Who is going to Sloan? I always like meeting new folks.
回覆 · 赞 · 11月1日 11:25
Kevin Chen · Clear Admit-Admissions Consultant
Pierre Wang Good to hear from you Pierre, another one of my proud MIT
admittees! Will email your privately to introduce you to my other clients who
are now at MIT.
回覆 · 赞 · 11月1日 13:17
Michael Fei · 追踪中 · Fei & Cheng Associates 宗迈建筑师事务所员工
Kevin, I am curious if more of the Harvard/Stanford/Wharton people are
applying to MIT in the 2013-2014 application year?
回覆 · 赞 · 11月1日 14:14
Kevin Chen · Clear Admit-Admissions Consultant
Michael Fei Well it's still too early to tell in this new year, but so far in
R1, among my clients, five clients have received interview invites from
Harvard, seven have received invites from Wharton, two have received invites
from Stanford and two have received invites from MIT. But Stanford, MIT and
Wharton will still issue more invites for R1 (HBS has issued all its R1
invites), so the total numbers even for R1 aren't done yet - and keep in mind
interview invites aren't the same as acceptances :) But so far, of the H/S/W
invitees, three have applied to MIT.
回覆 · 赞 · 11月1日 15:18
Kevin Chen · Clear Admit-Admissions Consultant
FYI several additional interview invites just came in - now it's up to four
Stanford invites and eight Wharton invites!
回覆 · 2 · 赞 · 13 小时前
Kevin Chen · Clear Admit-Admissions Consultant
Just to clarify, the above numbers are my client interview invites from
around the world, not just in Taiwan. For Taiwan specifically, it's three HBS
invites, four Wharton invites and one Stanford invite so far :)
回覆 · 赞 · 2 小时前
※ 引述《ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)》之铭言:
: 哈哈我客户们最近跟我讲这篇文章已传到PTT了! 的确是篇好文章,提供了很多宝贵讯息
: . 但还是要澄清一下,去年有两位台湾申请者录取MIT Sloan,不是一位 (一位是指最後
: 选择去念MIT的;还有一位选择去念Stanford). 但当然两位录取者还是很少, 原因除了
: 作者提供的正确分析之外,还有一些其他因素和数据我在文章後面做补充说明,希望有助
: 大家更深入了解!
: Best,
: Kevin
: ---------------------------------
: Kevin Chen
: [email protected]
: Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC (http://www.clearadmit.com/)
: Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
: Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
: Princeton University, class of 1994
: Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters
: ※ 引述《jujubean (lucky star~*)》之铭言:
: : MIT Sloan MBA今年只收了一位台湾人,於是有天下午,
: : 我去找替MBA录取把关25年的Sr. Director of Admission当面聊,
: : 想了解为什麽没有收更多台湾学生?
: : 台湾申请者和国际相较之下有哪些不足?
: : 可以怎麽增强自己的实力?
: : 这篇访谈尽可能忠实呈现多年来在世界各地阅人无数的Mr. Rod Garcia
: : 对台湾人才的看法和建议。希望无论你要找工作,念MBA,或创业,都对你有一点点帮助!
: : 若你觉得这篇文章对你的某个朋友会有帮助,也欢迎转送给他 :)
: : http://womany.net/read/article/3585
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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