Admission: Michigan Ross GMBA 2013 intake R1 Apply: Michigan Ross GMBA, MIT LGO/MBA(on-campus interview), OSU-Fisher(w/ FTF interview) GPA:Graduate: 4.0/4.0; College: 3.75/4.0 Working Experience: * Industry: 4 years in Manufacturing, IT, Automotive; * Job function: Product Manager: product/project management, B2B/B2C pricing strategy, product marketing * 1 year in Cultural Military Service 心得: 申请MBA是条漫长的道路,从进入社会时的懵懂无知到了解自己需的是什麽, 转眼间五年就过去。Self-awareness是我觉得申请过程中最重要的部份。在search学校 跟所有申请开始前,必须要彻底了解自己以及要透过MBA得到什麽,对於後面 why mba, career goal以及种种essay问题才会有一致性的方向。 很庆幸可以遇到顾问David Lee (airturtle23),针对兴趣,性格,专业,能力不停讨论 挖掘下,找出challenge-oriented的个性,搭配工作经验投射出post-MBA的 career goal。这对於self-awareness, passion, frustration, introduce yourself, goal等类型的essay都有很大的帮助。MBA的申请过程与录取後,会认识很多diverse背景 的人,多元化的课程可能反而让自己迷失,所以了解要的是什麽在职涯上更显重要。 除外,也许resume相对於essay可能会被忽略,但个人觉得resume是非常重要的东西。 这部份跟顾问花了超过一个月的时间,改了不下数十次。Resume字字珠玑,只要改变 写法就可以把原本看似平常的经验变成world class的等级(即便不是world class, 也 要是台湾最佳或者业界最佳)。要了解竞争的对手来自世界各地,没有世界级的经验 ,很难跟别人竞争。还有不要妄自菲薄,每个人都有unique的地方,这些都要在resume中 展现出来。 每年各种mba tour,很多学校会在tour之前,请有兴趣的申请者把resume 寄出,如果你在八月前搞定resume,就有机会提前面试给对方好的impression。 而且我後来遇到两次跟Adcom都是blind interview,好的resume才让对方马上了解你 solid的经验。 Interview 经验分享 (Ross, Fisher) Ross 非常注重teamwork,Interview时很注重这点。题目如下: * Why mba? Why now? Career Goal? * How do your friends describe you? * What's your role in a team? * What's your biggest (proudest) accomplishment and how's your team's performance in it? * Give you 20 people, how do you pick up your teammates? (Do NOT pick up by skills) * How's your transition from one work to another? * What's the difference of atmosphere in these companies? * What's your contribution to Ross? * Any questions? Fisher 是Adcom 直接到台湾面试。 Fisher是直接请你寄resume过去,审查後会约面试(那时候连申请都还没丢) 除了几个基本该问的,列几个比较不同的 * what's your passion? Why did you choose these jobs? * you seems to like to take challenges? (他看activities 的时候问的) * how to solve team conflicts? * tell me about your company * economy is not good in US, how do you see yourself finding jobs in US, the chances? 面试建议将walk through resume练熟,然後各题目加以活用,记得多记几个teamwork跟 Leadership的例子。 最後很感谢David Lee,很难想像有顾问可以跟你讨论essay到半夜,强烈推荐。 谢谢今年申请workshop的朋友, Jim, Beck, Leslie, Justin, Josh, Ken …一起share info,一起打气。 谢谢帮助过的各校友以及2011 summit的夥伴: Aimei, Allen, Anita, Eillen, Jacqueline, Jerry, Joe, Joy, Keira, Matt, Vita… R2快到了, 版友们加油。坚持到最後一定会有好的结果。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 merquise:恭喜~~~ 12/27 22:00
2F:推 manchin:You're the man. Congrats again! 12/27 22:34
3F:推 justinkay:Jimmy,good job!! 12/27 23:18
4F:推 imdodoim:Jimmy you rock~ 12/28 00:15
5F:→ surfingdream:楼上是...? 12/28 08:51
6F:推 imdodoim:在等Fisher的Ken XD 12/28 09:18
7F:→ surfingdream:XD.. you will get it! 12/28 10:27
8F:推 ericlin1013:Congrats!! fellow classmate! 01/02 22:14
※ 编辑: surfingdream 来自: (06/21 13:10) ※ 编辑: surfingdream 来自: (12/01 12:13)

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