作者tootoobenee (A级垂耳兔)
标题Fw: [情报] gmat新制题型对学校申请的影响
时间Wed Mar 21 10:54:01 2012
※ [本文转录自 GMAT 看板 #1FQKA5Y1 ]
作者: tootoobenee (A级垂耳兔) 看板: GMAT
标题: [情报] gmat新制题型对学校申请的影响
时间: Wed Mar 21 10:52:46 2012
Moreover, the new IR score will be relatively unimportant in the admissions
process, for at least years. Why? The 200-800 score (together with your
undergrad GPA) is a pretty good predictor of your first-year grades. That’s
why the GMAT exists—to help admissions committees figure out how well you can
handle the academic side of business school. Decades of research support this
use of the 200-800 score.
Now along comes a brand-new section of the GMAT with a separate score. How will
admissions committees use this score? They’ll look at it as just another piece
of data on you—a piece of data that isn’t calibrated, because there’s
absolutely zero history. Right now, it’s impossible to examine the
relationship between IR scores and academic performance in b-school. There’s
just a hypothesis that these things will correlate.
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※ 转录者: tootoobenee (, 时间: 03/21/2012 10:54:01