作者aromatic328 (寻找平衡点)
标题Re: [情报] NYU Stern MBA Coffee Chat in Taipei
时间Tue Jun 19 22:25:33 2012
Dear all,
Thank you for your interest in NYU Stern Coffee Chat.
Sorry to inform you that we have received full registration.
We will take waitlist and keep you posted.
We look forward to seeing you next time.
※ 引述《aromatic328 (寻找平衡点)》之铭言:
: 6/30将举办非官方NYU Stern Coffee Chat,将有目前就读Stern MBA的在校生以及毕业校
: 友分享在校生活、暑期实习以及求职经验,也邀请了今年申请上Stern MBA的新生提供最
: 新的申请过程分享。不要错过让您进一步了解Stern MBA的机会,欢迎报名参加!
: 请至以下连结RSVP,由於活动场地限制故名额有限,请尽速RSVP以免向隅。每次RSVP仅代
: 表一位出席人数,若有多位朋友欲一同参与,请各别RSVP!
: We are looking forward to seeing you, future Sternies!
: 时间: June, 30th, 2012 (Saturday) 2:30 – 4:30 pm
: 地点: 布朗尼咖啡 - 台北市信义区逸仙路42巷3号 (国父纪念馆站4号出口)
: http://goo.gl/maps/jXIw
: 费用: 场地费用每人NT $120,现场将有饮料供应
: RSVP link: http://tinyurl.com/6m7laa2
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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