Hi OurPeace, this is actually not the first time that Yale has experimented with video interviews - they first did it back in 2011, also with R3 applicants that year. This video interview does NOT replace the one-on-one interview, but is an addition to that traditional interview. In terms of how Yale plans to evaluate applicants in the video interviews, Yale recently has said that they plan to test the "EQ" of their current R3 applicants – please click on the Wall Street Journal article below: Based what Yale said in this article, here are CA's thoughts on Yale's video interview this year: In this year's video interview, R3 applicants are asked three questions on video. After each video question is asked, the applicant will have 10 seconds to think about the answer, and then will have three minutes to deliver a verbal response on video – in other words, a total of nine minutes for the three video questions. The actual questions asked are likely to be based on standard MBA interview-type questions that Yale asked during another round of experimental video interview in R3 in 2011. However, based on the recent Wall Street Journal article on business schools' increasing emphasis on emotional intelligence (EQ), we expect that Yale also will be basing their video interview on research from Yale professor Peter Salovey. Thus, here is some information on Salovey's EQ test: The Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test is fairly straightforward in that it's clear which qualities are considered most desirable. The test measures EQ across four variables, and the more you display competency across those four areas, the higher you score. Below, we have listed definitions of the four branches, used an interpretation from a scoring chart on how the relevant skills are applied, and provided an interpretation for how this might be useful in Yale's interview context. The Four Branches of Emotional Intelligence: Perceiving Emotions is the ability to perceive emotions in oneself and others as well as in objects, art, stories, music, and other stimuli. How this might be used/scored in b-school context: “You need to be aware of your own feelings and emotions so that you have accurate information about the world around you. Being aware of others' emotions is a key to working with people.” Therefore in their video answers, applicants should demonstrate that they have a keen understanding of how to positively channel their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Facilitating Thought is the ability to generate, use, and feel emotion as necessary to communicate feelings or employ them in other cognitive processes. How this might be used/scored in b-school context: “If you stay aware of your emotions, which contain valuable information, and then use them to solve problems, the outcome may be more positive.” Essentially, this is the idea that how we feel influences how we think and that positive feelings generally incite more creative, innovative thinking. So applicants would most likely want to emphasize having a positive attitude and using that positivity to generate an innovative idea. Understanding Emotions is the ability to understand emotional information, to understand how emotions combine and progress through relationship transitions, and to appreciate such emotional meanings. How this might be used/scored in b-school context: “Insight into ourselves, and others, may require emotional knowledge. This knowledge helps us to understand people better.” This idea continues from “perceiving emotions,” meaning that the applicant not only picks up on others’ emotional state, but knows how to interpret what those emotions mean and how they may be affecting others’ work. This component measures the ability to answer questions such as "Why are we feeling anxious; If I say this to my friend, how will he feel; What will happen if I say that to her?”So an applicant should demonstrate the ability to evaluate the outcome of different scenarios based on others' emotional state. Managing Emotions is the ability to be open to feelings, and to modulate them in oneself and others so as to promote personal understanding and growth. How this might be used/scored in b-school context: “If you can find the right balance in managing your emotions, you should be more successful.” This manifests in knowing when emotions contain valuable information that should be taken into account when making decisions versus knowing when it's best to disengage from an emotion and to return to it later in order to manage it effectively. So an applicant would do well to evaluate how an emotional situation should be dealt with, and how best to negotiate such a situation. Hope this helps! Best, Kevin --------------------------------- Kevin Chen [email protected] Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC ( Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005 Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000 Princeton University, class of 1994 Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters ※ 引述《OurPeace (小贝贝)》之铭言: : 今天收到 Yale SOM Round 3 的面试通知 : 但看起来非常奇怪... : Subject: Video Interview for Yale SOM : Greetings from the Yale School of Management! We are in the process of : reviewing your application and are writing to invite you to answer a series : of short video questions as part of the application process. : You will receive an email within the next day from a company called Wowzer, : with whom we are partnering on these video questions. The email will contain : instructions on how to access and answer the video questions. You will just : need an Internet connection and a webcam to complete the questions. : 感觉上是跟机器人面试的样子。 : 是不是我已经被丢进 backup list,所以只能和机器人面试呢? : 好伤心...有人遇过同样状况吗? --

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